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Full Metal Alchemist: Blood of the State [PG-VL]

Sir Gawain

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I'm getting confused by the whole thing but will continue to post anyway. We have to give Raze a chance to post, since he only had about two or three this whole time. I'm not discouraging everyone from posting, I'm just saying we need to give everyone else a chance to catch up.

Also, how do you guys feel about secondary characters? Kiba already introduced the Elrics into this, so from now on if anyone wants to they can at any time introduce other characters from the series, real or fictional. Especially since I'm about to spice things up a bit.
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One thing about the catching up, sure I will allow them to catch up. Now about you being confused. Well if I remember correctly you favor the Ishbalians in your bio right sir Gawin. In that case you would know where the bases are. The military needs to capture Ishbalens or people who know where the Ishbalen bases are. And Celia is being tugged along in my most recent post. Te he. Celia is just an innocent person who is being tugged along. Sorry Aura star but you gave me too many ideas on what to do with Celia. Although she really is a caring character.

BTW where do you get your name changed?
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You just PM Dagger. Just ask to have your name changed and put whatever you'd like it to be changed to on there next. Don't chit chat because Dagger won't reply, I know.

Also, because of the possible length of this:

If FMA: Blood of the State actually gets to at least five pages, a second chapter will be started to keep it fresh. I realize that some RPs can survive to up to ten pages and beyond, but this is going to be required to keep people interested. In each chapter there will be a different theme.

Right now, I guess this is chapter one and its theme is mostly about Tai capturing Itsu and the Ishbalin team trying to stop him. I hope that this RP continues and that you'll all rejoin if there is a chapter 2. By the way, Aura Star won't be posting here for awhile so keep Celia going on in your posts.

For now, don't worry about the whole chapter issue. Just enjoy the RP and let me worry about it. Let's try to get this thing moving! And, because South Carolina state law requires me too, you'll all be receiving a complimentary Fruits Basket volume I and an actual fruit basket in the mail. ;)
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  • 2 weeks later...
Please forget the double post rule here, this is important.

In one of my latest posts I included a small mountain village and apparently new characters that would normally entirely change the course of an RP. Do NOT post anything relating to this small town or the people in it. This is a precursor to the second chapter of the Full Metal Alchemist Ishbalin war series. Chapter 2 is called Full Metal Alchemist: Broken Alchemy.

This RP will go up shortly after Blood of the State ends, which should be in either a couple weeks or a couple days, depending on the post rate. I've asked digix to help me with several details, but the basic idea is set. Loyal posters (?), er, Role Players, your character does not have to end at Blood of the State. Everyone's character in Blood of the State will be featured in Broken Alcehmy, but I hope that new members will join in as well.

The basic story for Broken Alchemy is that a small band of travellers (yes, the travellers will all know each other) are trying to create a philosopher's stone and will sell it to the highest bidder. But they each carry a secret. They were all exposed to radical amounts of red water (used to make the stone) and can each bypass certain laws of alchemy. Basically, if you choose to play as one of the travellers, you will be able to use an entirely different blend of alchemy than everyone else.

Of course, the Blood of the State storyline will still be continuing on with Tai, Celia, Kyoske, Damon, Isis, Itsu, and Michael figuring out how they'll fight in the war. I'm sorry to say it, but for progress's sake, if no conclusion is met before June 30, then Blood of the State will officially close, but will still continue in its second chapter. I hope this makes sense.
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in my most recent post I mentioned a girl it like gawins last post is mine is a intro to a part of the next story which I am helping gawin make up as he said do not post about this girl or you might ruin my plans for Broken Alchemy I hope y'all like what me and gawin cook up
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