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Ambitious project for animation

Guest MasterYoda389

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Guest MasterYoda389
I've been going on many sites and forums to deliver a message to the many who love anime. This message was originally posted on DeviantART in the"projects" section.

--->I'll start ahead by saying that I am quite an ambitious person and I want to do something with others that may have felt similar.

There will be no financial gain whatsoever from this but im sure it might be a pleasant experience.

My friend and I have decided to start an animation project on our techspeak forum which is at : [[COLOR=Red]Link Removed[/COLOR]]
However we are short on people and require experience as well. I am simply asking if any of you young artists , who specialize in manga , can share a great deal of time with us . I believe that if enough people join us we could all share our experience with each other and teach one another. I mean , wouldn't it be great if we could start our own anime series? It doesn't have to be great at first , in time teamwork always improves , does it not? Even if this may sound rather dreamy or even stupid to you , I really believe it is possible to do anything with enough devotion.

Anyone is welcomed to help or ask questions.
I sure hope this will turn out to become a great project , one that lasts long enough for us to become partners in the future.

Thank you for reading.
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[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Welcome to OtakuBoards [B]MasterYoda389[/B],

Just a friendly reminder that reading the Rules and FAQ located on the left side of the forum is a must for all new members. Upon re-reading such rules you will find that threads such as this which only advertise another site are strictly not allowed. So in addition to closing this thread I have removed the links you provided. If you wish to advertise your site in your signature that is acceptable so long as the link does not go to any adult material that would also violate the site guidelines. Another reason why understanding the rules is so important. If you have any questions feel free to pm myself or another member of the staff. ~indifference

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