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Silver One


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It had broken Daniel's heart when he had told Sara what had happened. And he understood all too well her anger and despair as they were powerless to do anything about Jason and Celestia. It had also broken his heart when he had informed her that she could not come with them. For not to long after the fall of the base, William had sent him a message explaining that he needed to talk to him immediately. What he had to tell him was not good.

William had found out that the High Council had ordered Kiva to bring both of them to sector one and even with the limited scanning he had left Daniel had been able to determine that the Transcendence as well as the Tempest had already left Earth. And in addition to that William had also learned that in about a week both the Creator and the Conqueror would also be returning to sector one.

Once the two flagships left William would be able to come and pick him and a few select others up. And then they would head for sector one as well. It was why Sara and Glen could not come. Since the attacks in several sectors the High Council had stepped up security in sector one, scanning everyone who entered the area, looking for modified humans or other members of the lessor races. They were taking no chances. And though the scans were not enough to identify someone, they were enough to determine if one was a Versilan or not. And unlike the military they would not have the clearance to skip being scanned.

There just wasn't a way for them to slip both Sara and Glen in. Sara had been furious, but Glen had simply accepted it. But then Daniel had been working with Glen, training him to take over should the need be required. And even though they had to be left behind for now, it wouldn't last forever, even if they couldn't do anything in sector one, there was no reason why later, once things had calmed down that they couldn't go to other sectors. But even though they weren't scanning people in other areas, the security was still high. They would be much safer on Earth.

In the end, Daniel had finally left the safe house, transporting down to the storage facility to give Sara time to cool off. It was hard enough knowing that they had taken his only daughter along with Jason. He didn't want to argue with Sara. There was too much to do. William had sent him the details of a fake persona that he would be assuming once he arrived. While they were traveling to sector one, the ships doctor would be permanently altering his hair color as well as slightly modifying his facial features. Enabling him to move around without fear of being recognized. But more importantly, he had to get the information for his new persona down pat, to make sure that he was the person listed. He would have the same first name of Daniel, but other than that, nothing would be the same.

Daniel also had to finish preparing everything on Earth for when he and some of the other Versilans left. Even though there wasn't much planned for continuing operations here, he still had to make sure that they were well hidden. Especially Sara since she still had a pretty hefty bounty on her head. Though once he and others escaped he knew perfectly well that the military would assume she had gone with them. Daniel finished making some notes in his hand held computer. Doing his best to not think about Jason and Celestia since he knew perfectly well that their trip to sector one would be far from pleasant.
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[COLOR=DarkRed]Crystal was trying to figure out just what the High Council wanted her to verify. It wasn't like she didn't have plenty of time to do so while she was on her way to sector one. There just wasn't much to be done as far as operations on the ship went and she had already issued a fair amount of free time to crew for them to do as they wished during the trip. She could and did work on the research notes for what was being done in sector fourteen. But even that had it's limits since she had to wait for them to implement her suggestions and then send her the results to go over before starting yet another cycle of tests and research.

The one thing that did annoy her a bit was that the High Council had contacted her directly. She hated it when they did that, since they only did so when they were making it clear she was to obey orders regardless of what she was doing. It annoyed her because she knew they were right. Crystal was stubborn and if she didn't trust that Stevens would do as he said in regards to the better equipment, direct contact or not she would have made an issue out of it.

She had been arguing with them for over fifty years about providing better medical facilities for the lesser races and Crystal knew perfectly well that some of the Council members liked to alter things behind her back. Most of them did not, but a few did. And it always had her wanting to throw her hands up in disgust and walk away and vanish. If not for her strong sense of duty when it came to providing medical care, she would have left service in the military long ago and vanished.

With a sigh she closed the report on the remains she had worked on before. Crystal had gone over all the data yet again, looking for something that she might have missed. But she got the exact same results as before. Making it even more obvious that there was something else they had not sent her. [I]I wish those fools had just sent everything at once.[/I] She thought with irritation. [I]There's no need for me to go to sector one.[/I] Though part of her knew why, after all the better facilities and labs were located there.

She got up and left her quarters to go and talk to the ships doctor, Alex. If nothing else, it would probably be a good idea to review the health of the crew while in route for sector one. And doing so would give her something constructive to do. [/COLOR]
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[color=darkslateblue]"Interesting," Daego said when Jason was finished. "I suppose you could be lying, but what you said does fit with what I already know. And I have seen how skilled you two are, so I suppose it all checks out. I would, however, like to hear more about this 'Sliver One' program."[/color]
[color=#483d8b]"There's nothing more to say," Jason said. "It was just a game. I already told you that Celestia didn't know of the similarities to reality when she designed it."[/color]
[color=#483d8b]"Yes, but I'd still like to hear more. How is the game set up? What tactics do the invaders use? How is the invasio carried out? Basically, I want you do describe the game to me in detail. Now, please begin."[/color]
[color=#483d8b]"Well, it does fit with millitary protocall," Kiva said. "That's definitely how the millitary conducts invasions. The technology is accurate, as well. I can only assume that the knowledge wasn't completely erased from Celestia's mind. What was lost seems to be the connection to reality. Without that, the knowledge must have seemed to be the product of her imagination. She had it, but she didn't know it was real."[/color]
[color=#483d8b]"Interesting," Daego said. "I wonder if we could get a copy of this program?"[/color]
[color=#483d8b]"Well, we can try. We might be able to get it from the High Council. I'd certainly love to have a copy. Jason and Celestia seem to be the technological brains of the Resistance. Understanding their programming style would help me crack the Resistance's systems,and games aren't exactly highly-encrypted programs. I'll have to request a copy when we reach sector 1."[/color]
[color=#483d8b]"We're ready to send," Kiva said. "Give us the destination."[/color]
[color=#483d8b]The [i]Transcendence[/i] had arrived in sector 1 and had passed through standard security without problems. A Council vessel, the [i]Arbiter[/i], had moved into orbit alongside the [i]Transcendence[/i]. This vessel was there to receive Jason and Celestia. When the vessel send the proper codes, Kiva opened a transport door. Daego, who was at their cell, ordered them to enter it, and they complied.[/color]
[color=#483d8b]"Okay, we've got them," the [i]Arbiter[/i]'s pilot said.[/color]
[color=#483d8b]"Confirmed," Kiva said. "Will their be anything else?"[/color]
[color=#483d8b]"Yes. Have you reached a decision in regards to Kim?"[/color]
[color=#483d8b]Upon arrival in sector 1, Kiva and Daego had received a transmission in regards to Kim. They'd been asked if they intended to keep her. Kiva and Daego had decided that she would no longer be of much use. Daego'd goten everything out of her that he'd be able to, and with the bases on Earth destroyed, Kim's knowledge of the Resistance's operation there was no longer useful.[/color]
[color=#483d8b]"We no longer have need of her," Kiva said. "Should we send her to you?"[/color]
[color=#483d8b]"Okay," Kiva said. She contacted Daego. "Daego, the [i]Arbiter[/i] wants Kim, too. Make sure she goes through." She opened a door in Kim's cell, and before long she'd gone through.[/color]
[color=#483d8b]"All right, we've got her," the [i]Arbiter [/i]replied. "Dock at station 3, hanger B. Upon proper securing of your ship, your time off will begin."[/color]
[color=#483d8b]"Understood," Kiva said. "[i]Transcendence [/i]out."[/color]
[color=#483d8b]As Kiva and Daego had exceeded expectations, they had been given a week's vacation. This came on top of the regular leave time, and unlike standard leave, this would be a paid vacation. Daego planned to spend his time on the main world, while Kiva was going to spend her time on Reflection. She'd always wanted to visit the place, but it was just too expensive. But with the bounty for Jason and Celestia, paying for the trip would be no problem at all.[/color]
[color=#483d8b]After docking and securing the [i]Transcendence[/i], Kiva and Daego exited the ship. "Well, I guess this is where we split up," Kiva said.[/color]
[color=#483d8b]Daego nodded. "Yeah. Well, I'll see you in a week, then."[/color]
[color=#483d8b]"Yeah, see you then," Kivca said. She and Daego went their seperate ways. They'd return to the [i]Transcendence[/i] in a week, but until then, they'd just enjoy their break.[/color]
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It had taken over a week after Jared had left his quarters for Darren to finally work up the courage to approach Sandra. He did not know what had happened but when Jared and approached him that day and calmly talked about forming alliances he did not care for, and about how even Stevens merely took what he wanted. Something Darren had heard about. He had collapsed. Shaken to the core by the look in Jared's eyes as well as his response to Darren's question as to how he or Stevens could force others. When Jared had calmly said it was because they enjoyed it, for a moment he honestly thought that the one thing he had feared all this time was going to happen. That Jared would do as he pleased.

But he had turned and left, but not before informing him that he would be in charge of his security when they arrived in sector one. It was something he did not understand since he knew perfectly well that there was internal security just for that sort of thing. So why would they put Jared in charge instead? Darren wanted to talk to Sandra, but with all that was going on she was far to busy. But now that they were on their way to sector one, he had finally gotten up the nerve to ask to talk to her. Even if it was humiliating, he had to know why they had put Jared in charge. Darren did not want Jared in charge of [I]anything[/I].

With a sigh he approached the side conference room to the Creator, entering once the doors opened to find Sandra waiting for him, she waved, indicating for him to take a seat before speaking.

"[B]What is it that I can help you with?[/B]" She asked him once he had sat down.

Darren decided to be blunt. "[B]I want to know why Jared is in charge of my security when we arrive in sector one when there is internal security already in place for such a task.[/B]"

"[B]You don't know?[/B]" Sandra asked him surprised.

"[B]Know what?[/B]" Darren asked, clearly confused.

"[B]Aside from the fact that you are considered far to young for the position, regardless of your skill. Not by the High Council of course, but there are quite a few people especially those who have been around for quite some time, who are very put out that you were chosen to replace the previous shipping expert. You have been on Earth so you have not seen or been affected by all the formal protests from others who felt that they should have gotten it instead of you.[/B]"

"[B]It's not like I wanted it.[/B]" Darren protested.

"[B]They do not know that, and even if they did they wouldn't believe it. But what does matter is that their protests were officially denied as being irrelevant. As a result you have quite a few enemies who have been trying to get some of their own people into the internal security forces for the sole purpose of having you assassinated when you arrive in sector one.[/B]"

Darren paled, "[B]What about Kerstin?[/B]"

"[B]Jared has already seen to her security. I assure you, no one will be bothering her. And so far we haven't even seen any indication that they will. Still it is in your best interest to have Jared in charge since due to his reputation, it sends a clear message that any move against you will not be tolerated. Just as assigning the Elite Specialist to recover you did as well. The High Council would have done so anyway, but that too sends a clear message that to harm you would incur the wrath of the High Council.[/B]" Sandra paused for a moment. "[B]Even we have our limits when it comes to simply looking the other way.[/B]"

Darren looked away, "[B]I see. I had no idea. I mean I expected to have others hate me, but after exposing the three merchant companies I figured it would be them not others who wanted the position.[/B]"

"[B]They had no love for you either. However, in light of the attacks and their profiteering, the people love you far more than they do the shipping companies. In that respect you are quite popular. Making it harder for them to gain any support against you. If we were to actually allow the people to decide, after what has happened, there is no doubt in my mind that they would choose you.[/B]"

Darren laughed a bit bitterly, "[B]Lovely, those in power hate my guts and the regular person doesn't.[/B]" He sighed. "[B]I guess so long as Kerstin is safe, it doesn't really matter who is in charge of the security.[/B]" He paused looking at Sandra wondering if he should ask her other questions as well and then changed his mind.

He got up and bowed respectfully to Sandra, "[B]Thank you for taking the time to clear that up for me.[/B]"

"[B]You're welcome, remember Darren I told you before that you can come to me with questions, that's still true.[/B]"

Darren nodded and left, heading back towards his quarters. For now it seemed he would still be stuck having to deal with Jared. He just wished he knew for how long. He sighed to himself, and then once he was back at his quarters he got back to work. Even if he was no longer at Earth, there was still a lot of things that required his attention.
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[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Jason had been relieved that the man interrogating both him and Celestia had believed him, but it had surprised him when he had insisted on knowing all about the program Silver One. Sandra and Jared, other than to insist it was a military program had never asked for the details of the game. But then at the time, they had already hacked into Celestia's systems and gotten a copy. So they already knew what was in it. And it was their refusal to accept that it was but a game that had resulted in their interrogations being so unpleasant when they had first been captured.

But now they were somewhere else, Jason had his suspicions, but he couldn't be sure. Even though their interrogator had lots of questions for them, he hadn't told them anything. Even when they were transfered elsewhere via transport door, other than to be there to order them to go through, he never once offered any information as to who he was or what ship they were on.

Though Jason was sure that he and Celestia had been on the Transcendence. His guess was that the new cell they had been transfered to was in sector one and if that were true, the only ship fast enough to have gotten here as quickly as it did would have to be a messenger ship. Other military vessels would have taken longer. In the end it didn't matter. Knowing wouldn't change the fact that they both were prisoners. He leaned back against the wall from his position of sitting on the bed in the cell, resisting the urge to bang his head on the wall behind him.

Even though she had handed leadership of the resistance over to William, there were still far to many things that needed to be done. She was confident that William would do a good job but at the same time she was sad. It was looking like she would not live long enough to see any real changes. Though all that had happened in the past two years had resulted in a quite a bit of support for the resistance.

She carefully shifted in the specially padded chair in her living quarters on sector one that had been made just for her, with easy access to her computer terminal and hand held computer since sitting at a regular desk was just to damn painful. She may have little time left but it didn't mean she couldn't take care of some things, especially after both Jason and Celestia had been captured and brought to sector one.

Losing both of them was really going to hurt and now that they were here she knew just what to do to make their loss less terrible. She had originally planned on simply allowing William to slowly release the information she had given him, but now, especially since she was dying, she was going to take a different route. But to do that, she needed to speak to Kiva Salqarian. She could have just sent her an encrypted message, but that was not her style and could be easily intercepted.

She already knew what Kiva's next assignment would be once her time off was over. And once she left she would lose the chance to speak with her. And realistically, using her position to speak to the one responsible for catching the two most wanted criminals would be expected since even with her disease she was still keeping up with things and even on occasion handling them as well. There was also the issue that bringing Kiva to her would mean she could use one of the locations for meetings that was free of any surveillance or recording devices, making it even more ideal since there would be no record of what was said and again, use of such things especially in regards to Jason and Celestia was expected.

Once things were exposed, talking to Kiva would look like a move on her part to gather information for the resistance, and she was doing other things to make that a fact. Because in the end it was why she was doing it since she had another idea in mind that hopefully would work out. They would have no reason to think that she had met with her for another reason as well. And even then once the others knew who she was, they would learn nothing from her. It was rather ironic that the disease she was dying from would also protect those of the resistance. In her condition. Torture or drugs will kill her. They would not be able to force information from her like they had done to so many others. She finished what she was reading and then called her aid to her side.

"[B]What is it my lady?[/B]" He asked her.

"[B]I require a meeting with Kiva Salqarian. She will only be here in sector one for a week before heading out so arranging a meeting with her is to take priority over any other arrangements.[/B]"

"[B]Did you wish to meet with her crew as well?[/B]"

"[B]No. Also since this will be classified, make sure that a secure room is cleared for the meeting as well.[/B]"

"[B]I'll see to it at once my lady,[/B]" He said before bowing and leaving.

She waited until he was gone to lean back into her chair again. In the past she would have simply done all of that herself, but lately, she just didn't have the energy for all that needed to be done. A soft chime from her workstation reminded her that it was time for yet another treatment. With a grimace she got up. As much as she hated the treatments, she couldn't afford to die just yet. [/COLOR]
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[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]It would still take them a while to reach sector one, even with the clearance that military vessels had allowing them to simply pass through a sector unchallenged wouldn't make things that much quicker. Though by now Sandra was sure that the Transcendence had already arrived. Though the Tempest would still be on it's way. Still they would be there soon enough and at least the view in her quarters as they traveled was quite impressive. It was a pity she had no one to share it with. Not that she was lonely, but unlike Stevens and Jared, she did not jump in and out of bed with just anyone. Even if it was meaningless and only meant as a passing moment of pleasure. Sandra was, to her annoyance, a bit outdated in that respect. Sandra wanted more than that, but she was too use to being in charge and though the outdated notion that men were more capable had never been much of an issue among her people. The idea of sharing power was and both men and women were equally reluctant to be in a more equal relationship.

But that was what bored her. Sandra liked the challenge of making a more balanced relationship work. She didn't want to be submissive or to be in charge. Sandra wanted someone who challenged her as she challenged them. She liked things that required effort since in the end they were far more rewarding. Sandra laughed at herself as she stood there watching the view of space as they traveled. It had been a while since she reflected on her lack of involvement with someone else. [I]I wonder why I'm even thinking about this?[/I] She wondered.

Maybe it was because even though she did find Jared attractive, she was not the type to throw herself at anyone. Or perhaps it was because knowing that Stevens and Jared were entertaining themselves, it reminded her that the betrothal between her and Stevens was empty and meaningless, a political tool and nothing else. When she wanted more than that. Even if she had a lover, they would never share the same power that she did, even if it was another member of the High Council. It would not be the same.

There was something else that was bothering her too, an odd feeling that she had not been able to track down. And that was frustrating her as well. Because the last time she had felt like this it had been due to developing feelings for someone. And that also irritated her. Sandra sighed. For all their technological advances, when it came to caring for others they were in some ways every bit as primitive as the humans from Earth were. She laughed at the idea. Well not quite [I]that[/I] bad.

About the only good thing was she had finally gotten a handle on her irritation with Stevens. Sandra was still disgusted by him, but by doing those small things required for his position, he had quit making such a nuisance of himself. It was amazing what a simple bow of respect, even if one did not truly mean it, would do. Though she got the feeling that later he would make an issue of things. [I]It's a pity I can't drug him and let him simply think he got what he wanted,[/I] she thought with a sigh. Though if she was lucky he would forget that he had told her he would have her one day.

Once again she sighed, at least she would not have to carry their child. Even if most Versilan's considered carrying their child to term a special occasion, she had no intention of doing so. She did not want to feel connected to it at all. Then she sighed again.[I] I'll be glad when we get to sector one[/I], she thought. Since to much free time always had her thinking about things she would rather forget.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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It was strange to look at his reflection in a mirror and to see someone else looking back. Once Daniel was on board William's ship the doctor had immediately made minor modifications, changing his brown hair to a dark red as well as removing the treatment he had on his eyes so now he had silver eyes once more. Even his voice had been slightly altered, giving it a deeper tone. The other changes to make his facial features different were equally as strange. With hair that went partially down his back and the fancy outfit that only the wealthy wore, he felt like an idiot. At least no one would recognize him. Hell! Daniel didn't recognize himself! With everything that had been done, it would take a complete genetic test to identify just who he was.

Daniel just shook his head and left the restroom in his quarters. It was a pity that he could not have done the same for Sara or Glen. They could change how they looked, but not what they were. Even if simple scans did not identify who you were, they did identify what you were and there was not getting around the fact that they were from Earth and not a member of the Versilan race. It still bothered him that he had been required to leave them behind, especially Sara. Daniel put it aside as he headed for the conference room just off the bridge. In a few weeks they would be arriving in sector one. Infiltrating the area in an attempt to not only gather information but to see if it was possible to retrieve both Jason and Celestia.

He entered the conference room, William already seated and waiting. But as he took a seat Daniel wondered why they were even going. He just didn't see a way for them to be able to do anything. Security was unbelievably high and just getting into the area was a risk.[I] I hope William knows what he's doing[/I] he thought.

"[B]Daniel,[/B]" William said the moment he had sat down, "[B]Before we get started, there's something you should know. I just got an update as to what's going on in sector one. I'm sorry, but Kim's scheduled to be executed in two days. Long before we will arrive.[/B]"

Daniel didn't even bother to hide the tears.

"[B]I'm so sorry[/B]." William said once again.

Angrily Daniel brushed the tears aside, "[B]Don't be, she knew the risk when she joined.[/B]"

William nodded. "[B]Anyway, I am sorry if it sounds cold, but we don't have much time and there's a lot to go over before we arrive in sector one. For starters you've told me that you've already gone over the information of your new identity. So I want you to repeat everything to me right now.[/B]"

Daniel did as he asked, reciting everything he had learned and then answered questions when William proceeded to grill him on the knowledge. After a couple of hours they were finally finished. Making Daniel feel as if he had been run though a marathon. Then when they were finally done William moved on to the next part.

"[B]Now, I'm sure you've been wondering just where we will be staying. It's simple, I've arranged for both you and I to be staying on Reflection.[/B]"

"[B]What?[/B]" Daniel asked. "[B]How can we possibly afford that?[/B]"

William smiled, "[B]We can't. But my alternate identity can. I've been setting one up with a William who is an investor, one who coincidentally got lucky, making him wealthy. I've been careful to keep the money from that venture clear of any resistance involvement.[/B]" He cleared his throat and continued. "[B]But now that lucky investor is searching for a wife, one to share his wealth with and you, his long lost best friend are being dragged to Reflection with him while he pursues the perfect woman.[/B]"

Daniel groaned. "[B]Tell me your kidding.[/B]" Giving William an irritated glance when he laughed at him. "[B]I'm serious. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.[/B]"

"[B]Of course it is, but then the wealthy are pretty ridiculous at times. Reflection has always been a spot where idiots gather, thinking that the atmosphere somehow makes finding one's dreams possible. The place is loaded with idiots and you and I will fit right in.[/B]"

Daniel just groaned again. "[B]I thought it was mostly an artist community.[/B]"

"[B]It's that too, artists from all over travel there to study, just as there is a thriving tourist flow as well as idiots with more money than they know what to do with. But most importantly is there is a thread of politics there, as quite a few officials from the home world like to socialize on Reflection. Attending the elaborate social functions since many of those fools, including members of the High Council, enjoy flaunting their power.[/B]"

"[B]So that's why you have me dressed like a complete fool.[/B]" Daniel finally said.

"[B]Exactly, since we will be attending those social functions, and believe me, I already have agents working there, you'd be surprised at the information one can get on Reflection. Anyway, that brings us to the next part of preparing.[/B]"

"[B]And that would be?[/B]" Daniel asked, clearly confused.

William laughed. "[B]Teaching you how to behave like one who is wealthy, you're far to honest and blunt. Trust me, you've got a lot to learn.[/B]"

Daniel just stifled another groan as William started again. This time on all the silly social behaviors among the wealthy. As well as all the manners for things like eating, dancing and more stupid rules than Daniel would have thought possible. [I]Good grief[/I], he thought, [I]and I thought some of the wealthy on Earth were idiots. They don't even come close![/I]
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[COLOR=DarkRed]Crystal would be glad when they finally reached sector one. It had reached the point where there was nothing to do other than basic duties. It had her wishing that the Tempest was as fast as a Messenger ship. They had left the same day but she was sure that the Transcendence was already there.

It was good for the crew since it was a much needed break after all the hard work they had put in, but for her it was tedious, she had no new medical updates to read and some of the messages she wouldn't get until they dropped back out of hyper space in sector one. Crystal was not use to having time off, and after being held prisoner by the resistance, she had discovered that she didn't like having time off. She liked being busy. Though given a chance she'd probably visit Reflection, but then she had always been fascinated by it's strange construction.

Still at least a part of it was open to transport where one could visit for a few hours. And once they got there she would see that the crew got the chance to do so. It was strictly regulated, but Crystal was sure they would be in sector one long enough for everyone to get to at least pay a short visit. Including herself. She might even drag Alex along for the trip.

Crystal put it out of her mind as she finished writing up the rotation of who could go and in what order once they arrived. She would wait until she got it cleared to tell the crew about the short visits to Reflection. Since with the increase in security, it was possible that short leaves for the military had been canceled and she hated telling someone they could do something only to later find out that they couldn't.

She shut down her computer workstation and got up, stretching as she did so. Only to yawn. It was amazing how having little to do could still leave one tired at the end of the day. She thought about searching for other things that needed to be done and changed her mind. Crystal decided to it would be nicer to simply take a nice relaxing bath and then changing into some soft pajamas. Which she did. Then when Crystal was finished she fixed some of that fruit drink she was fond of before curling up on her sofa to read a novel while she sipped on the drink.

And then she did something she hadn't for quite some time. Read something purely for fun, in this case a fictional novel from Earth. They had the strangest notions about space and traveling among the stars and she had discovered that despite the absurd nature of the novels, that some of them were actually enjoyable to read. [/COLOR]
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[color=darkslateblue]Kiva'd spent her first day on Reflection doing some basic sightseeing. She'd returned to her room at the hotel briefly before heading down to the place's resturant for dinner. She checked for messages, and was suprised to find two waiting for her. The first one she'd expected. It was from Daego, in responce to the message she'd sent that morning. She'd simply told Daego that she'd arrived, and she'd described the, as she put it, 'exessive fanciness' of the hotel. Yes, it was an expensive place, but Kiva still found it a bit ridiculous. Daego agreed with her. He was staying at a much more moderate hotel. It was still a nice place, but not nearly as exessive as the one Kiva was at.[/color]
[color=#483d8b]It was the second message that surprised Kiva. This message was from Erika Kendrick, which was a name Kiva immediately recognized. Erica was on the High Council. She was very ill, so she hadn't participated in any actual Council sessions recently, but she was still very much an active member of the High Council.[/color]
[color=#483d8b]The subject of Erica's message didn't really surprise Kiva. Erica wanted to meet with Kiva in person, in regards to Jason and Celestia. This kind of thing was standard when a highly wanted individual was captured, and Jason and Celestia certainly qualified for that. Kiva'd expected a meeting with a Councilor, but not until her vacation was over. But it turned out that Erica was currently at her estate on Reflection, so she'd probably learned that Kiva would be spending her vacation on Reflection and decided that this was a good opportunity to meet with her.[/color]
[color=#483d8b]Included in the message was a list of times when Erica was able to meet with Kiva. Kiva could choose which one to take. She saw that one slot was just that evening. [i]Well, why not? Might as well make this a dinner meeting.[/i] She replied, saying that she'd take that slot. She then got directions to the estate, made sure she was dressed properly, then set out.[/color]
[color=#483d8b]As Kiva was led into the room, she saw that Erika was there waiting for her, and the food had already been served. "Hello, Kiva," Erika said. She remained seated, and Kiva took her seat. The man who'd escorded her in exited the room, closing the door behind him.[/color]
[color=#483d8b]"Thir room is completely secure," Erica said. "There's no surveilance in here, and with the entrance sealed, it's soundproof."[/color]
[color=#483d8b]Kiva'd expected this. Councilors were almost always under survielance, but they all had places that were truly private. Meetings such as this one often took place in such areas, especially unofficial meetings such as this one. That way, there would be no official record, so all parties could speak their minds without worrying that it might come back to haunt them.[/color]
[color=#483d8b]"[i]Hekalu matac-er kamas sil[/i]," Erica said.[/color]
[color=#483d8b]Kiva was stunned. The phrase Erica had said did have a meaning; the words were from an old Versilan language. However, the phrase's true meaning was much different, and hearing Erica say it took Kiva completely by surprise. She did, however, know how to reply, which she did basically automatically. "[i]Kalma erastu simik li gerufe.[/i]" She and Erika continued exchanging phrases for almost a minute, until the full sequence had been completed.[/color]
[color=#483d8b]There were times when Resistance leaders wanted to meet with agents in person. For such occasions, a complex verbal code was used for both people to verify their identities. It was unlikely that the Empire would ever manage to learn a complete set, and even if they did, each agent had a unique set, so it would be of only limited use. Kiva and Erika had exchanged Kiva's set of codes.[/color]
[color=#483d8b]"Okay, this is a surprise," Kiva said when the exchange was finished. "Shit, and I thought I'd made it pretty high up in the Empire."[/color]
[color=#483d8b]"Yes, it could be said that I'm in a somewhat higher position," Erica said, "but having one in your position is still very useful. For example, even I didn't know what the third research project in sector 14 was until I got your information from William."[/color]
[color=#483d8b]Kiva picked up the implication in that last sentence. "So, William's not the head of the Resistance, then. I suspected as much. His name's know by too many people in the Resistance, so I thought there was someone else."[/color]
[color=#483d8b]Erica nodded. "Correct. Leading the Resistance has been my role. Has been, actually. Thanks to this illness, I can no longer fill that role. I passed it on to William recently. I know it's a risk, but I will be taking measures to lessen the risk."[/color]
[color=#483d8b]Kiva didn't ask what these measures were. She didn't need to know, and it was an unnecessary risk to give an agent unneeded information. "So, I assume the real reason you wanted to meet with me has to do with my role as a resistance agent," she said.[/color]
[color=#483d8b]"Correct," Erika said. "We'll discuss Jason and Celestia later, when we're once again our Imperial selves. For now, our focus will be on something different."[/color]

OOC: Take it from here, SunfallE.
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[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Erica was pleased that Kiva had answered her request for a meeting so quickly, but then vacation or not Kiva always took care of her duties, it was part of what made her such an excellent Imperial agent as well as a highly successful Resistance agent. And Erica intended to keep it that way since once she was gone, having Kiva in her position was going to be essential to the Resistance's continued survival if what she had in mind did not work out.

"[B]I'll get straight to the point, I called you here to discuss your next mission. Once you are done with your vacation here on Reflection you will be assigned to track down just how the Resistance got a hold of the explosives that were used in the attack in sector seven. You're not suppose to know of this yet so there's no need for me to explain the details since you will be briefed before you head to sector seven.

What you do need to know is that though William carried out the attack, it was I who obtained the clearance codes allowing him to transport the explosives to the facility as well as obtaining the explosives that were used. Or rather I made sure another agent had the necessary information in order to get those codes. I turned the explosives and the codes over to William so that I would not be in sector seven at the time of the attack.[/B]"

Erica paused for a moment and then continued, she didn't expect a response from Kiva just yet and Kiva was waiting patiently since it was obvious Erica was not finished.

"[B]I have made sure that all traces that could have lead to me were erased, but now during your investigation I want you to correct that. I want you to put those traces back. I am sure that for you it will be possible, since I know that your skills are more than up to the task.

And it's even possible that you would have found the traces anyway, since you are also good at finding stuff that was supposedly removed. Something that you might have fixed to protect my identity, since arranging the attack required risks that I normally do not take. [/B]"

Erica then to Kiva's surprise gave her some information, telling her to commit it to memory, something that Kiva quickly did, reciting it back to her word for word.

"[B]Now I realize what giving you that information will do, and the inherent dangers to the Resistance should that be known. But at the same time it is necessary. Losing both Jason and Celestia is going be a serious set back and we need something more shocking to counter it.

Exposing who I am is irrelevant since I am sure you have realized that my illness will protect the knowledge I posses. When the time comes, torture or drugs will not be an option. The only information the High Council will get is what I chose to reveal.[/B]" Erica finished, waiting patiently for Kiva to respond.

"[B]Are you sure about this.[/B]" Kiva finally asked her.

"[B]I am, I have already informed William of my intent. Now before we move on to discussing Jason and Celestia, do you have any questions or concerns? It may not be possible for me to contact you again as I do not want to risk jeopardizing your position.[/B]"

Erica leaned back a bit and waiting patiently for Kiva to respond, after all it wasn't every day one was asked to do what she had just asked. It was one thing to expose Erica, but the other information she had given Kiva would be equally if not more shocking as well. Creating a ripple that would be, if she was lucky, even more disturbing than when the research in sector fourteen had been exposed. She continued to wait patiently, for Kiva to respond. [/COLOR]


[B]OOC:[/B] Take it from here Takuya.
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Kerstin was so excited that she felt like she was going to burst! Darren was already on his way to sector one, he was due to arrive in a couple of weeks. She had already finished the portrait for him and had started on another one, not of him of course, but of someone else. And she couldn't wait to show it off to Darren and get his opinion of it. Everything was turning out so beautifully. The Resistance had been dealt with on Earth, the rest of their family had been cut off, something that after dealing with their stupidity for years was a big relief. Kerstin had grown weary of her father's stupidity. And Kerstin had gotten to do what she had dreamed of. Studying under some of the best artists on Reflection. Something that would not have been possible with out her brother Darren since even her income, though fairly impressive had not been enough to afford living on Reflection.

But what really had her happy was knowing that she would get to drag Darren all over the place like they use to do when they were kids. She really missed that once he took over his father's company and started working. And then even more so when in the past ten years they sort of lost contact. Not intentionally of course, it just happened. She had so much to talk with him about. Kerstin set her tools down and started cleaning up for the day. It was late and she was getting a tiny bit tired. She finished up and then went and cleaned up, washing off the paint that had gotten on her hands as well as changing into some comfortable blue pants and a plain blue shirt.

Then once she was done she headed for the cafeteria area of the university dorms. Even though she had a small area for preparing food, she often preferred to simply get some since Kerstin hated cooking. Besides those who were learning the culinary arts often worked in the cafeteria in order to better hone their arts and sometimes what they fixed for the day was simply divine. Even with her income and the reducing living rate and cost of attending the university, she could not really afford to eat out at the lavish restaurants on Reflection, at least not every often. Though she did have plenty of suitors who seemed to be more than happy to take her out to dinner.

There were certainly plenty of wealthy fools running around on Reflection for all sorts of reasons, many of them with more money than they could ever spend. Though she had to be careful with that as often many of them expected more than her company for dinner. And the idea that buying her dinner meant she had to sleep with them was something Kerstin found irritating. She was an artist and if her company was not enough that was just too bad. She would rather starve than let some of those fools touch her. So now more often than not she rarely went out with anyone. Not that she was a prude, no, it was more that she was a bit more picky when it came to sex or rather just who she would have it with. Kerstin sighed a bit as she entered the cafeteria.[I] So many boys and so few men. [/I]She thought to herself. And then giggled a bit at the idea.

A moment later after finding some wonderful seafood that had been made, she quickly picked up some dishes and got them to go, taking them back to her room, since some of those boys she had just been thinking about had entered the cafeteria area. The very last thing she wanted to do was have to endure their company while she had her dinner. Kerstin pretended to not see them waving at her and then quickly made an exit, running to catch the elevator that would take her to the top floor where her room was. Then she took it out on the balcony and set things up at the small table and chairs there. The breeze as always was pleasant, just as the beautiful view from her balcony was as well. Making for a wonderful and very relaxing dinner. She would have to invite Darren up here for dinner. It would be the perfect spot for them to catch up on what the other one had been up to.
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[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Jared decided that he would wait until they arrived in sector one to inform Darren that he would not be staying in the usual quarters set aside for the shipping expert for the High Council. Even though the location was close to where the High Council resided and had excellent security, he was concerned that those who had protested Darren being made the shipping expert were a serious problem. For them to go so far as to try to get their own people into the internal security forces made letting Darren stay on the home world too risky. Especially since their sole intent was to assassinate Darren. And Darren unlike others who moved in the higher social circles, did not have the connections nor the understanding of what to do to protect himself from such attempts. He was far to new to the game.

Which was why the High Council had assigned him the task of not only protecting Darren but of tracking down those who were attempting to find a way to do him in. The changes Darren had made, as well as making it simple for the top executives of the three major shipping companies to be tried for treason, made him too valuable to lose carelessly to an assassination. From the royalties that Darren did not accept to helping cut down on illegal smuggling, to the recent ending of the profiteering going on due to the attacks. No single shipping expert had ever had such a profound impact on the economy of the Versilan empire.

Jared wondered if Darren realized just how much money he had saved both the High Council and the military. Money that those who were corrupt were angry about since they felt like they had been cheated. It didn't matter to them that they were cheating the people or the government, some of the fools were unbelievably arrogant when it came to thinking they had a right to 'cheat' others. And once they arrived in sector one, Jared would make sure those who thought they could assassinate Darren would regret it. And ironically Darren's popularity with the regular people would make that task easier since a fair amount of those who would kill for money were not interested in such a high profile target.

It still would be hard enough though. Since there were plenty of people, including Darren's own father who didn't care about the consequences. Blindly believing that eliminating Darren would somehow return things to how they were before. The fools failed to realize that to do so they would have to take over the High Council since the new protocols were there to stay. Even if Darren was gone, nothing would change. And that was something that the High Council had told him directly when they gave him the assignment. So in the end the petty disagreements and stupidity was pointless.

Taking care of things was going to be fun since the High Council had already issued him the authority to deal with those who were involved. Jared smiled, it would be interesting to see what he uncovered as well as seeing their reaction when they realized that they had gone too far. In his opinion it was time to clean out some of the more corrupt politicians. It would only take a couple of examples to make the others realize that they had been far from smart. They should have taken the dismissal of their protests against Darren more seriously.

In a way Jared was glad to have the files on those that were under suspicion. Using transport doors while in hyper space was not possible and until they arrived in sector one he could not visit the Conqueror, even though they were traveling together. So though he could speak to Stevens, they were for the moment unable to get together. And Jared liked to be busy. If he didn't have work to do then he always found some way to amuse himself. And without the work to be done, Darren would have been an irresistible temptation. But instead he had been focusing on making sure to go over the files completely.

Jared smiled a bit, once he got to sector one there would be plenty to do. Between tracking down those responsible for attempting to get into position to kill Darren, to keeping on top of the security for Kerstin, even if she wasn't targeted, once they realized they couldn't get to Darren that would change. To spending time with Stevens to tormenting Darren... Jared would be anything but bored when they arrived in sector one. It would actually be quite a bit of fun and on top of that he was looking forward to meeting Kerstin. After keeping her informed and dealing with her. Jared found her rather carefree and forward manner entertaining. If nothing else it would be interesting to see just how Darren reacted to him talking to her. Jared smiled again. Being in sector one was definitely going to be fun. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Celestia and Jason weren?t kept waiting for very long. They had only just settled down on the bed in the new cell when the door opened to admit what could only be a security team. All five of them dressed in uniforms of silver and grey. It was easy to tell which one was in charge since his outfit was far fancier than the other four. Without hesitation they entered the cell, two of them immediately taking up a position to guard them, their weapons drawn, a sight, that on some level had Celestia wanting to laugh hysterically since her and Jason were essentially helpless.

The one leading them stayed back while the other two came forward and tossed two bundles they were carrying to both Jason and Celestia before stepping back and joining the others who were keeping watch. Bundles that by their feel were most likely clothing of some sort.

?[B]Get changed immediately,[/B]? the one leading them stated. ?[B]Everything that came with you stays here.[/B]?

Celestia started to protest and changed her mind, instead she opened the bundle and pulled out the plain non descript blue clothing and slip on shoes and simply did as she was told, changing as quickly as possible. But when it came to the necklace she was wearing with her ring she hesitated. The other man had said nothing about it. But when she let go without removing it the expression of the one facing them changed.

?[B]I said everything,[/B]? He reminded her.

?[B]Why? It?s not a weapon.[/B]? Celestia protested. Reluctant to part with the ring Jason had given her.

With a small sigh he stepped forward, reached up and simply grabbed the necklace and yanked, breaking the chain before letting go and dropping it on the floor. He grabbed Celestia when she reached to pick it up. Stopping her.

?[B]I?ve been ordered to exercise a certain amount of leniency with you two, but if you continue to disregard my orders I?ll be anything but kind.[/B]? He said coldly before releasing Celestia and stepping back. He motioned to the two who had been carrying the bundle.

?[B]Now, I?ve been told that the two of you are familiar with what these are,[/B]? He said as the other two fastened disruptor restraints on them.

Celestia and Jason just nodded. They remembered them all to well from when they were on board the Crimson, they didn?t restrict movement, but they limited where you could go since unauthorized areas would result in them being activated, and though they weren?t as powerful as the disruptors use for interrogations, they were still effective. She did her best to hold back the tears as they fastened one around her neck and then one on each wrist and ankle.

?[B]Good, now for the moment, these are designed to activate if you are more than ten of your Earth meters from where I am. Though make no mistake, should either of you misbehave I?ll activate them immediately, is that clear?[/B]?

Once they both nodded again he pulled out a tiny communicator and contacted someone, issuing a set of lengthy codes a moment later a transport door opened and he immediately entered, followed by Jason and Celestia who were followed by the other four security guards.

[SIZE=1]Copyright [URL=http://www.dylancolestudio.com/][COLOR=RoyalBlue][U][B] Dylan Cole @Dylan Cole Studio[/B][/U][/COLOR][/URL] [/SIZE][/CENTER]

The area they stepped into was absolutely massive. Built out of elaborate stone with ceilings so high one almost couldn't see them. There was a huge waterfall flowing down behind what was obviously a permanent location for a transport door to be opened. A door that as soon as all of them were through closed. Leaving the view of the water flowing on the other side in place of where the door had been.

Another man was there waiting for them, obviously impatient. "[B]It's about time Elite Commander Dakar, the High Council does not like to be kept waiting.[/B]" He turned and began to walk briskly down the huge hallway. Passing many branches that went off in other directions.

"[B]Then next time tell the High Council to give me more warning, instead of expecting things done yesterday.[/B]" Dakar shot back.

"[B]You can take that up with the Council Elite Commander Dakar,[/B]" the fussy man said as the approached a set of massive doors that started to open. "[B]Now if you'll excuse me I have other duties to attend to.[/B]" And with a bow he turned and went back the way they had just come.

"[B]I will.[/B]" Dakar said as the other man left. Then he turned to Celestia and Jason. "[B]Being allowed to actually meet the High Council is a privilege that inferior races are usually not permitted. So I expect both of you to behave. I'm sure I don't have to tell you what will happen if you don't.[/B]" He said as he held up the device that would activate the disruptor restraints.

"[B]Good.[/B]" He said when they both nodded. Then he turned and entered with them right behind him.

Celestia instinctively moved closer to Jason, reaching out and taking his left hand in her right one. She had been curious to visit sector one some day. But not like this. She did her best to hold back the tears as she followed the Commander into the huge room where the others were waiting. [/COLOR]
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[color=darkslateblue][i]Well, so much for not needing to know[/i], Kiva thought. It was clear that Erica's plan to expose herself was how she would divert attention from William. Kiva'd wondered if this would happen, but she never thought she'd be the one to do it. But she understood why she had to do it, and she didn't have anyquestions. "No, I've got all the information I need," she said.[/color]
[color=#483d8b]"Good," Erica said. "In that case, this discussion is over. Let's get to the official reason for this meeting."[/color]
[color=#483d8b]Kiva nodded, returning to her Imperal self. "Nothing was unusual in the capture of Jason and Celestia. We just got lucky. Thanks to the power surge from the drone, the base had warning a few minutes in advance. However, it seems that when our drones blew, the security doors were triggered. It looked like Jason and Celestia were trapped by the doors. Upon investigation, it was determined that a drone blew the security relays. This is what triggered the doors, and it also prevented their release. With no other option, Jason and Celestia retreates the the command center. They presumably intended to open an escape route, but we moved in and were able to cut them off. They then moved into the conference room where we found them, deleted the contents of their handhelds, and remained there until we found them.[/color]
[color=#483d8b]"Now, while in transit from sector 13, Daego was able to get some information from them. He spent much of the time exploring the details of the program Silver One, which I understand was what drew the Council's attention to them in the first place. I would like to request that a copy of this program be sent to the [i]Transcendence[/i]. Such a program wouldn't have any real security, so it'd be easy to take apart and examine. And since Jason and Celestia seem to be behind most of the Resistance's programming, any knowledge I can get of their styles would be very useful."[/color]
[color=#483d8b]Erika nodded. "I think I can do that."[/color]
[color=#483d8b]The discussion continued, with Erica asking various questions and Kiva answering them in detail. There wasn't a single mention of the Resistance; neither of them were in their Resistance roles. Kiva was an Elite Speciallist, and Erica was an inactive member of the High Council.[/color]
[color=#483d8b]After the meeting, Kiva left Erica's estate and returned to the hotel. She picked out a couple activities for the next day, then got herself ready for bed and promptly went to sleep.[/color]
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Daniel did his best to not think about it, but he found that he couldn't help it. If what William had told him was true, Kim like so many others was now dead. In just one year, as a Commander in the Resistance he had lost more personal than he ever did in the ten years he had served as a Commander in the military. It was hard, Daniel did not like losing those who were under his command. It was his job to see to their safety. Even though he knew he had done what he could, he still felt like he failed them. Irritated he set the enhanced learning program William had given him aside. Even though he needed to learn all the mannerism of the wealthy he found that at the moment he'd rather strangle the self important fools. Carrying on without a care in the world or even bothered by the billions of enslaved people that made their wealth possible.

But what had Daniel really stumped was that he was sure he knew who William was, or rather who he had been before he joined the resistance. But no matter how hard he tried he couldn't seem to remember. Part of him was sure it was because he most likely had a different name, but the way William held himself, and the way he did things was somehow familiar. Daniel knew better than to pry though, since even indirect questions were simply ignored by William. If nothing else, he was a master at avoiding any question that might shed light on just who he really was. And in the end Daniel didn't need to know. And if there was one thing he had learned, in the resistance, if you didn't need to know, you weren't told.

He pulled out the locket that he always wore, opening it to look at the picture of his mother. Wondering if he should put one of Kim in there as well, though in the end he knew he would not. There wasn't a locket big enough to hold all the pictures of loved ones who had lost their lives to the cruelty and stupidity of his own people. Or rather that of the High Council. Daniel wondered just where they went wrong. He had studied history and in the beginning, they had been nothing like they were now.

His own people had been at war, separated into ten factions. When it became obvious that they were about to cause their own extinction they finally made peace, selecting a member from those who ruled each faction to represent them in a High Council or as they were often referred to back then a High Command. From that day forward things had only gotten better.

But then somehow the idea that other races were inferior was introduced, and after convincing the rest of the people that it was true they started taking over other worlds. For thousands of years this held true. It was slow at first but in the last couple of century's that had become more prevalent as they swiftly moved to enslave races that were starting to develop space travel and other technology.

Daniel sighed as he closed the locket and tucked it back underneath his tunic. Dwelling on how it happened wouldn't change that it had happened. After all, even he had never questioned the High Council. He had felt they were a bit to hard on resistance members, but other than that he had been content as well. Until his father had died and it had been learned that not only was he a resistance member but his father as well. Daniel hadn't known that Nathan was his father or that he was a member of the resistance but Jared had found out quickly enough when he investigated Nathan.

He reached over and grabbed his hand held computer with the enhanced program on it and started working on it again. He didn't want to think about what had happened when Nathan had been discovered. Or about what Jared had done to both him and his mother. Determined to put it out of mind, at least for the moment, he went back to studying the information William had given him.
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[COLOR=DarkRed]Crystal was on the bridge when they arrived in sector one. They had already passed the security for that sector but now they would need to issue the necessary clearance codes in order to enter orbit around the home world. She already had the codes ready to transmit upon request. The main screen was on, showing that they were still traveling in hyper space, then a moment later the computer automatically dropped them back into normal space, the view immediately shifting to one showing the home world as well as the moons orbiting it on the main viewer.

"[B]We've emerged into real space Commander, the current fleet is requesting our clearance codes.[/B]" Her second in command stated.

Crystal sent the codes. A moment later the screen came to life as the officer handling security in that sector answered. "[B]Welcome home Tempest. Your authorization checks out. I am sending you the coordinates of where you will be required to maintain the Tempest in orbit during your stay here. Also, your request for short leave on Reflection for your crew has been approved Commander Crystal. You may begin by sending the first group at 0700 tomorrow.[/B]" She finished.

"[B]Thank you.[/B]" Crystal replied. "[B]Tempest out.[/B]"

Once the screen had switched back to one of the home world as the Tempest followed the flight path given to them and then took it's place in orbit around the planet, Crystal's second in command turned to face her.

"[B]You got us time off to spend at Reflection?[/B]" He asked.

"[B]Correct,[/B]" Crystal stated, "[B]Though I did not mention it since it was possible that with heightened security that the request would be denied. Now that it's been approved I will send you the list to post for the crew.[/B]"

"[B]Thank you Crystal.[/B]" He said. "[B]They'll enjoy the time off. What about yourself? Are you going?[/B]"

"[B]Maybe later, but for now I have other duties to attend to on sector one. In addition to the schedule for time off I will be including one for you and and the rest of the officers when it comes to being in command of the Tempest while I am not here.[/B]"

"[B]Then I take it we'll just be doing as the rest of the fleet does, guarding this sector.[/B]" He asked her.

"[B]Correct, you'll be sharing patrols of this area with the rest of the fleet.[/B]" Crystal replied.

He laughed, "[B]Well at least it won't be dangerous like the patrols on Earth were. A bit boring perhaps, but I'll be sure to keep them on their toes with drills from time to time.[/B]"

"[B]You do that,[/B]" Crystal said. "[B]I on the other hand need to go and gather my things and head down to the planet.[/B]" She got up and left the bridge to head for her quarters, pulling out her hand held computer and pulling up the list of those who would be allowed short leave. As well as the one for rotating the officers who would be in charge. She took a moment to forward them to her second in command and then she issued the request for her ship to be included in the daily checks in the area. Once that was done she shut it down and entered her quarters.

As much as she hated to, she switched to a fancier form of uniform, still in the green of the military though hers still had the symbol of the medical office woven into it. She hated the more stiff and more elaborate uniform, but if for any reason she ended up needing to speak to a Council member it would be expected. Then another moment to gather anything she would need and she left her quarters to head for the transport room.

She nodded to the technician there and then pulled out her hand held computer and contacted the High Council. A representative or rather secretary answered her call almost immediately.

"[B]Greetings Commander Crystal, we've been expecting you. Please send me the necessary clearance codes so I can open a transport door at your location.[/B]" The man said.

Crystal sent the codes immediately and then waited for him to check them.

"[B]Very good Commander,[/B]" He said even as a door opened in front of Crystal. "[B]Someone will be waiting to escort you, also should you have any questions please be sure to contact me immediately.[/B]"

"[B]I'll be sure to do that[/B]" Crystal said as she ended the transmission and then stepped through the door. As promised there was a fussy man waiting for her at the huge hallway she had transported to. It had been a while since she had seen the massive and elaborate hallway in the High Council building. Or the massive waterfall that flowed down behind the location for the transport door.

"[B]This way if you please Commander.[/B]" The fussy man said even as he turned to head down the enormous hallway. With out hesitation he took the first left passage they came too. Choosing the next direction and then the next, the sounds of others going about their business could clearly be heard, even when Crystal could not see them. Then after passing through several security stops he finally left her with a bow.

Crystal turned to face the final set of doors to the High Council's main laboratory. With a sigh she moved forward and opened them. It had been a very long time since she had been here. A moment later she was inside and without hesitation she immediately went to join the researcher who was waiting for her. Now she would finally find out what the High Council had not sent her when they asked her to check the genetic remains from the attack in sector seven. [/COLOR]
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Just one more week and they would be in sector one. At first Darren had been excited about it, eager to move to the quarters that were already in place for the shipping expert for the High Council. But the more he thought about it, the more he began to wonder. If what Sandra said was true, and he couldn't think of any reason for her to lie, the security for that was handled by the internal security force. And that was the very force that she had said that those who wanted him dead were attempting to use to get to him. If it were him, Darren knew that he would never risk letting some be guarded by the very force that had been comprised. It was a thought he did not like. Since the more he considered that line of reasoning, the more convinced he became that Jared would insist he stay on the Creator.

Sandra had already confirmed that they would be staying in sector one for some time. She hadn't given him the full details but she and Stevens apparently had their own work that needed to be done. So in the end Darren was convinced that Jared would indeed make him stay on board. It would be the most effective way to protect him. Even those who objected to him would find it extremely difficult to get someone into the military on the Creator. It took years if not decades of service to be promoted to a position on a flagship. So the chances of them having someone already on board was slim.

Darren did his best to not sigh. Unless he was mistaken he was still going to be stuck on the Creator. After all opening a transport door to where his office would be would be far safer than transporting him around on the home world. As well as transporting him to Kerstin, or simply having her transport to where he was located. Darren frowned a bit. Knowing Jared, he was probably waiting until the last moment to tell him since he enjoyed doing things that upset him. Well this was one time that it wouldn't work. Well, not that he wouldn't be upset, only that it wouldn't be a surprise.

It was a shame he couldn't talk to Kerstin. Even though one could communicate in hyper space it was limited at the moment to military transmissions only. So he would have to wait until they actually arrived to contact her. And even then there would be stuff that the Creator would be doing when they arrived that would take priority over any personal communications. Still it was only a week. Darren smiled a bit as he watched the view from his quarters, no matter what happened, he was really looking forward to seeing her. Even if she hadn't changed as far as physical appearance went, they had a lot of catching up to do. And he still hadn't looked up the type of art that she did for a living.

Darren turned and went over to his computer terminal and pulled up the information. In no time at all he was looking over the work she had done. He had known that she liked to paint, but had no idea that she was that talented. He took a moment to get up and go and fix himself a drink, then drink in tow, he returned and continued looking through her portfolio.
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[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Erica continued with what she always did, getting the treatments she needed and then doing as much as possible before needing to quit for the day. When she had met William in sector seven she had been able to do more, but just as her personal doctor had warned her, with each month that went by she found that her ability to do things decreased. At this rate in another six to eight months she wouldn't be able to do anything at all. But then the doctor had said she had about a year and it had already been nearly four months since she found out about her illness.

With a sigh she carefully went out onto the upper balcony on her estate on Reflection where she could sit down and at least pretend she was comfortable. And at least the view was calming and rather beautiful to look at as the sun set. In just a day or two, Kiva would be returning to duty and heading for sector seven. It was right next to sector one which was a good thing. If she had needed to travel further, it would waste time that Erica didn't have anymore.

And though she had told her what she needed to get started, Erica had still left things out. Kiva would find out soon enough what she had not told her. Giving her too much information could have backfired. The investigation had to be as complete as possible. What Erica had given her was merely the key to unlock the rest. Something that she was sure Kiva would do.

Erica pulled out her hand held computer and opened it up. She had a lot to do since originally she had planned on taking her secret to the grave. But after both Jason and Celestia had been captured she had decided on bringing everything to the open. It would accomplish quite a bit. Not only would it shock those of the High Council, but the people as well since she would make sure it was made public. It would also have the dual effect of drawing attention away from William. They wouldn't forget him and they would still wonder, but right now the High Council was convinced he was the leader of the resistance so to learn just how mistaken they were would make them question if their other information was correct.

And finally, it would make Kiva's position more secure since once she was gone, she would be one of the highest placed resistance members in the Versilan Empire. There were others of course, but none as high as Erica was. They weren't Elite Specialists, but they were high enough. Erica finished making some notes and then closed her hand held down. In an odd way she was looking forward to seeing her fellow Council members shocked faces when they realized that it was she who had led the resistance all this time.

Elite Commander Dakar had warned both Celestia and Jason about behaving while in the presence of the High Council. But in the end, the warning had not been necessary. Celestia as well as Jason had in the end been far to intimidated by them. Celestia in particular, clinging to Jason and trembling a bit as they faced so many cold and unfriendly faces. Later Jason commented offhandedly that it had felt like being in a zoo where everyone came to point at the exhibit, trapped behind the glass. And Celestia had agreed with him.

It had been horrible since within a very short time it was obvious that they had no intention of really talking to them, it was more of a curiosity to see the members of an inferior race who had written so many programs, programs that their own scientists had struggled to finish. Many of them from when they had been on the Crimson, they didn't even know what they were for.

Then they had assigned Elite Commander Dakar to oversee both their interrogations as well as the security for when they would be transfered to some research lab. One that once they were done and Elite Commander Dakar had taken them elsewhere, he had told them was the High Council's personal facility and that failure to cooperate would not be tolerated. As well as foolish attempts to get around the security since they would be working on the computers in the lab. He had been quite clear when he had put both of them in what appeared to be quarters for the scientists who worked in sector one that he expected total obedience. Though their quarters had been modified so that like the cells they were locked in and the workstations had been disconnected.

Though the quarters that Celestia and Jason were in were far more comfy that she would have expected. Celestia had been expecting a cell as well as being finally separated from Jason. But so far they were still keeping them together. Even for the interrogations since Dakar had been going over everything that had happened since the resistance had rescued them in the first place.

Celestia sighed as she unconsciously toyed with the disruptor restraints. Since other than their quarters and when they were with Elite Commander Dakar, no where else was authorized, even if she managed to somehow open the door to their quarters, until they got the damn restraints off they were trapped. She looked around at the quarters from the vantage point of sitting on the sofa in the main room. Even if it was comfortable it was still a prison. She looked up as Jason came over to join her. Leaning into him as he sat down and put his right arm across her shoulders. If only the security doors hadn't been triggered when the base had been attacked. Then both of them wouldn't be in this mess. [/COLOR]
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[SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo]Since they would be working together in sector one, both Jared and Sandra were going over the plans for when they arrived. Sandra had already given Darren a list of the required functions that he had to attend so that he would be prepared for them. Normally Sandra found such things distasteful, even though politically they were expected, but in this case by following through it would again be making it clear that the High Council's decision in promoting Darren to the shipping expert position was final.

"[B]You're sure you want to do this?[/B]" Jared asked Sandra. "[B]I know how much you hate attending any type of social function. Especially when it's nothing more than a bunch of pompous fools showing off their power and authority. And I'm positive that Darren has no interest either.[/B]"

"[B]I'm quite sure. As much as I find such functions distasteful, if we are to end the ripples of discontent we must be clear in our support of the newest shipping expert.[/B]" Sandra grimaced. "[B]As much as I'd rather gut each and everyone of them, many of them in spite of being stuck up jackasses have nothing to do with the few who are causing trouble. And frankly, this isn't the first time that they've tried to undermine the Council's authority so replacing them is long overdue.[/B]"

"[B]I agree, many of them have become too comfortable with the power they wield, believing themselves to be above it when they are not.[/B]" Jared leaned back in the chair across from Sandra's desk in her quarters and continued with a mischievous grin. "[B]But what has me surprised is that you are actually willing to wear formal dress for a candidate for the High Council [I]and[/I] be Darren's escort to show support.[/B]"

Jared paused dramatically, "[B]And here I remember you telling me that the day you were expected to wear that outfit was the day you told the Council just where they could shove it. I had no idea that there was someone who you would wear it for.[/B]" He teased her, laughing when she blushed a bit.

"[B]Jared![/B]" She sputtered. "[B]That's not why...I...[/B]" She glared at him a bit before laughing as well. "[B]That's not why I agreed to do it and you know it. A number of the politicians have been getting out of hand for quite sometime now and even if,[/B]" she gave Jared a stern glance, "[B]the Council hadn't asked me to take Darren under my wing so to speak while he settles in, I would have willingly worn that damn outfit to put an end to some of the nonsense they've been up to lately.[/B]"

Jared just grinned. "[B]I know, but seeing that I can tell you actually do like Darren, from a professional standpoint,[/B]" he said with a wink, "[B]I just had to remind you of what you told me when you first became a candidate and saw the dress. Your language was pretty colorful if I remember correctly.[/B]"

Sandra turned and looked at the view of space as they traveled since it was quite different when they were in hyper space. "[B]I know[/B]" she finally said. "[B]But that was because I had no intention of wearing it to attend a function with Stevens.[/B]" She did not like the way it was made. It was a beautiful dress in silver and blue, with shimmering blue silk that glittered with bits of silver. But the front with the low neckline made seeing down the dress too easy and Stevens was a pervert. She knew perfectly well where his eyes would be during a dance. She turned back to Jared.

"[B]But that's irrelevant. I won't be going with Stevens. He may be at some of the functions but I won't be required to deal with him and though you will be there, you are more interested in Darren so dealing with you won't be an issue either.[/B]"

"[B]True, as much as I do on some level admire women who are beautiful, it's more like appreciating art than thinking about whether or not to ask them to dance. Besides, I'll be responsible for the security so I won't be paying much attention to the other stuff going on.[/B]" Jared sat up straight again.

"[B]Well now that we are clear on that. I'll get to work on arranging the security for the list of functions you gave me that the two of you will be attending. And since I assume that Kerstin will be attending, I will see to her security as well.[/B]"

"[B]You assume correctly. You will need to check out her escort as well and if she doesn't have one, I'm sure that you can take care of that duty, after all, since she's a woman. She won't be a distraction for you.[/B]" Sandra teased.

Jared just laughed. "[B]Of course not, but seeing her with me will be a horrible distraction for Darren.[/B]"

Sandra frowned a bit. "[B]I hadn't thought of that.[/B]" She shrugged. "[B]Oh well, it can't be helped. Their safety is more important than whether or not it might bother Darren if you escort his sister.[/B]"

Jared got up, "[B]I agree. Now if there's nothing else Sandra, I'll get started on selecting the teams for the security.[/B]" He bowed and then left her quarters. In a way he hoped that Kerstin's escort didn't pass security. It would definitely be fun to see how Darren reacted to him escorting her. Jared smiled to himself as he headed towards his quarters. All the stuff that would be going on in sector one was definitely going to be fun.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[color=#483d8b]Daego was not having a relaxing vacation. It was physically relaxing, but mentally, it was a far different story. He'd always been somewhat conflicted, ever since that day... had it really been five years since then? Five years ago, the Resistance had attempted to recruit him. He knew why they'd chosen him, of course; his views matched those of the Resistance, and he didn't exactly keep them private. The Resistance would have known that he agreed with them. But he'd refused. He'd reported the contact immediately, but as usual the Resistance had been careful not to reveal anything that could be used against them. Daego didn't even get a clear look at the man. Hell, he didn't even know for certain that it had been a man. It'd sounded like a man's voice, but that could've been faked.[/color]

[color=#483d8b]Daego'd refused to join the Resistance because even though he agreed with their ideals, he dissagreed with their goals. Daego saw the Resistance as idealists. They were working towards an ideal society, but Daego was enough of a realist to understand that such a society would never happen. Sure, the lesser races were resctricted to the point of oppression, but they had to be controlled, and currently, that was the only practical and effective method, although the research in sector 14 could change that.[/color]

[color=#483d8b]There were good and bad sides to pretty much everything. Daego knew that the objective of the second project in sector 14 was to develop a way to subdue the lesser races, so that it would no longer be necessary to forcibly oppress them. He was in favor of this, but he considered the bad side of the research to be too large a price. The potential existed for a complete mental rewrite-mind control, basically. The ability to make anyone think or do anything. This potential scared Daego, because he knew that if the technology existed, it would be misuesed. Technology was always misused, and a mind alteration interface would be, too. It would be only a matter of time.[/color]
[color=#483d8b]Daego was not going to join the Resistance, not yet. He thought they were wrong, even though they shared the same ideals. However, he knew that the Empire wasn't perfect. He simply didn't know what to do. He didn't want to just sit back and let something like the mind alteration recearch happen, but there wasn't anything he could do. Not even the Resistance exposing the research had worked, although Daego had to admit that they didn't do the best job of it. To do it properly, the exposure would have to include details the Resistance hadn't had. Also, the Resistance was an easily discredited source. An individual was also easily discredited, which Daego had to admit to himself was really the only reason he hadn't already exposed the information. If he thought he could effectively expose it, he'd do so even at his own expence, but he just didn't have a workable method. If he saw an opportunity, he would take it, but he didn't consider such an opportunity to be likely to present itself.[/color]
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[COLOR=#DAA520]It had only been a week since they had been brought to sector one, but to Jason it felt like an eternity. He sat up in the bed, careful to not wake Celestia who was still sleeping since according to the display in the room, Commander Dakar would not be arriving for at least another hour so there was no reason to wake her when she could sleep a little longer first. Celestia was not taking things very well and it worried Jason since it was obvious to him that she was horribly stressed.

Jason laughed softly at the absurdity of the situation, how could she not be stressed? It was taking everything he had to keep from breaking down himself. Every single moment he worried about when they would finally separate them. After all he had been registered as being Jared's property. It was only a matter of time until he was sent to him. Jason lifted his arms and looked at the disruptor restraints. They looked like harmless gaudy jewelry since they appeared to be thick metal bands instead of powerful disruptor's. He knew better though, he still remembered what happened the last time when he had been on the Crimson, when the guards had mistakenly left him in a room that wasn't cleared and they had activated, nearly killing him since he had not been genetically modified yet.

With a sigh he lowered his arms and leaned back against the wall. If not for their advance medical technology he would have been crippled for life, but Crystal had repaired the damage to his nerves. As well as eventually modifying both him and Celestia. Jason looked at the display again and carefully got out of bed to change into the plain blue clothing that they were required to wear. Then he sat back down and reached over and gently shook Celestia to wake her up.

"[B]Go away,[/B]" Celestia mumbled before turning away from Jason.

He moved further onto the bed and reached out to shake her left shoulder. "[B]It's time to get ready Celestia.[/B]"

"[B]I don't care,[/B]" she replied, a hint of irritation creeping into her voice. "[B]Besides, I'm too tired.[/B]"

"[B]Please Celestia, Dakar won't care that your tired.[/B]"

Celestia let out a half sob of irritation before trying to get up only to fall to the floor in the process.

"[B]Celestia![/B]" Jason quickly climbed over and reached out to help her back into a sitting position on the bed.

"[B]See?[/B]" She said as he helped her. "[B]I'm so tired that I'm dizzy.[/B]"

"[B]Hell! You're more than tired! You're burning up![/B]" Jason helped her lie back down and covered her with the blanket. "[B]Stay put while I go and contact Dakar.[/B]"

Celestia just mumbled and closed her eyes. Not caring what was going on while Jason left for a few minutes and then came back to sit next her on the bed. All she cared was that she was tired and wanted to sleep. Part of her wanted to feel upset or alarmed but she couldn't think clearly. And a moment later it didn't matter as she was asleep again.

Jason waited for Dakar to show up since he had sounded less than thrilled when he had contacted him. And when the door to their quarters opened and Dakar along with a couple of guards entered the bedroom the first thing he did was order Jason away from the bed while he took a moment to scan her with his hand held computer. Then he put it away and ordered one of his men to carry Celestia.

"[B]Is she going to be alright[/B]?" Jason asked.

Dakar turned to answer Jason, "[B]You can ask the doctor that.[/B]" He turned and addressed his men. "[B]Alright, lets go.[/B]"

Jason simply followed along as they left the quarters and headed for the lift that was at the end of the hallway. Only this time instead of going down they went up. He couldn't tell how far since his view of the panel indicating which floor they were going to was blocked but when the doors opened to another corridor, one that actually had windows. He couldn't help but gawk as they walked down the corridor. Jason had seen where they were before! It took him a moment to realize where but then it hit. Celestia had shown him a picture of where the High Council was located. They were in the actual Council building! He could see part of the rest of the structure from where he was at, as well as the rest of the underground city.

The picture hadn't done it justice as the underground cavern was unbelievably huge as well as the building they were in. And the surrounding city stretched as far as he could see. Dakar had told him where they were and he had guessed it by what had happened, but it was still a bit shocking to actually see it. Before he could think on it they came to a turn in the corridor and then he could see nothing other than a set of doors at the end of the next corridor. Doors that once they were through led to a huge medical facility. With out hesitation Dakar took them to a room further back where Celestia was placed on one of the two beds.

Then after leaving two of the guards with them, Dakar left without a word. Jason didn't get a chance to wonder what was going to happen since only moments later a doctor entered the room and immediately began to scan Celestia with a hand held scanner. Then he turned to Jason.

"[B]You must be Jason and this is Celestia, correct?[/B]" He continued when Jason nodded. "[B]I am Dr. Jacobs. Now it's really quite simple, and nothing to worry about. Celestia has a very common childhood disease, something that will pass in a few days, though I'll give her something to make her more comfortable as well as speed up the recovery process. I assume that you have similar things on your world?[/B]"

"[B]Yes Doctor. We do.[/B]" Jason replied. Relieved that she would be fine.

"[B]I thought as much,[/B]" he said even as he also scanned Jason. "[B]Well, it appears that you are fine, but then you are completely human so that's no surprise. But in Celestia's case, well no matter. Once she recovers she'll never get it again. If she had been raised on one of the main worlds she would have already been exposed, which is why it's a childhood disease, most children get it at a young age and then never again.

Anyway, since standing orders are that you two are to stay together, you can use the other bed since I'll be keeping her here overnight to make sure she recovers just fine. With her mixed heritage it would be better to keep an eye on her. Do you have any questions for me before I go?[/B]"

"[B]Uh, no doctor. Thank you[/B]." Jason stammered. Distracted by what he had just said. [I]Standing orders that we be kept together? What is that about? [/I]

"[B]Alright then, my assistant will be in shortly to treat her. If you have any concerns you can use the panel by either bed to contact the staff.[/B]" He turned to leave and stopped to address the guards. "[B]There's no exit from this room other than this one so you two can stand guard outside. She's not going to rest very well with you two around.[/B]"

To Jason's surprise the guards merely nodded and left with the doctor. Once the door had shut Jason moved the chair between the beds closer to Celestia and sat down by her bed. Still wondering just what the doctor had meant when he said standing orders were that they were to be kept together. [/COLOR]
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So far they had cleared all the security checks on their way to sector one. Daniel couldn't help but admire how cleverly William had set things up. With his persona and the one he had set up for Daniel, they were hardly getting more than a second glance. William had secondary programs for everything on his ship, hiding the fact that it was faster that all of the military ships other than the newest messenger ship the Transcendence. Unless the inspectors took it upon themselves to actually board the ship and do a complete check by virtue of taking apart part of the hyper drive, they would never know just what it was capable of.

And the way William had behaved like an irritating stuck up snob, gloating over how he thought it was the 'in' thing to travel on his own ship instead of one of the luxury liners was something Daniel knew that as a military commander, he would never have never guessed that he was more than an idiot. One who foolishly bought a freight vessel instead of one of the small cruise ships that the wealthy often got. It had taken no acting on Daniel's part to roll his eyes behind Williams back when he had been talking to the security at the checkpoint between sector six and one. Even his own crew had a hard time not snickering behind his back.

And in the end, when they had finally been cleared to proceed to the next point where they would be checked, many of them had actually laughed. Especially when William had just grinned impishly and bowed mockingly to them before returning to his more serious and to the point self. Daniel sighed inwardly, [I]at least it will be easy to play my part of finding my 'best friend' annoying if he continues to act like an idiot.[/I]

"[B]I rather liked how you were rolling your eyes behind my back there Daniel.[/B]" William said as he turned to face him.


William laughed, "[B]Don't worry about it, I expect you to behave like that around me when we are in character. As well as when we are not around others since we will not be staying on the ship when we get to Reflection.[/B]" William motioned to the side conference room. "[B]Anyway, now that we've passed the first security check I need to go over some things with you.[/B]"

Daniel followed him into the conference room and took a seat, waiting patiently for William who was pulling up some information and securing the doors. Then a moment later the screen in front of where Daniel was sitting lit up, a picture of the High Council building was on the screen, with part of the right section highlighted.

"[B]Now before that enlightening encounter with security, I received an update from one of my agents in sector one. Both Jason and Celestia are being kept in the High Council's main building. In the section I have highlighted. It's the one where they have their own personal research facility as well as other high tech laboratories.

For now they've been handed over to Elite Commander Dakar who is overseeing first their interrogation. Then he will be responsible for the security once they put them to work in the lab. Something that according to the orders issued will happen as soon as the interrogations are completed.[/B]"

Daniel interrupted him. "[B]Forgetting how you managed to get this information, just how in the hell are we suppose to do anything if they're being kept in the main building for the High Council? Dammit William! You know as well as I do that getting into that place is for all intents and purposes impossible![/B]" Frustrated, Daniel slammed his right fist on the table, shutting the screen in front of him off.

"[B]What you've just told me is that I'll never see my daughter or Jason again.[/B]" Daniel fought to keep his voice steady, to ignore just how painful that thought was. "[B]What's the point in going if we can't even get to them?[/B]"

William leaned back a bit before responding, "[B]I can't tell you everything, you know that Daniel, but I can assure you that there is a good reason for us to go. As much as I'd like to fill you in on the details, you already know far more than I ever intended.[/B]"

"[B]You mean Kiva correct? Hell, even with her on our side, even with as much advance warning as she was able to give, they still caught Jason and Celestia.[/B]" Daniel sighed. "[B]I have every intention of dying before allowing myself to be interrogated you know that! I never go anywhere with out having the poison with me.[/B]"

"[B]I know, and I'm sorry that for the moment our priority will not be on recovering Jason and Celestia. I still thought you would like to know where they are though.[/B]" William said. He wished he could tell Daniel about Erica, but she had her own plans as to how things would be done and even if she had technically handed things over to him, he had no intention of countering what she wished to do. And as much as he liked Daniel, he was a little to honest, if they ran into Erica on Reflection, not that he thought they would, but still. It would be better if he only saw her as a Council member.

Daniel sighed, "[B]I appreciate knowing, really I do and I understand that we need to gather more information, that you have contacts on Reflection. I just don't see how that will help when it comes to Celestia and Jason. Though I'm sure it does help the resistance.[/B]"

"[B]Correct, it will. And the more information we can get the better. Things have calmed down, in spite of all the attacks, in spite of how much trouble you caused on Earth. If we get the information I am hoping for, once we release it to the public, those will seem like nothing in comparison.

I can guarantee you that it will take far more than cleverly discrediting what we released or countering it with the idea that the research in sector fourteen is not as invasive as we portrayed it as. It's unfortunate, but most of the people now believe that the research to make the lesser races more passive was exaggerated. That their intent will barely even change how the lesser races think or feel. But you and I both know that even if it starts that way before long they will make sure that the lesser races will barely even know how to think for themselves.

You know as well as I do that technology like that will always be abused. It was forbidden for a reason and using it on the lesser races is no excuse. Just as what they are doing with the third research project is also banned. I'd love to expose that as well, but doing so would comprise Kiva and I have no intention of doing so. But if we can get a hold of the information through another route while on Reflection. That would be ideal.[/B]"

Daniel looked away, "[B]I understand, and I'll do my best to help you in retrieving that information. I just wish that I could retrieve both Jason and Celestia and get the hell out of here.[/B]"

"[B]So do I[/B]." William responded. "[B]Now, lets take a moment to review the information on how the wealthy behave shall we?[/B]"

Daniel just groaned as William began to go over everything he had been required to learn. [I]What a pain.[/I] Daniel hated it. As much as he knew it was necessary, he still hated it since the more he learned about the wealthy, the more he disliked his own people.
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To Darren it was strange to be so close to sector one already. He was too use to being required to stop for security as well as cargo checks. And he had never been on a ship that simply bypassed most of the required stops. It made sense that the flagships of the fleet as well as other military battleships would have the clearance to bypass a lot of the required stops, but still. Part of him kept expecting them to be hailed and ordered to stop. It was obvious that both Commodore Sandra and her second in command Jared were use to it though as they seemed to be unaffected by any of it. And so far other than a brief stop they had traveled without pause. They had already passed the border between sector one and six a while ago. It wouldn't be long before they arrived at the home world.

Darren sighed. And then the real fun would begin, or so he had thought. That is until Sandra had sent him a list of idiotic social functions that he would be required to attend during his first month there. She had patiently explained to him why he had to go and that she herself would be attending them with him. But still, he would have preferred to skip them if possible. But Sandra had been firm. He would be attending whether he liked it or not. And on some level, Darren understood, even if he had not moved in higher political circles, he had followed them. If only to make sure he avoided being dragged into any form of politics. At least Kerstin would probably enjoy it. Sandra had indicated that she could attend too and unlike him, she enjoyed such nonsense. But then he could hardly blame her. Most of her work as an artist was done for wealthy clients. So it only made sense.

He closed the list since he had looked at it before and seeing it again was starting to get on his nerves. Instead Darren brought up the latest dispatch that had been sent to him in regards to shipping. It didn't surprise him that he was required to reauthorize shipping in sector seven to the planet that had been attacked. He had already done so for the stuff needed for rebuilding. The facilities that had been destroyed had been replaced with new ones on the less active sections of the planet, avoiding the more volcanic areas, for the moment that is.

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It wasn't quite the same and the dull and lifeless looking facilites couldn't do as much as the previous one's had, but in the short time since the attack they had restarted over fifty percent of the previous manufacturing that had been going on. And there were notes indicating that a new process would enable them to rebuild structures in the craters where the previous facilities had been destroyed. It made sense to continue using the location since the facilities for the lesser races was already in place on the moon, but Darren would have thought that they would have simply moved elsewhere.

Not that it mattered. What did was that everything appeared to be in order so Darren wrote up the authorization to begin and then also made a notation in his hand held computer so it would remind him later to double check the shipments of finished products. To make sure that things were still running smoothly in sector seven. Then he shut everything down for the day. It wasn't hard to do the work, but even he found it tiring after working on it all day long. He got up taking a moment to stretch before deciding what to do. Then since he was done he wandered into the kitchen area of his quarters. First he'd have something to eat and then he'd do something relaxing for a change, whether it was to read something he liked, listen to some music or simply enjoy the view. It didn't matter. Any evening that he didn't see Jared was enough to be relaxing.
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[COLOR=#DAA520]Even though she didn't quite know what the genetic material that the High Council had not sent her the information on was, at least not yet since it was going to take some time to put the pieces together. Crystal had at least been able to confirm that it wasn't a plant material like the last group had been. And of that she was even more certain now that she had reviewed the actual material personally instead of relying on the data. She had also been able to confirm why they had made her come to sector one as well. The High Council's personal laboratories were better than any other lab in the entire Empire, even the one's built in sector fourteen. And it hadn't taken her long to realize that she was going to need the best equipment possible to figure out just what was on the fragments of the facilities that had been destroyed.

It was a pity that they still insisted on keeping her in charge of the Tempest. She spent most of her day at the lab before transporting back to the ship at night. And though the crew was currently assigned to assist with the normal patrols, it still seemed pointless to her that the High Council wouldn't hand over command to her sub-commander. The research, which she had already explained to them, could take months for her to complete. But that didn't seem to matter to them. Still, at least she was doing work that she enjoyed. Crystal got up and left the lab to go and get something to eat at the cafeteria for that section of the Council building, and though she'd never admit it, at least on the home world one could get real food instead of making do with some of the tasteless stuff used on the ships.

It didn't take her long to get there and as always it always smelled wonderful.[I] If I knew how to do crystal research,[/I] she thought.[I] I'd work on perfecting the crystals so we could have more food replicators on the ships.[/I] But though she understood the growth process, it wasn't really her specialty. Crystal picked out something that she had never tried before, taking it to a small table away from the rest of the people there. But a moment later someone came up asking if they could join her. She looked up with the intention of refusing only to stop when she realized who it was. Telling him to go ahead and take a seat.

"[B]Thank you Crystal,[/B]" he said as he sat down. "[B]So when did you get here? Last I heard you were with the fleet in sector thirteen.[/B]"

"[B]I was,[/B]" Crystal replied. "[B]I only got here a few days ago.[/B]"

"[B]Ah, I see. So what brings you here? If you don't mind my asking you that is.[/B]"

"[B]I can't tell you.[/B]" Crystal paused for a moment wondering what she could say before continuing, deciding to at least tell him that she would be around for a while. "[B]Though I can say that I'll be in the area for at least a month, possibly two. So how about you tell me what you've been up to Jacobs? I take it that you're still on the medical staff for this section of the Council Center?[/B]"

"[B]I am and interestingly enough I actually have a patient that I'd like to ask you some questions about.[/B]"

Crystal raised an eyebrow at that statement. Wondering just who the patient could be that he'd want to talk to her about. Especially since Jacob's area of expertise was different than hers. She continued waiting for a moment before getting slightly irritated.

"[B]What are you waiting for? Out with it. What did you wish to ask me?[/B]"

Jacobs grinned sheepishly, "[B]Sorry about that, it has to do with Celestia, you're the one that did the genetic modifications to her and since they brought her here she caught one of the first childhood diseases that kids get. They brought her to me this morning and though she's responding to the treatment just fine, I'm a little concerned that she reacted so strongly to the disease in the first place.[/B]"

"[B]So you want me to take a look is that it?[/B]" Crystal asked.

"[B]Well if you can, even if it's just at the data from when I scanned her this morning.[/B]"

"[B]How about you send me the data first then? Just send it to the Tempest and they'll forward it to me. If I see anything amiss I'll let you know.[/B]"

"[B]Works for me.[/B]" Jacobs replied as he got up. "[B]Thanks Crystal. It's good to see you again, if you have time, we should get together and play catch up.[/B]"

Crystal just nodded and watched Jacobs as he left the cafeteria. It didn't surprise her that Celestia was sick. She had, before the resistance rescued Celestia, informed the High Council that it was likely she would get sick once she was brought to sector one. The fact that she was actually sick now meant that in all the time she had been with the resistance, she had never stepped foot on one of the main worlds in sectors one through six. Since it was something related to what was in the air and not something one got from being exposed to other Versilans. Crystal pushed the thought aside. It didn't really matter since she was not the one in charge of her care. Still it would be interesting to see the scans. A little while later, her lunch finished, Crystal got up and went back to the lab. [/COLOR]

[SIZE=1][B]OOC:[/B] I hope you don't mind that I used Jacobs as a method for Crystal to find out about Celestia being sick. Even though he's not a main character I figured it would be a logical way for her to find out. ^_~ Though if you want me to do it a different way just let me know. [/SIZE]
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[SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo]Stevens was sitting in the command seat overlooking the bridge of the Conqueror. In just a few minutes they would arrive at the home world in sector one. Even if things had not gone as well as he would have liked, with the destruction of the three bases on Earth and the capture of Jason and Celestia, it did not matter. Even the message that a ship had approached within transport range of Earth shortly after they left, opened a transport door and immediately left did not matter. The fact that they had bothered to do so only told him that the Resistance's ability to work on Earth was over. As much as he would have loved to stick around and continue the hunt for Daniel, it just wasn't possible to keep the flagships tied up for that long when their presence was no longer necessary. And now he was certain that Daniel was no longer on Earth anyway.

"[B]Sir, we've re-emerged into real space.[/B]" His second in command asserted, even as the view on the main screen switched to one of the home world, the surrounding moons and the fleet that was in the area.

A moment later they were hailed. "[B]Put it on screen.[/B]" Stevens ordered.

"[B]Yes sir.[/B]" The man replied even as his fingers flew over the controls. A moment later a representative of the High Council appeared. He wasted no time, immediately speaking up.

"[B]Welcome home Fleet Admiral Stevens. Commodore Sandra. In addition to sending you the vectors for your flight path and final orbit path around our home the High Council wishes for me to remind you that the briefing in regards to sector thirteen will be held first thing tomorrow morning at 0600. Both Jared and Darren are required to attend as well.

Also, the requests for short leave for your crew for Reflection have been approved, you may start sending groups at 0700 tomorrow morning.[/B]" He paused looking from side to side, just as Stevens did as the screen was split, showing both the representative as well as Sandra who was on board the Creator.

A moment later the message received chime sounded, indicating that the flight vectors had been received, without a word Stevens and Sandra's second in command entered the information and both flagships began to head towards the home world, passing by Reflection as they did so. And then finally settled into orbit around the planet.

"[B]Understood, representative,[/B]" Stevens said. "[B]Any other information that we need to know?[/B]"

"[B]No.[/B]" He said and then after a pause. "[B]Again, welcome home.[/B]" The transmission ended. Leaving Sandra still connected.

"[B]Well you heard him Sandra,[/B]" Stevens said with a wink. "[B]I'll see you tomorrow morning.[/B]" He ended the transmission and then got up for a moment to address the crew.

"[B]Excellent work everyone. As you heard short leave for Reflection as well as the home world has been approved. I've already posted the list, if anyone wants to switch slots just take it up with my second here.[/B]" Then with smile he turned and left the bridge heading for his quarters.

It was a pity he wouldn't have time tonight for anything fun since he had far too much information to do a quick check on for tomorrow's briefing. Not only would they be covering what had happened in sector thirteen, but they would also be going over the plans for tracking down William as well as finding out how the explosives for the attack in sector seven had been obtained.

Two Elite Specialists were already on part of the task and were off in both sectors four and five, tracking down leads. And when they had stopped briefly, the Council had informed him that Kiva was going to be sent to check out the facility where the explosives were made in sector seven. In fact she along with her crew Daego had already left for sector seven before they arrived.

And now that they were here, he would be re-organizing the fleet as well as working on tracking down some potential information leaks within the fleet's own security. Even if they had caught Celestia and Jason, the Resistance was still using the program they had created to get into the updates. That would end soon, and as he walked towards his quarters he pulled out his hand held computer and made a note to make sure to check on the progress of their interrogations. Once Dakar got the program out of them he would need a copy of it.

Stevens entered his quarters and immediately headed for his workstation. But before he did anything other than to turn it on, he went over and fixed himself a drink. Then he walked back and sat down, pulling up the information he needed. As he started reading it a thought crossed his mind. One that it was a pity that they didn't have more Elite Specialists like Kiva. The others were good, but she was better. And as he looked through the information and saw that both Kiva and Daego had been given a week off with pay he smiled, pleased that someone had made sure they had been rewarded for their hard work. Then he went back to reviewing the information, making sure everything was ready for tomorrow. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
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