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White Noise Guidelines


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[center][size=4]White Noise Guidelines[/size][/center]
Welcome to the White Noise forum. Here, we talk about the mediums of music, movies and television shows, as well as musicals and plays and other forms of entertainment that branch off of the first three. But please take note of the following guidelines when posting here.

1. Do not post threads asking for free mp3s, video downloads, sheet music, etc.
2. Since White Noise covers several different mediums there are a wide variety of threads that are acceptable. You can post about bands, albums, TV shows, movies, etc. and anything having to do with those topics. However, please do not create threads for specific songs as they don't allow for much worthwhile discussion and will be closed.
3. Please check the [thread=56261][u]Thread Directory[/u][/thread] to see if a thread on a specific band, show, etc. has already been created before you make a new one.
4. To avoid revealing major plot elements of something under discussion, please use spoiler tags. They black out the text between them, requiring others to highlight the text to read the spoiler.


[indent][sp[size=2]o[/size]iler]This is a spoiler.[/spoiler][/indent]Becomes:
[INDENT][spoiler]This is a spoiler.[/spoiler][/INDENT]

If you have any questions, feel free to PM one of the White Noise Moderators and we'll be glad to help.
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