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Favorite Dances in Movies/etc.


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[COLOR="DarkRed"][FONT="Verdana"]This thread is inspired by the favorite fights in movies thread. It couldn't hurt to make this one.

What are your favorite movie dances and why?

I'll start my list with a classic. You can't go wrong with the signature dance scene from Saturday Night Fever. This may be well before my time, but I bet I could pick up a date with these moves:animesmil.

Terry crews. A buff guy with moves. Enough said.

I really don't know what to say about this Crash Dance one. A bit odd but worth posting.
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[SIZE="1"][COLOR="HotPink"]My two favorites would be...

Probably the infamous Napoleon Dynamite dance, near the end of the movie, man...I made my little cousin learn that dance. Aha, even to this day, my friends and I try to do that dance.

Tis a moment suspended in time...kind of.

And the other...Would be the ending dance to The Final Battle (Beezleboss) at the end of Tenacious D in the Pick of Destiny.. Jack Black starts jumping around like a swan...on crack. I learned that dance, fo' sho. I show off my dance talents with those moves all the time, and I just happen to pick up all the ladies.

Kind of.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]My favorite dance would probably have to be the Time Warp from [B]Rocky Horror Picture Show[/B]. I love the movie, but that dance always gets me up and groovin' everytime. "It's just a jump to the left. And a Step to the Right! Put your hands on your hips. And bring your knees in tight!" That whole movie is about audience participation, but that's the culmination of it.

I also dig the Apache dance from the[B] Fresh Prince of Bel Air[/B]. Seeing Will and Carlton (especially Carlton) doing the dance makes me laugh evertytime. In highschool, I always requested this song from the DJ at school dances. Amazingly, they've never heard of it (yeah right). Me and my friend Todd were heavily into the dance to. We knew all of it too. Then again, we were probably the biggest dufuses around. But hey, we were proud of it. Nothing like the present right?[/FONT]
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[quote name='Korey'][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]My favorite dance would probably have to be the Time Warp from [B]Rocky Horror Picture Show[/B]. I love the movie, but that dance always gets me up and groovin' everytime. "It's just a jump to the left. And a Step to the Right! Put your hands on your hips. And bring your knees in tight!" That whole movie is about audience participation, but that's the culmination of it. [/FONT] [/QUOTE]

Haha, how could I forget that one? That movie was a classic. :] My girlfriend recently made me watch that movie.. I was kind of appalled at how odd it was. That's my third favorite... My other favorite dance is the ending scene (alot of cool dances happen at ends of movies)
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