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The Forest of Mystery [L, V, PG-13]

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[CENTER][COLOR=DarkOrange][U][B][SIZE=4]The Forest of Mystery[/SIZE][/B][/U]

[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]There is a legend passed down to the children of the villages, a legend about a forest. It is said that this forest contains creatures from another world.
[/COLOR][COLOR=DarkOrange] This forest is supposed to contain all the malevolent, the benign; all the good and evil; all the pure and tainted. It is said once you enter this forest, you never leave as you once were. Your soul is judged by a fox-like creature with nine tails. This creature decides your fate. It is also said that grabbing one of its tails results in something so horrible, nobody has ever mentioned it. The fox creature has been said to have helpers who guide travelers who unknowingly and unwillingly walk in the forest to the exit. These helpers have been seen by few, and those who have seen them are called crazy.
[/COLOR][COLOR=DarkOrange] It is said that all who are impure in even the slightest way will be transformed into a beast of some kind. A mythical beast. One of the creatures that parents would tell their children about in bedtime stories: vampires, werewolves, fairies, dragons, and the like.
[/COLOR][COLOR=Lime][COLOR=DarkOrange] As for those who are pure, nobody knows what happens. None who have gone in who were pure came back.[/COLOR]


[/B][COLOR=SeaGreen]Mori was walking through the forest. The night sky had always made her happy. She stared up at the stars through the trees.

"It's been so quiet lately. I wonder what has been going on?" Mori said. She walked toward a small clearing. In that clearing sat a nine-tailed fox.

"Lord Mayonaka, why has it been so quiet?"

"I don't know, Mori."

It was getting late, so Mori decided she would leave Mayonaka alone for the night and go to bed. She walked back to a small cave and went to sleep.


[B]OOC: Your first post should be your character entering the forest. I don't really care how long or short it is, as long as it doesn't make my head hurt. Have a great day, everyone! :animesmil[/B]
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June 15. Anyo travels through a trail while talking his walk, noticing a path he hadn't known of before. He stops and ponders upon this path. He takes it. This path leads him to an even denser part of a forest. Hes trapped. The path is gone, its foggy. He hears a noise, pulls out his sleeve sheathed sword.

"Who's there?" he yells.
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A smirk crept across Nhyt's face as she stalked her lataests prey. Her new target was an older man around forty. She had been watching him for a few weeks, just to make sure her sources were accurate. He seemed like a nice man, running a childrens book store at the edge of town, ande always helping others, but she knew something those naive townsflok didn't. Alfred Nooge, or should I say "Mr. Drake", was recently released from prison on a CSC 1st degree, and he wasn't finished. After following him for a few days, she noticed him giving extra attention to a middle school boy. The boy was naive and innocent as usual, not relizing the trouble he was in. Mr. Drake would give him free books and buy the boy ice cream, it was quite obvious he was trying to earn the boy's trust, and it wouldn't be long before he struck. The time finally came a week later.

The boy had gone to the store a few hourse before closing, he seemed angry about something, and Blake let him in hungrilly. Nhyt watched cautiousy as the boy ranted, waiting for the right time to enter. Once the boy had finished, Blake motioned for the boy to go to the back, then he closed the store and locked the door. Running to the door she quickly picked the lock, and stealthily made her way to the back of the store. Arriving at the door, she heard a muffled scream and burst through the door. The boy had fresh tears flowing from his eyes as Blake's hand pressed hard against his mouth. They were partially undressed by now, luckilly she had got there before anything happaned.

"The fuck off him now!!" She screamed and whiped out her short sword and pionted it at the man angrilly.

The man growled and threw the boy at her, then scrambled out the back door. Catching the boy, Nhyt told him to go home and rushed out the door. Blake hadn't got far, she could see him in the distance. He was surprisingly fast for an old man, even making it out of town before she caught up with him. She found him weakilly trying to run towards the forest, he seemed relyctant to actualy enter though. Smiling, she took the opportunity.

Unhooking her meteor from her side, she swung it above her head a few times before knocking the man into a tree. He gasped as blood gashed from his abdomin, the spikeed had pierced him deep.


A harsh laugh escaped her lips as she swung the meteaor with all her strength. The ball struck the man's head, decapitating him easilly. Blood poured over the grass around his body, dying his grave crimson. Cleaning the blood off her weapon, she put it back in place and looked around franticaly for the head. Discovering a trail from when it rolled, she noticed it lead into the forest. Sighing , she angrilly walked in unaware of her impending doom.
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