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The Browne Review: University Cuts


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Also just google 'University Cuts Browne Review' .etc to get the low-down if you're not too up on it.

So basically we're expected to be in about 18k worth of debt in University... [i]without[/i] maintence loans.

I was just wondering what everyone thought of this. For example, they're uncapping the fees from the standard £4,000< to... unlimited. Some courses can now charge up to £17,000. That's out of our pocket and what we have to pay.

I think this is really a UK happening but as a student I'd like to know what everyone thinks. To recover from the Recession there's obviously a lot of cuts but I think education is the biggest rattle; we have a nation of [i]benefits[/i], where people take the tax payers money and moan about "I've got no qualifcations I can't find a job!" so we pay for them to smoke crack and sit on their arse. Well, the majority, at least. So rather than pull people out of debt by investing, we decide to put the most vulnerable and valuable assets of our society in massive amounts of debt: students and degree holders.

Tax payers (ie: working class mostly) are complaining that they don't want to pay for mickey-mouse qualifications and students only get drunk and fail. Ok, so why should I pay for benefits? Some people do find a job and just use benefits as a fall back, but the majority cheat the system, stay on the system and smoke drugs.

There's no respect for education in this country, and education should be the most respected thing around. It's not where you're from, it's where you're at.

When Cameron became PM he promised equality above all. Now, I hate him and what he stands for (because he stands for nothing) and I [i]knew[/i] he was lying. He's a Conservative who's looking after Mr. Middle Class - these cuts should truly be the only evidence. If he stands for equality then education should be a [i]right[/i] for everyone, no matter what class or financial background. But now it looks as if it is becoming exclusive to higher-class and rich people only...

I'm very lower class. No money in my family. No business owners, manual labourers. But I'm doing my degree and I'm aiming towards a true 1st. Why should I not be allowed to reach my potential because I'm poor?

[/rant] Edited by Vicky
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I can't say I've been following this closely. I know about it because I'm in the UK right now. Gut reaction? I'm American, where 10k+ in student loans is common, so it's harder for me to comprehend how badly this affects students and their families (but you guys don't even get loans!). But as someone whose been in a family that's been struggling financially, in the end my sympathies go out to all of you, hard. It's an awful situation-- families who have been used to your old system don't PLAN for these sudden and massive changes-- and the capping decision just makes it worse. I was in Liverpool last weekend and started talking to some guys while walking to a train station, by the end I felt awful because one of them was a father whose daughter made great grades but there was no way he could afford uni. It's such a working-class city, I can imagine that that's happening to many of them. :/ Edited by eleanor
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I think we still get our loans, but the problem is the debt will leave is in deep around 18K - more than double that if we take out a loan for living expenses.

However, apparently the report suggests focusing on STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths). The Arts & Humanities are seen as mickey mouse degrees (I'm doing a degree in Creative Writing), so those degrees are likely to lose funding and only be run from top Universities that can afford to run them.

I don't understand at all... they moan about students doing apparently 'nothing', but we pay back the money we borrow. The families that stay jobless for 20 years just to get benefits don't pay that money back - but the tax payer still pays for them to slob around....

(PS: I have not heard the Lib Dems actually do a thing since they formed this really crap joint government. It's not joint - it's Cameron time.) Edited by Vicky
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[quote name='Vicky' date='04 November 2010 - 11:07 AM' timestamp='1288886846' post='701527']
I think we still get our loans, but the problem is the debt will leave is in deep around 18K - more than double that if we take out a loan for living expenses.

However, apparently the report suggests focusing on STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths). The Arts & Humanities are seen as mickey mouse degrees (I'm doing a degree in Creative Writing), so those degrees are likely to lose funding and only be run from top Universities that can afford to run them.

I don't understand at all... they moan about students doing apparently 'nothing', but we pay back the money we borrow. The families that stay jobless for 20 years just to get benefits don't pay that money back - but the tax payer still pays for them to slob around....

(PS: I have not heard the Lib Dems actually do a thing since they formed this really crap joint government. It's not joint - it's Cameron time.)

Ah I see.... well then, to be honest as an American I'm used to seeing students take out that much money (and more) in loans to go to college. So... I sympathize in that this is such a sudden change to everyone, and I don't think it's fair, really. But, yeah, welcome to how the majority of U.S. students pay for schooling. lol not much more I can say there

As for the degrees, I kinda doubt degrees like English will be cut. I know it's not Creative Writing, but it's the closest thing you can get and you still write.

Oh, the slippery slope of becoming a Republican P:
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