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Blood Wind/ Chi Kaze audio story


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This posting is a writing/request.  I am an aspiring composer/producer/writer who enjoys the world of anime and manga. I have written a few short stories that i have composed music for and produced them as audio stories; attempting to follow in the manner of anime and manga. The first is called Blood Wind and is available at http://youtu.be/r4_YAh6eLmU.
I have written a sequel called Blood Wind Song and i am looking for voice actors who would like to be the voices of 3 female characters and one or two male characters.  I am also looking for someone who would like to do some drawing of the scenes and characters within the story. if you are interested please email me or would care to share any comments or feedback. Also if anyone would like to help translate into Japanese i would like to know.
Arigatou gozaimasu,
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