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Culture questions????????????


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The way I see it, America is built on various cultures. Being a nation founded on immigrants it's impossible to limit American culture to one definitive set of beliefs and values.

If you also take into account varying religions and the set of holidays and customs that come with them, it's quite easy to see that we're a salad bowl of traits that have come together to form one society(or clusters of societies if defacto segregation is involved).

All of this is reflected in everything from music to clothing. And by the way, I'm here to wish everyone a belated happy Chinese New Year!
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:devil: :demon: :flaming: yes i do think we americans have our own culture. but even that is broken up into sub-cultures. but it is noticeable we have characteristics of many different cultures, and we have developed our own traits. does that help you answer your question. i cant really think right now ive had a few drinks that i shouldnt have had. well laters
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Well it's a bit hard to say that a big country (like America) has its own culture..... there's alot of cultures in that country, not just one.... I think that it's half... they do, and they don't, it's hard to say really... :drunk:
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I think that America is in a rather unique situation. It had a huge influx of migrants early on in the piece, not to mention that it was founded as a convict settlement. When you combine this with the relative size of America compared to what most would classify as a culture, as well as it's population, you are bound to get an eclectic array of people's thought, ideas and beliefs combining together to form a boiling pot of cultures, much as Australia is.
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