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Turn-A/Victory Gundam?


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I'll get right to my question and skip all the usless info you guys need to understand the topic.....ha...Mabey not....

Backround info....Okay,I was planing on getting this series,But then i read a few review that all said this series was Very bad. I know that in the past I have read some reviews that also said that this wasn't exactly a ideal series for the Gundam incrazed. I was wondering if this bad image thought up around the series by other people is backed up by reason or is it like the thing with all new gundam lovers enjoy Wing more then, Lets say, 0083? So,is this claim of the series being bad to be backed up,Or have i just been picking the wrong reveiw's to read?

............Darn......Now my fingers hurt.....
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In the future, two races existed: the Earth (humans) and the Moonrace (space colonists). It's always a war between Earth and the colonies so no big change there. Even though it is set in the far future, the Earth completely regressed (went down) in technology. So basically, they were fighting in planes. The Turn A Gundam was an ancient relic encased in a statue. To the Earth Militia, that was there most advanced weapon. The Moonrace were pretty advanced to the bone. There you go. That's mostly the basis of Turn-A. Don't ask me about Victory because I don't know it. Period.:)
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Both Victory and Turn A are produced by Tomino, so they are very much different from Gundam Wing. They have totally different style.

Victory is first aired in 1993. It is the last series in UC timeline. It is a story about a 13 year old Usso Ebbing, pilot of Victory Gundam and V2. Graphically, it is not as flashy as GW but very graphic sometime. The show is about people's role in war, men, women, children, young and old. I would take sometime to read into it carefully. The story may not be as confuse as GW, but it is excellent. The character developments are even better. They are just so real. There is no "cool"(GW standard) mechas but just very good looking ones. They animation style is simpler than GW but far more appealing. It is something for people who enjoy more than just mecha fight. Plot and characters are just so nice done. However, many people do not like it because there is no suicidal kids running around in invincible mechas. The story is a little bit too real and many of the characters are killed. It is kind of a sad story.

Turn A Gundam is made 6 years after Victory. They have similar style but Victory looks older, of course. There are many parallels in the storyline, too. However, Tomino chooses a totally different tone this time. It is much brighter than Victory with a great ending. The only problem with TAG is that the mechas are simply ugly in my opinion. The character designs may look weird but the story is interesting enough to make me forget how strange they look. Moreover, the character developments are so good that the strange looks actually fit them well. Sure, the story can even justify the ugly mechas.

If people have only seen GW, 08th MS Team or 0083 Stardust Memory, they may think both Victory and TAG are boring and slow. But with the excellent characters and plots, they are masterpieces from Gundam.
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Why do you people think the Mobile Suits are ugly? I personaly think that the Turn-A looks pretty nice,With that thing runing across it's face.But i've only seen pictures of that mobile suit. Could someone give me a link to pictures of other Mobile Suits?
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