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Shinji v2.0

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[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]I just got my copy of Blood: The Last Vampire on DVD a couple days ago. I must say, this is a great piece of anime. Granted, it's only 45 minutes, and the dub track blows, but that's why they include the JP. Audio track, right? Honestly, I have never seen animation nicer that this in my life. The way that the whole thing is digitally animated, and...uugghh! I just can't get over how amazing it looks! Go check it out. NOW. Check out the wallpaper of it...It looks bad *** :D

Peace, Love, and Anime
Shinji (^_^)/[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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Guest Deranged Gerbil
**** man, I wanted to buy it but I ain't got much cash on me at the moment, and I ain't gettin paid until 2 weeks, but tell me this though, is it good for 45 minutes? or did they try to cram too much **** into 45 minutes?
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[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Okay, now that I've finished drying off my pants after watching it, I'll go a little further. For 45 minutes, it's amazing. Hell, this movie could have gone on for another 5 hours and I still would have watched it. It's by the director of Ghost in the Shell, if that means anything to you guys. Pretty much the plot is like this -- Saya is the last remaining Vampire, well, somewhat, and her duty in life is pretty much to kill Chritopens (or something like that spelling), who are, in short, Vampires. It takes place in an American Military Base in Japan, and in the Japanese audio track, there's even some english dialogue! Weird, eh? You can download a trailer here : [url]http://www.bloodthemovie.com/trailersindex.html[/url] ...Commence wetting your pants.

Peace, Love, and Anime
Shinji (^_^)/[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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Guest Deranged Gerbil
aiight, I'm gonna make sure I get this sweet looking anime

if the plot is half as good as the anime looks, then this could be helluva great
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Guest Deranged Gerbil
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonballzman [/i]
[B]Hey, that looks kool! I'm gonna get it for sure! :D [/B][/QUOTE]

hah! good luck trying if you live in england!
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Guest ruff Writa
let's see here...*looks at $20 bill*... this movie... or... hmm, there's nothin' else to spend it on... o wellz, guess there's only one thing to do:*slips $20 bill back into safe* :laugh: :cross: :rolleyes: :D
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