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Bungee Jump!!!!!!


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i saw documentary where africans jumps from..vine building?..it's like a building..but it's very high and made in nature..not by humans. anyway, they tie vine rope on their foot and jumps off. they don't even measure or anything. everyone hits their face on the ground and they don't even break a neck.

i saw..real tv? was it..*bad memories*..this one girl bungee jumped and she was afraid that her top gonna fall off or something..while she was bouncing in the air, she stupidly moved her arms around and try to cover herself. she ended up breaking her leg cause she was swinging uncontrollably.
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heh..i'm not trying to scare you or anything..but someone try to bungee jump off from the crane..the rope snaped and break his back.....................ouch

i'm afraid of hights..-_- anyway, have fun and wishes you safe return :p
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bungee jumping is cool. i havent done it and i probably wont. sum1 i no went out, but all the equipment, then went to a bridge, hooked it up and jumped off. when i asked him how he got back up if we went on his own, he said after u bounce for awhile, and ur hangin over the river, u just unhook urself and drop into the river. he also wen skydiving, which i want to do, as opposed to bungee jumping.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jeff [/i]
[B]i saw documentary where africans jumps from..vine building?..it's like a building..but it's very high and made in nature..not by humans. anyway, they tie vine rope on their foot and jumps off. they don't even measure or anything. everyone hits their face on the ground and they don't even break a neck.[/B][/QUOTE]

[COLOR=purple]Surprisingly enough, I know what you're talking about! I saw that documentary.....the narrator said, the closer the guy's head gets to the ground, without actually touching it, the more blessed he is......or somthing like that.:rolleyes::D Ahem...but anyway.....the closest thing I've ever done to bungee jumping is, something called a Sky Coaster....:eek:[/COLOR]
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lol. i've seen that documantry so long ago..but i think he who gets to the ground first is blessed..or maybe your right. i can't remember it very well

i saw someone doing it from helicopter. they had to prepare for several months and everything had to be perfect. after he succeded the bungee jump, he cut off the rope and parashot(sp) to safety.

and the other person use to bungee jump from mountain cliffs..he flips and everything..he has long hair and i bet you saw him on one of those sports commercials..unfortunatly, the cable broke and he fallen into trees and immediatly died.
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