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~Mystical Pan~

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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJGoten [/i]
[B]Sweet! I wanna experience an earthquake sometime..... [/B][/QUOTE]

I experienced one about the middle of the night and it was WAY harder then one I just experienced right now....not a pleasant situation during the night or anytime to be exact.

Man I was chilling in my bedroom..it scared the sh*t outta me. :D lol
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJGoten [/i]
[B]Hurricanes will be next soemwhere on the east coast. [/B][/QUOTE]

Hurricanes? Hmmmm.... Ooh! How about a blizzard? I like blizzards...:D Not as good as thunderstorms, though....:(

D'ya get earthquakes a lot?
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Guest Master O Beans
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i]

Hurricanes? Hmmmm.... Ooh! How about a blizzard? I like blizzards...:D Not as good as thunderstorms, though....:(

D'ya get earthquakes a lot? [/B][/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure we had a blizzard last winter! it was definitely a fun time! Heh, I definitely drove, no exuse me, slide off the road MANY times last winter! it was fun fun fun! heh, one night on the way home from babygirls house, I decided it would be cool to slam on the breaks...and see what would happen in the snow...me did a 180 in the middle of the road! heh, me crazy driver...at least that's what some people tell me :p
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i]
[B]I like storms...but I don't think I'd be very fond of other natural disasters... Then again, it might just be that I'm used to storms... [/B][/QUOTE]

I like storms too...but earthquakes only occur in South Cali about once a year or less. BUt I remember the earthquake in i think 1994 scared the crap outta me. It was pretty hard and it was like 4 AM or something. Couldn't sleep for days cause I was scared that another earthquake would occur
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Master O Beans [/i]

I'm pretty sure we had a blizzard last winter! it was definitely a fun time! Heh, I definitely drove, no exuse me, slide off the road MANY times last winter! it was fun fun fun! heh, one night on the way home from babygirls house, I decided it would be cool to slam on the breaks...and see what would happen in the snow...me did a 180 in the middle of the road! heh, me crazy driver...at least that's what some people tell me :p [/B][/QUOTE]

YOU'RE CRAZY! You could get yourself killed!

Though I could see how it's fun..lol
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Guest Master O Beans
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJGoten [/i]

heh, can you take me for a ride then sometime? [/B][/QUOTE]

Heh, you had better be sure, once you get into my car, there's no way of tellin' [I]if, when, or how[/I] you're comin' home :laugh: Heh, well, I'm not that bad...the official "near death expirience counter" is only up to 32, and I've been driving for 2 years...so that's to be expected :D

PS- heh, this posted started off like a quote from Ace Ventura.
"You had better be sure, cuz once you get into my gead...there aint no comin' back baby!" or something like that.;)
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Master O Beans [/i]

I'm pretty sure we had a blizzard last winter! it was definitely a fun time! Heh, I definitely drove, no exuse me, slide off the road MANY times last winter! it was fun fun fun! heh, one night on the way home from babygirls house, I decided it would be cool to slam on the breaks...and see what would happen in the snow...me did a 180 in the middle of the road! heh, me crazy driver...at least that's what some people tell me :p [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=deeppink]You're dumb. Remember the time I was coming home from school in the winter, and we had a blizzard like every night of the winter, so the road was all slippery, and I came to the stop sign going a *little too fast* and so I couldn't stop and forgot that my brakes aren't anti-lock, so they locked and I slid into a snow bank and got stuck? Mike Jones and his brother just stood in their driveway staring at me. I felt dumb.[/color]
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Guest Master O Beans
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i]

[color=deeppink]You're dumb. Remember the time I was coming home from school in the winter, and we had a blizzard like every night of the winter, so the road was all slippery, and I came to the stop sign going a *little too fast* and so I couldn't stop and forgot that my brakes aren't anti-lock, so they locked and I slid into a snow bank and got stuck? Mike Jones and his brother just stood in their driveway staring at me. I felt dumb.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE]

YES I REMEMBER THAT TIME! I even took a picture...just so I could remind you of how bad a driver you are when you tried to make fun of me...look at the mess you caused!
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Master O Beans [/i]

YES I REMEMBER THAT TIME! I even took a picture...just so I could remind you of how bad a driver you are when you tried to make fun of me...look at the mess you caused! [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=deeppink]Hah, you loser. I didn't cause that! I was merely, um...ok, maybe I did :rolleyes: :blush:[/color]
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Guest Master O Beans
Heh, you have no officially lost all privleges to make fun of my driving :) cuz I don't go around causing 30 car pile ups!!
*me knocks on wood...*
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