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The Fellowship in Sixth Grade (my first fanfic, and it's LOTR)

Mr. Maul

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*Students file in chatting*

*Gandalf stands at the front of the room*

Gandalf: Quiet, please, quiet.

*All still chatting*

Gandalf: QUIET!!!!! *Room darkens and walls creak*

All: o__O

Gandalf: Now then, as your teacher, I feel obligated to tell you the rules and procedures of the class. Number one: YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sam to Frodo: Mr. Frodo, I don't think that's a good sign. Do you sir?

Frodo: Don't call me 'sir,' or 'Mr.' And shut up!

Sam: Yes sir, Mr. Frodo, sir.

Gandalf: Last year's class passed enough notes to fill the Lonely Mountain. Which brings us to rule number two: YOU SHALL NOT PASS...notes.

Sam: Mr. Frodo, sir, he said the passing thing again, sir.

Frodo: Yes, I know he said it, and stop calling me SIR!

Sam: Yes sir, Mr. Fr...

*Frodo screams, jumps up with his sword, tackles Sam, and holds it to his throat*

Sam: Mr. Frodo, sir, you're scaring me.

Frodo (looking shocked) : I'm-I'm sorry...Sam, I... don't know what came over me, I...

Sam: It's okay, Mr. Frodo, sir.

*Gandalf's still babbling on in the background*

*Bell rings*

Gandalf: Goodness me! Have I been babbling on in the background this entire time? Well, students, off to lunch you go, and don't forget your recess items for afterwards.

*Random hobbits file out of their class rooms into the hallway in a single file line, carrying baseball bats and other recess items over their shoulders*

Hobbits(singing) : High-ho, High-ho, it's off to lunch we go! We can't be late for our twenty plates, High-ho, High-ho, High-ho, High-ho!

*Sign over cafeteria reads, "The Prancing Bologna"*

*Merry sits down at the table with Pippin, Sam and Frodo. He has a large chocolate milk.*

Pippin: What's that?

Merry: This my, friend, is a pint.

Pippin: A pint? I'm getting one!

*Pippin rushes towards the lunch line*

Frodo: But you're lactose intolerant!

MORE TO COME!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please tell me what you think!
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i]
[B][size=1]Shall not pass...heheh.

Tis very funny.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE]

I taught Tis was it is nowadays. I used Tis a few times because of reading old books with that kind of grammar.

Anyway enough of that. I think the story is good. Kinda humorous at the same time. Good work and EXCELLENT compare to all my crappy stories I done in my life for school needs.All the stories I did were awful:bawl: . I think is a good talent that some people have. I admire people who can make good stories that are not boring.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mr. Maul [/i]
[B]*Students file in chatting*

*Gandalf stands at the front of the room*

Gandalf: Quiet, please, quiet.

*All still chatting*

Gandalf: QUIET!!!!! *Room darkens and walls creak*

All: o__O[/quote] [/b]


[color=ff00cc] [size=1]OMG, I loved that part! *laughs irl*

Post more! These are really funny![/color] [/size]
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Harrasser [/i]
[B]lord of the rings is gay.
you guys are a bunch of loesers [/B][/QUOTE]
The Harrasser, you've obviously entered this forum to spam. Just the context of which you said 'gay' proves this; complete immaturity. If you came to see how fast you can get banned, then congratulations. OtakuBoards doesn't need people like you.

*Note: All prior posts made by The Harrasser have been deleted. I apoligize for any rude comments you may have seen from him.
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