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original charachters in Star WArs Episode III


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I just read that [spoiler]Chewbacca[/spoiler] is going to be in Star Wars Episode III.
What other Charachters from the original Trilogy Would you like to see make an appearence in the New Star Wars Movie and why.

Personally I'd like to see Admiral Piett,Grand Moff Tarkin and a few of the other Imperial Officers . Of course they would not be Admiral or Grand Moff,but it might add some interesting Back story.

Please use a spoiler tag in the future. Some members don't want to know very specific details.
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So as to not give away any spoilers, just type in the name of a certain co pilot of the Millenium Falcon under any news search engine and you will see that a certain 200 year old charachter will be making an appearence in Ep III.

I agree it would be hard to pull off having Han Solo in EpIII unless he was about 10 years old. In my opinion we don't need to see any more child versions of Adult SW charachters in the prequals ( maybe a baby cameo of Luke and Leia if even that)
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I'll confess I was a big SW fan before I got into Anime and I still like SW, but I don't think I'll stay in Line for 6 hours for a seat Like I did for the release of EP I.

Han Solo was a member of the Imperial Military , but he refused to execute a certain unruly wookie - instead he freed him thus explaining the life debt this certain wookie owed Han Solo. It also explains Han Solo's departure from the Empire's service. The Traitor !!! ( This was from one of the Han Solo Novels )
We all know how HS finally joined the evil Rebellion. He had dealings with them before but tried to stay out of the conflict entirely until he was literally sucked up into it by the first Death Star after chartering a trip with an old man , a kid , and two droids.
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Guest cesar906
I know the name of the the movies name its called Episode 3:Clone Wars and I think it's going to be following up were attack of the clones ended were count Doku or whatever his name is
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[color=hotpink][size=1]I wish they would just leave Han Solo and Chewbacca out of it. I wish they would leave all UNNECESSARY original characters out of it. The prequels have already ruined my vision of everything ENOUGH. I just want it to be how it used to be before everyone got all into the NEW Star Wars...when I used to run around the yard pretending to be Princess Leia...*sighs*[/color][/size]
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BIIIIIG spoiler for Ep.3

[spoiler]IT begins with Palpatine sending some sexy female darth to Anakin, who seduces him. Palpatine sends the video to OBi, who shows it to a pregnant Padme. THe 2 are forbidden to see each other. Obi & Ani get into the famous duel on the volcano planet, and Ani falls into the pit of lava. Barely alive, Palpatine finds him. He takes him under his wind, and he grows to hate the Jedi. He eventually becomes Darth Vader. Something happens, and Palpatine & Vader get into a giant fight with all the Darts, including the seducer, Count doo-doo, and A CLONED DARTH MAUL. Vader's team wins. It includes the Millennium Falcon somewhere (it saves PAdme), and Jango Fett kills Mace Windu. THe movie should be called "RIse of the Empire", or "Fall of the Jedi".[/spoiler]
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