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Heartless Me

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Guest Crimson Spider
You know, I almost didn't have an older sister. She was hooked up to my mother wrong (arteries and veins had switched somehwere). When she was born, they cut a main artery and didn't even know it. No one is sure how she survived, but at that time, she was second in the nation to live through that.
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[color=red][b]/me searches for site posted on somethingawful that is dedicated to this womens misscaried twins, w/ pics. damn, can't find it.

My mom had a miscarrige, and was no longer able to have children. So I was adopted. :) My real parents were teens, like 15 or 16.[/b][/color]
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My mum had 1 miscarriage just after my brother was born but it didn't really affect me as I wasn't born, but I do sometimes wish that I had like a sister as well as a brother sometimes. I suppose it must be harder for you to cope with if your older and knew it happened at the time.
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Well, I really can't feel much for miscarried children since I don't know... they really didn't come into existance. I consider baby's to be born after they come out, and give their first cry. I guess I sound a little cruel, but I also would have had a little brother if my mum didn't miscarry, but since the gap between when it happened and when she told (slipped) was so long that I never got hit by the weight of what happened. I guess miscarriage happens, and one must get on with life.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wiccansamurai [/i]
[B]my twin bro tried to choke me on his imblica cord thingy. O.o [/B][/QUOTE]
^^; Now [i]that's[/i] strange.
Arikel, I am very sorry to hear that about your brother and his gf. I know you will all pull through this and they'll probably have another baby soon! If I knew a case like this personally, I would feel really bad. But listening to other peoples' stories on this thread make me feel even worse. Sounds like they've had it even worse than you. I'm sure that if they got over it, so can you.
Just remember that you little nephew is in a better place now.[/color][/b] ;)
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