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Atari,Nintendo, Turbografx,Genesis, Saturn,Dreamcast

vegeta rocker

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What nostalgic object do you obsess over? Like looking for Turbografx consoles or Atari games.
I am constantly on the prowl for Atari goodies and clothes. Dreamcast stuff as well. I also am constantly looking for Saturn games and basically anything outdated in gamer world.
I could play nintendo games into infinity. I play one nintendo game at least 1 every two days. I am currently addicted to Galaga.

There is some convention every year, i think in vegas where they specialize in this type of stuff.
I forget the name it's in one of my game informers, ill look it up.

So what system do you refuse to bury?
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I've not gotten rid of any of my systems, until recently... And that was mostly a money issue.

I still have my Atari 2600, Sears Computer Entertainment System, NES, DC, Saturn, Genesis, SNES and so on.

I have like 60 games for my Atari 2600, but I can't play them... I either have the wrong cords, or the system is dead. I do play my NES rather often though, and I still buy games for it when I get the chance... not in quite a while though. I think the last game I finally picked up for it was Kid Icarus.

I even got my hands on an official Nintendo Famicom (there are tons of knock offs of this, I own some of those too - one looks like a PSone heh)... as well as some import games. My favorites are my complete sets of Dragon Quest I to IV.

I mostly own Saturn for the fighter imports. Stuff like Vampire Savior. I also got Akumajo Dracula X (a port of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night), although the extra features are lame and it doesn't run as well as the PSX version heh.

I have plans to get a Turbo Duo as well as a Sega Master system. I just don't have the spare cash at this point. I just like collecting this stuff I guess.
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Guest Imsirion
What system do i refuse to bury? All of them. I'll play 'til death. I have an atari,snes,game boy color,N64,gamecube,playstation,sega genisis,sega saturn, and a dreamcast.

Currently, I've been looking for.....

Dreamcast: memory cards, Dead or Alive 2, Virtua Fighter 3, Power Stone, King of Fighters Dream Match 1999, and a bunch of oher games I cant think of right now. Oh, and something that repairs scratches in CD's so I can use my scratched up Boot-Up disc to play all my copied games (like Jet Set Radio and Res. Evil Code Veronica).

snes: I need it repaired, it plays in black and white and sometimes erases data on my games.

genisis: a new rf switch

And for all my systems, more games! Ebay, local game shops, anywhere!!

Also, I'm looking for a nes and a master system, neo geo pocket/color (which I just saw one not too long ago) and a Wonder Swan Color.
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[color=#808080]Well, I'm mostly wanting Saturn and Dreamcast games. There are a few that I missed out on that I'd really love to have.

But I don't have the time or money to seek out games which may have inflated prices at this point (and be hard to find, too).[/color]
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Well, I still play my Nintendo 64, and Dreamcast from time to time. But you people are very lucky to enjoy playing the oldies such as Nintendo, and Atari games. Hell, I can barely stand playing the newer systems let alone the old ones. I've lost most of my love for gaming, and while I use to be very diverse when it came to game genres, I came barely stand touching anything other than wrestling or fighting titles.

I use to play many different kinds of games, but now it's basically just the two types. Occasionally I will stray to other genres, but only for a short time.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Imsirion [/i]
Currently, I've been looking for.....

Dreamcast: memory cards, Dead or Alive 2, Virtua Fighter 3, Power Stone, King of Fighters Dream Match 1999, and a bunch of oher games I cant think of right now. Oh, and something that repairs scratches in CD's so I can use my scratched up Boot-Up disc to play all my copied games (like Jet Set Radio and Res. Evil Code Veronica).


Gamestop is good for dC cards, and EB (electronics boutique) usually carries those titles you are searching for.

For copied games all i have is 3. I have one nintendo one with 416 games, one SNES with about 75 games, and a burned euro copy of record of lodoss war.

And that convention i mentioned in the first post is Classic Gaming Expo in vegas every year.
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