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Zoids:The New Era


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Okay time to get this thing movin'!!

A recap on the story is...
It's about Legendary Zoids.They are hidden in the Temple of Zion.But there are some evil people that want to get the Zoids too.the good guys have to get to the Temple and get the Zoids first or the planet will be doomed,because the Zoids are very powerful.

Okay now let's start.I take it we're all good?If not tell me if you want to be a bad guy.If no one will be a bad guy then we will make some characters up and use them.:D
Sakura and Liger headed into the meadow where she was supposed to meet the other Zoid pilots for their quest.Liger roared impatiently.Sakura silenced him.Sakura opened the hatch and sat on Liger's head and stared around looking for the others.She sighed deeply and lied back and put her arms behind her head.Suddenly she heard a Zoid approaching...
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Guest cesar906
Shield liger and his pilot
DFX:Hey I've found you at last my friend I've travelled far from my home to meet you now that we are here we'll just wait here.That's a nice zoid
He pauses
DFX:How many of us are they?
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All the sudden a dark green Z-Slink can sliding into the feild. The pilot opened the hatch, jumped out and jogged towards the other four. When she reached them, she brushed her bangs out of her eyes and said, "Yo guys! Sorry I'm late. Got stuck in traffic."
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"Hey is this all you guys?!"called Sakura.
She looked around.There was a Shield Liger,a Dragon,a Zaber Fang Zero and a Z-Slink.She nodded.
"Okay guys let's go!!"said Sakura jumping back into Liger.
Liger bounded through the meadow/field they were in.The others followed Sakura.She was a happy soul.She was always cheerful unless someone made her really angry.She loved Zoid piloting.Anyone could have seen that.
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"We are going to the Temple of Zion."said a voice over everybodies
"Thats right Ki."said Sakura.
"So where are the ruins?"Fox said.
Just to know,I changed the name of my charter to Ki,sorry,but I didn't like Danta.
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A good amount of screaming was then heard on the universal channel on the CB radios inside these recently gathered Zoids. They all stopped in place and waited for whatever it was to show itself. A jade green blur ran by...once...twice...and then stopped. The voice of a woman came on the CB radio again, but not screaming this time.

"Man, I swear...you do that again, Jadefox, an I'l make sure you're scrapped! God, you just won't quit!"

The other pilots looked down at the recievers of the radios. Only one spoke up, trying to hold back laughter.

"Uh, excuse me, but...who are you?" Sakura asked, checking her monitors. She spotted a small black box on the hind left leg and smiled a bit.

"The name's Kirei Cloud. This here's Jadefox, my Zoid. She's pretty special, but she's a real pain. I thought I heard something about the Temple Of Zion."

"You did...what's it to you?" Fox said, looking the Zoid over on his monitor as well. He overlooked the black box,though.

"Well...my brother told me stories about that place when we were little...and I thought..." Kirei answered, checking each Zoid simultaneously. She noticed that a few were like hers...Ultimate X Zoids.

Ki came over Kirei's Vidcom and started yelling at her. "This isn't a time for childish fantasies! We have REASONS to be there!" He popped up on Sakura's Vidcom next. "We do have reasons, don't we?"

Sakura sighed. "Yes, Ki, we have reasons. Well, Kirei...if you'd like to come with us, you're welcome to it."

Kirei came up on Sakura's Vidcom and laughed. "You really mean it?" she yelled, practically ready to jump out of her Zoid and shout for joy.

"Yes, really...she's just like a child. Don't you agree Fox? Fox?" Sakura tapped the CB radio and sighed. "Just as well, I suppose. Well, let's get moving!" she called, pressing her Zoid on.

And off they went again, Ki and Kirei arguing over how childish-or NOT childish-Kirei was over the Vidcom.
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Guest cesar906
DFX:Hey Fox we should at least know what are we facing before we enter into the temple of Zion so we'll know what were up against because I've heard times are bad right know
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"Right!We'll beat the evil won't we guys!!"said Sakura cheerfully.
She continued to bound through the meadows.Actually Liger just kept going while Sakura checked the map and ate and rested.Sakura took a look at the others following her.Kirei was trying to control the hyper-active JadeFox while DFX,Fox and Ki just looked and piloted their Zoids.
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"Hey, Sakura...Fox...DFX...why do you want to go to the temple of Zion?" Kirei asked, a timid tone in her voice. She didn't want to press matters any.

"Why do you want to know?" DFX answered, looking at the speaker of the CB radio quizzicaly.

"Just wondered. I'm bored, so I thought I'd ask somebody something to drown out the quiet a bit." Kirei looked at her GPS and sighed. They had a long way to go, it seemed.

"Why are you going?" Sakura asked, popping up on the Vidcom. She was reclining in the seat of Liger, arms folded, giving Kirei a bemused look.

" My brother used to tell me stories about the treasure there...and that if you made a wish there, it would be guaranteed to come true. I know, it's sort of childish...but it was my brother's dream to go there...he's just a parts dealer now...more of a junk dealer to me. I thought if I went there instead of him, maybe I could make him happy...knowing that at least someone in our family made it." Kirei said, slapping the computer a bit between sentences, trying to settle Jadefox down.

"You really care about your brother, don't you?" Fox asked, finally speaking up.

" Yeah...Surprisingly, I love him more than I thought I could...as annoying as that dumb blonde is..." Kirei said, looking down. She stared at a taped up picture of her brother in the cockpit of the Jadefox.

"You call your brother a dumb blonde?" DFX asked, giving the radio an odd look again.

"Well, he is! He falls, gets caught under a team's net...I still don't know how he managed that..." Kirei said, trailing off. Her tracking system was beeping. "Uh oh...WE GOT COMPANY, GUYS AND GALS!" she yelled, engaging her weapons.
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Sakura sat up in her seat."Liger get Ready!!!"
Liger roared loudly and charged forward.There were 3 Lightning Sykes.
Liger ran fast zig zaging to make it hard to attack.
"LIGER STRIKE LASER CLAW!!!" Liger's claws lit up brightly and were charged full of energy.They leapt up to one of the Sykes and chopped the gun off the top off."Liger!CAS Mode!!" suddenly Liger's armor faded away."Blade Armour CAS!!" the blader armour appeared in place of the other armour."Blade Armour CAS Complete!!" she ran forwards again.(they've found a new way without the machines to do it.)She flicked out the blades and charged forwards again.
"Come On Liger!!We Can Do It!!!"she cheered from inside the cockpit.
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"Hit it, Jadefox!" Krei said, turning off her Vidcom and flipping a side switch. The sound of "Crawling" by Linkin Park came balring on the radio, causing the rest of them to turn down their radios. A loud, almost squeakish roar was let out by the Jadefox. "Time to rock 'n roll, people..." Kirei commented, typing in the code that enabled the tracker's stealth seekers.
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Ki took off in the air with Dragoon-X,and turn."Lock on!"he locked on the nearest Lighting Sykes.He shot his machine gun and hit his traget."Your gone",he looked at the next one.He landed on the ground.
Dragoon-X locked on the Lighting Sykes.Dragoon-X open his mouth and shot a beam,and shot the Lighting Sykes.Ki jumped out and looked at the pilots.He was able to take a few items,three hunting knifes and handguns.He took a hunting knife and a handgun.When Fox and DFX came.
"What happen?"DFX asked.
"Your late..."Ki said,he threw them both a gun and a knife.
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Sakura charged forward with Blade Liger.
"Blade Rush Liger!!"she yelled.
The two blades glowed and crackled with electricity.Liger rushed past the last Lightning Syke and put a nice cut through it from torso to back of back legs.Sakura and Liger cheered.Liger roared out the victory and they looked at the fallen foes.The pilots got out.Sakura and the others continued their treck leaving a large trail of dust behind them and choking the pilots of the Sykes.
"Way to go guys.We really make a good team!!"said Sakura through the com.
The others agreed happily.
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*Fox uses the stealth module of the Zaber Fang Zero and sneaks up on a lightning scythe and shoots it with three rounds. he then reveals the Zaberfang Zero.*
Fox:"Sheesh I heard from a zoid pilot that tried going that he tried going there but was defeated by lightning Scykes... If these where them he must of went alone..."
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Guest cesar906
DFX:hey who in the world was that and what did they wanted with us. Are they some kind of whacked out people taking on us we worked good in team
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Sakura:We'll have to be careful.Since we beat them they may become our new enemies that will keep appearing and trying to beat us.
(They are going to be our main enemies but they change Zoids when they lose.)
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"Well, if they come back, we can just beat 'em down again, right?" Kirei asked, turning down her music. She fiddled with a few buttons in her Zoid and slammed her fist into the console. "Sh!t!" she yelled, trying a few key combinations.

To no avail.

"What's up?" DFX asked, popping up on the Vidcom.

"One of those creeps managed to screw up my tracking system! But how?" Kirei asked, looking at a screen full of command histories. Her jaw dropped. "Now THIS I don't believe!"

"What?" Sakura asked.

"One of them managed to...to hack into the satellite I use for my GPS and transfer a Virus to the comand system...specifically my tracking system."
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Guest cesar906
DFX:Hey sakura can we pick up the pace I've heard tales about this valley and it gives me the creeps and I don't want to be here. as they passed the valley of the great
DFX:Kirei I'm good with this technology so why don't I help you we might be able to get your tracking system up and running
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