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1st anniversary banner and avatar set.


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[size=1][color=darkblue] To celebrate the first year anniversary of me signign up to Otakuboards. I have made an banner and avatar set. I included my many names from over the year as a reminder that, while it looks like I first registered in November, I was in fact, here since may in one way, shape or form.

So here it is, comment and critique.

If they're not up on my profile yet, rate the banner, or wait a few minutes ;)[/size][/color]
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Did all of you join on the same day... or are all of those your previous usernames? heh

I recognize them all, except the first (I blur all those DBZ style names together to be honest...). I'm just not positive, with all the name changes on here in general lol.
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[size=1][color=darkblue] Sorry to burst your bubble Sem, but theyre not all DBZ names, in fact, the only one that is, is the first, Saiyangohan2002.

EDIT: I realise what you're saying now heh...

Yes, they're all me. I was pretty undecided about names for the first part when I Joined. I did have another too, But I left it off for asthetic reasons, and it was an utterly pathetic name.

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...that's not what I said.

"I recognize them all, except the first (I blur all those DBZ style names together to be honest...)."

Meaning, I remember them all except the first because it's DBZ and I blur them all together as one (there has to be at least 50 of them here, and they all seem to have numbers after them).

Edit: Okay, then we're clear lol :D


Anyway, it's a good banner. I think your names on the bottom seem somewhat out of place because they seem to want to go over the border you put around the image. Other than that, I don't really have any problems with it.
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