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Super Butoden 3


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I think I got the spelling right...

Anyway, on KaZaA I downloaded a song which i was lead to believe was the theme to Majin Buu. Which one, I don't know.

But, it doesn't sound a thing like any theme to Majin Buu I know of. When i looked at in in RealOnePlayer, it called it "Super Butoden 3"

Who is Butoden?

Editor's Note: I bet my spelling is off...
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[color=red][size=1][font=arial]Actually, I think "Super Botuden 3" is one of the many Dragon Ball Z fighting games for the PS1, though it was only released in Japan. I could be wrong, though.

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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JCBaggee [/i]
[B][color=red][size=1][font=arial]Actually, I think "Super Botuden 3" is one of the many Dragon Ball Z fighting games for the PS1, though it was only released in Japan. I could be wrong, though.

--Chris[/color][/size][/font] [/B][/QUOTE]
Actually, it wasnt on PSX/PS1. It was only on Super Nintendo. All 3 Super Botuden's were on Super Nintendo.

As far as PSX games only released in Japan, the only one that I've seen is DBZ Legends(which I got, but was only able to play it on my comp because on my last comp, I had Connectix VGS on it.). As you know, UB22 and DBGT: Final Bout has both been released here in America, so all we need to get now is DBZ Legends. Once we get that, we'll have em all. I pray that we get Legends here in the states because that is quite possibly the best DBZ game on PSX. If yall havent plyed it, if it gets released here, you had best get it. I guarantee that you wont regret it. Definetly a very fun game.

As far as the theme for Majin Buu that you downloaded, if its the one 2:02, and it sounds a bit dark and demonic, then you're talkin about the one from DBZ Ultimate Battle 22(that Majin Buu theme is quite possibly the best one I've heard. ^_^). I didnt realize that it was for that game until I had bought the game and got to the very end and I was like "What the hell!? Its my Buu theme! :D" But yeah, you're more than likely talkin about the one from Ultimate Battle 22. Very awesome theme indeed. And the reason it probably said Super Botuden 3 in your RealPlayerOne is probably because it was on the Super Botuden 3 soundtrack which they did release. Half of the songs on there werent even from that game, but from the Ultimate Battle 22 game.
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Guest Hikaru Ichijyo
Super Butoden 3 is one of the many DBZ games that came out for the Super Famicon aka SNES. The song you heard was the theme for Majin Buu in the game which is completely different from his theme's on the american and japanese versions of the show.
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