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Kiddy Grade


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I watched about 6 episodes of Kiddy Grade a couple of days ago. It is a pretty new series(2002). I have to tell you guys it is a good SciFi series.
The two main charcters-Lumiere and Eclair, work for Galactic Organization of Trade and Tariffs (GOTT). In this job they deliver goods, ie. peace treaty documents, criminals, illegal materials, ect... to the desired location anywhere in the galaxy.
Lumeire is the brute strength in the group, while Eclair is the genius, she can hack any system with just a touch(literaly). Their spaceship La Muse(I think) is like telepathic with Eclair, kinda cool if you ask me. The animation is good. Nice and crisp.The music is great, especaily the opening song. Anyway you guys should check it out when it gets to America, in a few years most likely. I'll try to get some screencaps for you guys.
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  • 4 months later...
Has anybody seen the anime called Kiddy Grade...I've heard from different internet sources a mix of things. They say that it's a pretty good show, but there's a lot of fanservice and the characters that give it are a little childish in the body aspect. This kinda throws me off...can anyone tell me a little more about it and whether you liked it or not?
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I've seen it. I heard many good things, so I checked it out. All I'm going to say is that I found it [i]extremely[/i] boring. I didn't feel that it really did anything it did better than the tons of other anime out that are practically just like it. That's me though.
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Well, I read on New-Type that it was a very good show. by the time I read about it, it was airing in Japan. I guess that we'll have to wait and see if it's good or bad. The pics that I saw were good, but then again, we''ll have to wait and see. By the way Semjaza Azazel, how did you saw it? Just to know, would love to see it before it arrives (IF it ever comes here). Thanks!
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