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My oficial banner (for now)

DarK DeatH

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OOO nize, BTW I wanted ask, how u get the words to fade in and outm I'm a total newb when it comes to that kinda stuff, but I'm ok at banner making, aka my own I have now. like? lol but how do u do that??!!?! I MUST KNOW!
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Lemme remember, first you gotta use layer effects (or styles) and use an outer glow with 100% spread and 1 pixel (or how many you want it to be) size. All this you should do on the second frame, the first should only be the text, then you click the "create motion tween" while having the first frame selected, and put "effects" on the behavior or feature or whatever it is... Chose the number of frames you want it to be long, and just do the same thing to make it go back...

*NOTE* That's done with Adobe Image Ready, not Photoshop
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Banners too long for that small picture, there are better Aoshi pictures out there look for some and replace the current picture in your sig =\. hmmm... I'm not sure if "dark death" suits Aoshi either, it makes him seem evil when deep down he really is't ^___^. The simple, small fading text does look good though.
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