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What is your favorite episode of cowboy bebop


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Firstly, wrong forum...

Secondly, there may be a similar thread in the right forum.

Thirdly, I'd probably say the last two. I never can understand them fully (as goes with the last two episodes of most anime series') but heh.. I did like them.
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I have to say I really enjoyed Cowboy Funk. The scenes between Andy and Spike were funny as hell.
I also like Pierrot le fou alot, but my favorite episode has to be Ballad of Fallen Angels. The showdown in the old church was one of the coolest scenes I've seen in anime.:D
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[size=1][color=green][i]Hmmm...tough one there...So many good eps :D

Lets see i like waltz for venus cause its got a healthy dose of humor and drama...Pretty sad in the end but still good.

Other then that i like Stray dog strut cause im the biggest ein fan (hes so cute and smart ;) ) and Toys in the attic.

I know some dont like toys in the attic but i laugh SOOO hard at that ep. everytime...I mean comeon the whole premise of that ep is so insane its funny :p [spoiler] (Oh and classic scenes like spike trying to light his cig with a flamerthrower :laugh: )[/spoiler]

Although when it comes down to it there all gems and i can find good things to say about them all :toothy: [/i][/color][/size]
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IK have to say Mushroom Samba. Its by far amazing. And funny. For thoes of you who havent seen the ep it involves my 2 fav chars a lot as well, Ed and Ine. Ed goes looking for food and finds some illegal mushrooms dropped by a pirate, Fatts Domino. (no relation to the singer, hehe) And their well "shrooms" And it shows Spike, Faye and the captin guy tripping, the part about the stair to heaven is hallarous. I think thats the best overall ep. I own it as well as Balled of falen angels and ITs asome too, Verry sweet and heart felt. #2 on my list. ^_^
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Evcery episode that vicious is in it... but to be more specific i really liked the ending of the ending chapter, when the real fol blues is in the backround music, this is what made that episode so good.
ballad of fallen angels was good, i really like the fight between vicious and spike, vicious really kicked his ***, though i never understood how vicious got away from the granade in time, and survived...
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Probably Symphany for the Devil, Real Fokes Blues Part 2, and Ballad of Fallen Angels. All of them are great episodes and each of these episodes inperticular have really deep meanings to them. Besides that i also of course liked Mushroom Samba just because it was really funny.
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