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Holiday Celebrations


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Christmas is rounding the corner, Hannukah has just started, and Kwanzaa will be soon after Christmas. As most of us know we have our traditions, some completely stupid or some really fun to do, for these holiday celebrations. So I have a question, what is your winter holiday that you celebrate? What are your customs during this month? and Are you visiting any family members and if so, what will you do?

That's all, Happy Christmas, Merry Holidays! :D
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[size=1]Christmas here, although we're not particularly religious about it. I'm not religious at all, actually, so the holiday is more of a family thing for me than anything else. That, and it's a great excuse to eat hoards of cookies.

We put up lights, decorate the house, make cookies and fudge and all that good stuff. Sometimes I go caroling with friends, sometimes we go bowling, sometimes we play flashlight tag. It's more of an excuse for everyone to just go home and chill out than anything else. [/size]
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I concurr. These 'religious' holidays are more of a time for folks to relax and enjoy one anothers company other than anything else. I myself simply enjoy being with my family and have fun as my friends get so overly excited, well, most of them anyway. It's just a ncie time if you ask me.
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My holiday has always been Christmas.

Every Christmas Eve, my family and I open one gift and save the rest till Christmas Day. Then, we head on to my aunt's house and exchange gifts, eat dinner, and well...have fun. That's my celebration.

And also, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all; and to all a good night!!!!!!:angel: :bow:

:alcohol: "Wooo....Party!!!!!
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