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How typical, Upperdeck shows its ignorance yet again.


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Okay, I was informed by a friend today that Upperdeck has done something totally stupid, well I went to the offical site and lo and behold they have.

[QUOTE][b]As was posted here before, it should be noted that all Upper Deck Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG© releases are tournament legal upon release.


Archfiend Monsters
"Archfiend" is a special category of card introduced in the Dark Crisis expansion set. Most Archfiends can be identified by their name. Any card with "Archfiend" in the card name, is an Archfiend card. In addition, several older cards are also considered to be "Archfiends". These cards include:

Axe of Despair
B. Skull Dragon
Beast of Talwar
Fiend Skull Dragon
Lesser Fiend
Shadow Tamer
Summoned Skull
Toon Summoned Skull[/b]

Now, I know this seems like I'm making a big deal out of nothing, but doing some reasearch amongst the Japanese game, they never considered these cards Archfiends, of course this is in response to the field card that was just released in DCR, its called "Pandemonium." Now see in Japan this card was called "Lair of Ten Thousand Demon Lords" or something along those lines, now that card's effect stated that any card with the name "Demon" in it was protected or something. But since we have to be so darn religiously over protective we have to go and screw up names of old cards etc.

Is it just me or does Upper deck seem to love doing this to their YGO players? I ask you simply because of the immense stupidity behind this whole concept, if they wanted to include these cards they could have simply put in these specific card names or just left these cards out of the whole loop. Oi ve. Any opinions as to this controversy?
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Um, UD hasn't done anything wrong there. There never were "Archfiends" in the Japanese game...they all simply had "Demon" in their name. All those cards listed originally did as well. That's why they're all considered Archfiends- they were considered to be part of this "family" in the Japanese game, but due to a an UD/Konami screw up with early naming and translations, they couldn't be in the English game without that list being released.

Go to Edo's, and look at 305. You'll see the Archfiends themselves protected other cards with "Demon" in their name, even outwith the Chess themed monsters...
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Well, since all the cards on that list were released before the chess demons were even thought of, Konami of America (who does the translations & edits, *NOT* Upperdeck) had no idea that they would eventually be part of a larger series. If they had, they would have named them all similarly to avoid confusion.

Quite frankly, I'm much more concerned about the errata involving Infernalqueen Archfiend that this honest and understandable mistake.
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  • 2 weeks later...
i think the main reason for the name differences is the fact that they didnt want to get sued. i mean they got sued because they had "magic" cards so they had to rename them "spell" cards. so maybe the other names were like other card games card names or they just liked how it sounded. by the way does konami own the rights to the show yugioh?
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If I correctly remember, Threat of the Demon World was out about at the same time as Labyrinth of Nightmare here and yet they never figured out the problems with Dark Scorpion or Amazoness cards, and it was still time to adjust Lesser Fiend, Fiend Skull Dragon and Shadow Tamer, yet they did not. Never.

Either KoA is totally unaware that there are MORE sets released in Japan than in Americe (Which I hardly believe), or they do that on total purpose of spoilers! They don't want to reveal the future sets. Or they could just be plain stupid enough to do that.

I'd have expected them to create a new category of monsters for guardians (like they did with archfiends), but they just used the big stupid formula. I just hope they won't be crazy enough to have OTHER cards in future sets with guardian in their names.
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  • 2 weeks later...
The only reason they changed most of the fiends to archfiends was because of that Demon ruling to save themselves less aggravation when that Premature Burial type card for "Demon" Aka Archfiends come out. Otherwise there is no real major conspiracy theory involved with that. The only major problem this causes is that now you have to call Archfiends as the subtype with Tribe Infecting Virus which in reality is not even a [b]big deal[/b].
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[color=indigo][font=century][size=1]Actually, the various power-up and protection abilities the aRchfiends have is what prompted the errata.

Then again, how could KoA have known about Japanes cards that hadn't even been printed yet?

And "Archfiend" isn't a type, it's a classification; they're all still "Fiends" to TIV. [color][/font][/size]
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