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Elk (from .hack// games) drawing


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[color=navy]I drew this the other day. All I had to draw on was lined paper. I colored it with pastels. They got all over my hand and so they smeared off of my hand onto the blank spots on the paper. This is my first attempt at drawing Elk. Also my first attempt at drawing this kind of style of art. Normally I draw like Dragon Ball Z style. Critiques welcome.

Oh, and I also had to resize it so it looks a little funny.[/color]

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[color=navy]Heh, I know he does look a little crosseyed doesn't he?

I think I might draw him again tomorrow. Probably won't get to scan and then post the pic till next weekend though. I'll try and work on the cross eyed thing.[/color]
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Oil pastels ... grr, writing 'easily blendable' on the pack of those things is just the company's idea of a cruel joke...

Okay, I've never seen this character, so I'll just have to use your banner and avatar as references. To begin with, he doesn't look desperately cross-eyed to me - more like he's looking down at something very close to his feet. Compared to the pictures you have of him, there's a few matters of proportion. His face is rather elongated, as is his neck, so I'd shorten them a bit. His purple drape thingy ought to come down a bit more over his shoulders, too. After those more important things have been done, you could add a little more tonal contrast to give depth to the image and hence more detail. Other than that, it's good as a first attempt - good attention to the character generally. ^_^ Well done!
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Hehe, it looks like a fly landed on his nose and he's trying to get it. ^^
Yes, pastels have the tendency to smear all over the freakin' place and go everywhere except your drawing. That's the annoying part about them.
On the plus side, they have a good soft effect to them, so it sorta looks like chalk. Which is cool. :D
That's a pretty nice drawing. And considering that you like to draw DBZ style, Elk turned out pretty spiffy. ^^
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[size=1](Reads DragonGirl's Sig) O.O!! Billy!!

Anyways, I think it is OK for your first try and sense you were using oil pastels.
I agree with Pyrophobic on it looks like he's looking down instead of cross-eyed. You got a few of the colors for his clothes wrong, like the blue should be alot darker, but it's still pretty good. His face is a bit too small for his head and he has a flat chin. Get some good colored pencils to color it in with instead, Pastels to me... are... more for... Still life art instead of anime and such. :)[/size]
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[size=1]Learning to make pastels look right takes time. I've given up and now call my pastel pictures "stylized." It's much more fun, heh.

About the cross-eyed thing. Heh. You said you mostly draw Dragonball characters...they're all cross-eyed, anyway. Heh.

If you're really getting frustrated with things not looking right, I suggest copying something exactly. Try drawing your character (on different pieces of paper, don't erase too much) until you get it right. By then, you'll know how everything looks, and you won't need a reference to get things right--you'll know it.

Personally, I've found the colored pencils work the best for just coloring. You can shade easily with them, and don't have to worry about smudging. [/size]
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[color=navy]Yeah, it's really hard to find pictures of him though. I've only got about three pictures of him.

I know the colors aren't exactly right, but they were the closest I had.

I'm going to draw him again, I brought my colored pencils to my dad's house this weekend(yay!).[/color]
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[color=navy]Ok, this is just a sketch.

I wanted to post it so I could get some advice on what to change before I darkened the lines and colored it.

I know there are eraser marks on it in some places. But I'm going to try and get rid of some of those before I finish it up.

So give me your advice and I'll change what you think needs to be changed or worked on. When I finish these changes I will post the finished product.

Just a little info on what happened while I was drawing it:

I could not get the mouth to look like he wasn't smiling, but I eventually got it.

I spent a lot of time on the eyes so they looked good and were even. I also changed the right eye(or is that left?) quite a bit, you can probably tell by the eraser smudges.

I had a very pixelly picture to look at, I had to enlarge it before I printed it so that's why, but because of that, I couldn't see some details, such as, where the markings on Elk's cheeks ended.

Ok, for the final thing, if you haven't guessed, this is my avatar. That is why it's only part of his face, because my that is what my avatar is. That is also why I had to enlarge the picture before I printed it.

Well, enjoy![/color]
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