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The Gunfighter;

Guest jro13

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The streets of Razzaria were crowded, as usual, but this time is was fear in the eyes of the people. They were running from what appeared the be an army of skeltons. They were killing and destoring the whole city and its people. It was clearly the end of the world in this beatiful city.
And at the top of the tower of Razzaria was Xeo Wallace with fear in his eyes, but not for long. He had gotten a cell phone out of his pocket, and seem to be calling someone. When the person answered the phone. Xeo responed " It has begun"
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Selena was sitting outside when her cellphone rang. She answered it just to drop it. She jumped up and looked toward Razzaria. She saw a huge flame. She picked up her cellphone.

"I'm not leaveing unless you come get me," Selena said as she talked into the cellphone. She got nothing but a click for a response. Selena hung her cellphone up and put it at her side. She ran inside and grabbed her gun. She ran back outside and looked around. She was about to leave her peaceful town of Cathrina.

An hour later, a male figure was standing in front of Selena. It put Its hand on her shoulder. Selena looked upward.

OOC: Sorry for the short post :sweat:
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"Selena, it is time we have to hold them off in Razzaria the Aurians are attacking", said Xeo. They hop on his motorcyle and headed for Razzaria. They were shotting the skeltons as they went. Until a skelton jump on Xeo and knocked him off the bike. An group of skelton bombraded Xeo with their and Xeo was lost in the blades. Serena shreked and started shooting to save the man that she thought was her brother. As Xeo tried to get out of the skeltons bombradment.
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*starts throwing eggs at people for no reason at all*
the skeltons are skeletons, right?
A jeep crashed through skeltons (laughs at spelling) smashing many of them to bits. "This Is gonna be on the news forever!" the driver of the jeep yelled as he jumped out of the jeep shooting a few skeltons in the process.
The hanguns were proving inaffective so he picked up a neerby crowbar and jumped into the fray. "There is way to many of them!" Kyle pulled out a grenade and tossed it at a large group of skeltons blowing them into tiny peices.
He saw a young man and a young woman a little to the left of him fighting the skeltons.There were just to many of them, they needed to resort to something else to stop all the skeletons, but what?
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A boy slept quietly in his hotel, oblivious to the near chaos. A thundering crack rang through the air, tossing him out of bead. He stood up alerted, and grabbed his handgun and gunblade off the nightstand before exiting to the balcony.

The scene was catastrophic. Innocence scurried away from the skeletons, running for their lives. Many of them were hacked down in their places, leaving a trail of blood. The boy took out his handgun and proceeded to snipe the attacking skeletons. He fired, sending a bullet straight through one of their heads. The creature didn't seem to notice, and continued its rampage through the town.

The boy sweared through clenched teeth, as he holstered his handgun and unsheathed his Gunblade. He vaulted off the balcony just as a hoard of skeletons entered his room, checking for any forms of life.

The boy landed hard ontop of a group of skeletons, crushing their skulls under his feet like shattering glass. His sword shot up just in time to block a skeleton's attack, as he used his force to push the skeleton back.
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[color=blue][size=1]Hoards of skeletons were sent flying as a girl ran through the seemingly endless army. Her sword cut several skeletons down to size. She laughed but quickly jumped into the air to avoid being piled on by the mindless bones.

She ran over the skeletons, sending one at a time to the ground. The skeletons were too brainless to realize that she was running atop them, so they ran around trying to find her. She eventually came back to the ground and entered a nearby building. She pulled out a handgun and held her sword steady.

As she neared the end of the hallway she kicked open a door revealing a stairwell. She ran in and shut the door. She went up about three floors (there were 14) and then ran towards a room. She unlocked the door and headed towards the bedroom. She pulled a bag out from underneath the bed and slung it over her shoulder.

She heard the feet of the skeletons on the floor below, so she quickly ran towards a window and jumped onto the fire escape. She hurried down as fast as she could and jumped to the ground. She ran into a group of skeletons about a block later and made quick work of them. She saw a car nearby and found it was unlocked.

"It's been a long time since I hotwired a car, but I've got to give it a shot," she said to herself as she pulled out some wires. In 10 seconds, it was up and running. "Yes! Here we go!!" she yelled as she drove into more skeletons.


OOC: Hope that's okay... Do we still have cars?[/color][/size]
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OOC; yes we have cars

Xeo and Selena managed to get of the hoard of the skeletons, had gotten back on the motorcycle. "Where in hell are these skeletons coming from", said Xeo. But he had a plan to destory the skeletons. He had to use his element, but it was risky. He had planned trap the skeltons in a portal. So he did so and all the skeletons whriled into a ball and didappeared. "we are safe for now."said Xeo
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[color=blue][size=1]The girl continued to drive over skeletons until she reached a part of the foresaken city that had been cleared out. She turned off the car and walked into the middle of the street. She glared around, knowing that someone else had to be around. "These streets don't clean themselves..." she mumbled to herself.

She held her sword ready to attack and looked around the buildings. She noticed a man and a woman standing around a motorcycle talking. She slipped closer, unbeknownst to them. She pulled her sword to her side as she scaled the side of a nearby building. They didn't hear or see her as she quietly got into a position to eavsdrop on them.

But before she had the chance, all three of them began to hear the sound of skeleton footsteps. The girl withdrew and climbed to the roof. She jumped towards another building and landed clumsly on the roof. She looked down to see if the man or woman had heard her. Apparently not, for they hopped onto their motorcycle and headed in the opposite direction of the skeletons.

The girl climbed back down and hotwired a different car she saw parked in the street. She shifted it into gear and headed the same way the others had gone. She heard a ring coming from her bag. She rummaged through it while keeping her eyes on the road. She pulled out a cellphone and answered, "Who is it?"

A man on the other end said, "Hello Nikkie. Have you had any trouble?" She responded, quite irratated, "An army of skeletons. Until I saw this guy and a woman. They seemed to have gotten rid of 'em for an entire square mile. By the way, who are you?" The man didn't answer her question. He simply said, "Go to the City Hall building. The others should meet you there."

Nikkie objected, "Hey! You didn't say anything about 'others' before!! Hello?!" He had hung up. She grumbled as she stashed the cellphone back in her bag. She began wondering why she had accepted his offer of becoming a 'gunfighter'.[/color][/size]
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Now Xeo and Selena were heading for the city hall building where the meeting is begin held. Xeo was greeted by a man with a grey beard"Ah,James my son welcome",said the man. "hello dad, did you call nikkie, she was trailing us"said Xeo. "She hung up, but i"m sure she is coming soon, you can't trust your half-sister.And why do you go by Xeo instead of James?'' "Dad, please this not the time for this stuff. I have to make my way into the meeting for the Gunfighters,bye."
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[color=blue][size=1]Nikkie speed towards City Hall. She was still wondering whether or not the man and woman had heard her. There weren't any other cars nearby, and she was driving quite fast. Plus, her landing on the roof of that building should have been loud enough for [i]somebody[/i] to hear.

After about five minutes of thinking she came upon City Hall. The man and woman were standing out front. But now there was another man, but he had beard and was talking to the younger man. "Great. These must be the 'others'." Nikkie stopped the car and walked out towards the group outside the building.

"Hello Nikkie. This is Ja-" "The name's Xeo," he interrupted. The older man eyed Xeo, but kept quiet. Xeo continued, "And this is Selena." She smiled at Nikkie, but her face was blank. The man with the beard explained that he had been the one calling her and that more were still coming.

Nikkie grew annoyed that she had to work with people. She was used to working on her own. She leaned against the wall and kept quiet. Xeo glanced at her occasionally, but never talked to her.[/color][/size]
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Finally Xeo walked toward Nikkie, but a group of member hoarded in front of him. "Hey Xeo, can we have your autograph", asked a kid. "sure", said Xeo. About time he was done nikkie was gone. "where did my sister go now?' said Xeo. And walked into the city hall by himself.
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Jeep wlked In front of Xeo as he walked In city hall . "What was wrong with you back there, you almost sucked me Into the portal." Kyle angrily yelled.

"There was nothing else I could do, we were eing overrun." Xeo explained.

"Ok, I guess I can see your reasoning. Next time warn me so I can grab on to something." Kyle said a little less angrily and walked ahead of Xeo
sorry for the short post
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When they enter the city hall they were transported to a tower in the sky called Gunfighter's tower. There were hundreds of members standing and greeting nikkie. Xeo walked toward Selena "wass up, what is news?'' said Xeo. " The Aurians are using Dr. Vixen's orbs to transport here".
"This is serious we here to do something", said Xeo.
Nikkie was walking toward Xeo, and about to speak to him about something.
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[color=blue][size=1]Nikkie entered the building and looked inside different rooms. She was really bored and didn't want to wait outside. She passed a room with several people inside talking.

She hid below the window and listened through the door and waited to hear something like "How can we save the reputation of this town with all these skeletons running around?" But instead she heard them talking about TV shows that parents didn't like their children watching coming from the local cable station.

"Wow," Nikkie said to herself, "Either they're blind or they're trying too hard to keep their mind off of these skeletons' raids." She continued down the hallway when she saw a different man, followed by Xeo, walking after her. She slowed down and waited for them to catch up.[/color][/size]
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Xeo walked to Nikkie, " Why are you here, are you a spy?',said Xeo. "no!,i'm your half-sister",said Nikkie. "Oh okay I' m sorry welcome to the Gunfighters, I am the leader,so what is your purpose of being here. Nikkie didn't say anything. Xeo turned away and started talking to kyle.
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