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Yu-Gi-Oh! Not a children's show.

Guest PersianMistress

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Guest PersianMistress
When you think about it Yu-Gi-Oh! is a very complex show. I have to quote Heptka here "If Yugioh is a childrens show, why is Bakura so hot?" It's true. Usually a children's show stars around a YOUNG star anywhere from like, 10 (Pokemon, Medabots) to 13 (Digimon).
Yet shows ment for the teenage to adult crowd usually have stars that are around 15-45. In Yugioh, everyone is either 15-17 and a couple who're older like Ryusaki and Mako. This kinda proves that Yugioh is ment for teenagers. Or you could just watch the japanese unedited version I guess...........@_@

Any Comments?
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Yu-gi-oh originated from manga like Shaman King and Yu-Yu Hakusho. Until someone came along and made it so kiddie like to get "ratings". Bakura is not "hot" to many kids.

Read Shonen Jump or one of it's manga. Anzu is a psycho. Anzu is Tea by the way. Yami Yugi is evil i say EVIL!!!!! I still remember that comic when Anzu wrote a threat note, WITH KETCHUP!!! XD. Read the mangas, you'll understand.
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Guest PersianMistress
I do read the manga's. I have EVERY Shonen Jump. I am kinda bad with words. I think that people are mis-understanding. (Not to sound mean...cuz I'm not!) I was talking more about the TV show only. But the Manga does prove my point even more. I mean, people getting; set on fire, crushed, poisoned, scared to death, groped (Jhoji), into fights, tortured...yeah....and my classmates say I'm just immature...
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Spongebob's old enough for a driver's liscense and that's still a children's show, and that's on the verge of off-topicness, but hey! it's true! Age of the characters has nothing to do with whether a show is for children or not. However, I do agree that Yu-Gi-Oh! is indeed a complex show. Most really young kids may not be able to follow the storyline.
The manga is a completely different story from the anime though. NOT for little kids! At least, not good, angelic little kids like this :angel:.
So, all in all, it just depends on who's watching, or reading, Yu-Gi-Oh!
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[size=1][color=darkred]It really depends on the child's maturity, when they watch it. Many 10 year olds are old enough to accept content in PG-13 movies, and that is much more... adult, so we shall say, then cartoons.

Maybe a 16 year old can't handle the content of Yu-Gi-Oh! and[/color] [spoiler]jacks-off[/spoiler] [color=darkred]every time Serenity bends over.

So, you can't judge the child population as a whole - same with the teen.[/color][/size]
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Don't worry, all people are ignorant at things. Especially me. Actually, the child's maturaty is the answer. If a child is 7 they may not be suitable for watching the show. Though it doesn't really matter because there isn't all that much violence in the show itself. Now, parents may think otherwise, but this is my opinion.
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  • 3 weeks later...
I think that it depends on whether or not the viewer is 'into' the show or not. I think that the old pokemon show was just plain crap. And just like Leh said, they may be too 'mature' to understand that. And what I mean by mature is the fact that many kids today listen to all this rap music and watch a lot of PG-13 and R rated movies and they are only 5-9 years old! It all depends on how the person has matured depending on how they were raised.
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[COLOR=#503F86]It's the amount that's edited from the individual episodes. Later on during the Battle City, Blimp and Tower arcs, details of Marik's rather unsavoury past come to light. And rather than [spoiler]just sending his dad's mind to the Shadow Realm (as in the US version), in the Japanese version Marik actually kills his father using a blade that extends from the Millennium Rod.[/spoiler]

It's just changes like that made to keep censors happy that can cheapen the viewing for older viewers who like a hint of darkness in their helping of anime. I know I'd prefer to have kept those bits in the US dub, but never mind.[/COLOR]
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My other siblings complain that I'm too old to watch Yu-Gi-Oh!, even they don't even get how the show works.So ironic.Anyhow, I think that it would be cool if they put in a little bit/keep more darkness, but nonetheless (like duelist22), I'm practically fine with the show.

(I had this crazy idea that they should make a much darker version of Yu-Gi-Oh!....It would be like an extreme blood and gore violence version of Inuyasha.Just for us older people too, of course.I wouldn't mind that for a show! ^^But that's just me and a crazy idea of mine...*sigh* :p)
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It's a kid's show, because the American version of it is being piloted to kids. If you check out the original version of this show, you'll see a lot more violence, and even a bit of nudity (check out the uncensored Harpy Lady, for example!). The fact that it's animated makes American companies want to pitch it to children, because children are generally more drawn to cartoons. That's how it is over here in the States, but in Japan, even adults get into 'toons. You'd be surprised as to how much is cut out from the original versions of most anime shows. That's because almost all of them were pitched to young adults in Japan.
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