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The Crying Game


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I read this article in an anime/gaming magazine that your emotions can take over what you really think. Like, for example, you really like an anime. Your favorite character's best friend that you didn't really like dies. You find yourself crying, or at least thinking about how someone could have saved him/her.Thus, the name the Crying Game (I'm a poet and I didn't know it!!). Any thoughts, feelings, corrections, complaints?
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[size=1][color=chocolate]Well, I don't really believe that's true.
For example, in InuYasha. If Rin (Sesshomarou's little companion) dies, I wouldn't really care, and Sesshomarou is my favorite character in the series. Same goes for InuYasha; although I definitely want to see Kagome die. I'd be laughing.

Anyway, it depends on the type of person. Some people wouldn't really care; while others would. It really depends.[/size][/color]
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I've been there before. Everytime I watch an anime in that situation, I would cry; alot. I'm always emotional to almost everything I see that's depressing. For instance; if you've seen the movie X, the ending was really depressing; and I cried all night. One thing is, I cried when I've first watched it. Alot of anime can have some downfalls to any character in making the sequence of the scene (in any style) depressing. It's sad. :bawl:

With this game, I think I'll lose (or win; whatever how the game goes). That sounds like a cool game; though, I really don't want to dehydrate myself. I was almost low on water last time.:bawl: :gulp: :bawl: :bawl:
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I don't really think that it applys to me. Like if in Revolutionary Girl Utena if Wakaba died I'd be like whoop die do and then i'd just turn the page. Of course that's based on the first story arc before she becomes a more important charchter(well it looks like she does from what i've seen) so who knows? Oh well...actually I don't think I would care if Anthy got killed either. She's alright but not my favorite charcter....
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[color=blue][size=1]Like Wasabi said, it depends on the person. I never cry in those situations. I laugh. I love deaths of main or sub-main characters. That's always cool.

Call me cruel, go ahead. I hear it a lot from friends of mine. I enjoy death, or at least fictional death. I'm weird. So sue me.

~Interested In Death~[/color][/size]
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Hmm, I'd guess you have to say that you'd have to be really passionate about, say an anime, to cry if your favorite character or his/her best friend dies (who you don't really like). That's pretty specific, so no, If Shin or Spike dies, which they do (decided not to block that one, since It'll be obvious anyway), I wouldn't cry, though I would feel depression for a moment. Really, everyone dies, it's just how you die that counts. On a side note, there's a movie called The Crying Game, and that's what really drew me in to this thread :laugh:
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Well it really depends on if you at least can tolerate the said person it also depends on the circumstances..like this if Chibiusa were to die..few fans of sailor moon would weep cuz..she's annoying but sometimes when the least liked person dies in an anime you feel sad becasue when ever people die its a shame..unless they are just really annoyng..also what Stephanie said was right when one of the most annoying characters in X dies i cried a rive not becasue she died but becasue one of the other characters felt sad and HOW she died was really depressing...so i guess i agree with the whole game thing
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[SIZE=1][COLOR=deeppink]I'll cry at anything. Every time that I see an anime character die, I start to cry. Or when I think about one dying I start to cry and everyone asks what's wrong with me. Or if it looks like they die or come close to it. I can get emotional very easy when it comes to t.v. I've never cried at someone dying in real life though.

The first time I remember actually doing it was the first time I saw Vegeta die which was actually the second time it happened to him. My brother was sitting beside me and he started laughing.

I doubt though that it would matter if your favorite character's best friend died or not. You could hate that person and not care what happened to them at all.

It wouldn't bother me that someone called it the Crying Game but whoever thought of that article didn't really have to tell you what they think that some people do. Cold-hearted people watch anime, too. They might not care if a character they liked or disliked dies.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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I rarely cry during any TV show--live-action, animated, or otherwise. The last anime which actually made me break down in tears was Voices of a Distant Star, a beautiful OAV about two lovers separated by war and duty.

If a particular character's death is [i]really[/i] well done, then I might get a little misty-eyed, regardless of whether I actually liked him or her. For example, in the last episode of RahXephon, [spoiler]Makoto Isshiki is killed. I never cared very much for his personality, but his last words conveyed such agony that I couldn't help identifying with him. I was also moved by the effect that his demise had upon those who loved him (Itsuki Kisaragi, to be specific).[/spoiler]

Hmm.... I can't think of how to phrase this properly. When it comes to anime, I find that tragic situations are more touching when they show quiet, desparate sorrow (as opposed to noisy tears). There's nothing more off-putting than a maudlin display of poorly acted grief.

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I find that if the death scene is done well enough, then I probably would find myself sobbing. However, if it's someone that I just cannot stand, I probably wouldn't feel much remorse if that person were to be suddenly gone. If anything, I'd feel more for my favorite character and how he or she would feel without their dreadfully annoying friend not there anymore. A little OT, but the title of the thread was slightly misleading because as someone said earlier, it's the name of a movie, and a VERY controversial one at that >.<

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A movie? Oh. . .sorry!!

Anywho, back on the subject. I cry if I'm attatched to the character. Like in Samurai X, the episode DVD, Reflection,(LOOK OUT!!SPOILERS!!!)Tomoe and Kenshin died and I was crying for,like, ever. One reason because I'm totally in love with Kenshin.But, Kaoru dies. I hate the crap out of her, but I still cried. I have no clue why.(END SPOILERS!!*WHEW*)I suppose it does have to do with the emotional restraints of a person and how they actually feel about real life people. I guess it's psycological.
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That's weird. I've seen lots of anime and I have my favorite characters and when their friends die (that I didn't like) I find my self in shock. I find myself complaining like: "Why'd he die? They need to bring him back to life!" I don't cry though. I guess its because they helped move the story along and made it even more interesting. Its good when an anime can make you feel all kinds of feelings.
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I cry at most movies, sad or just depressing. With TV and anime, I usually just cry when something either shocks me, a character I really like dies, or a character (whether I like them or not) dies stupidly, senselessly, or just annoyingly. Like a character dying when they shouldn't have had to to move the plot, or dying in a stupid way, will make me cry a little. But then, I'm one of those people who [I]finds[/I] things to cry about. Lots of people will laugh in those situations perhaps, or yell, or rant on a blog, or do something else strange like that. We all react differently. If it is something that actually affects us inside (as much as anime can affect a person, which is also different per person), then it will most likely be expressed by whichever way has the most meaning to us. For example, if one of my favorite characters died, I probably [I]wouldn't [/I] cry. Rather, I'd go online and IM everyone on my buddy list ranting about it. That's my style.
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