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Kizna Towryk WP


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Kizna wallpaper I made a while ago.
The image of Kizna is property of its respective owners and airbrushed to suit my needs.
In case some of you did not know Kizna is from the anime Candidate For Goddess aka Pilot Candidate.
IF you decide to use this by any chance icons are meant to run to the right of the text on the far left.
If you wnat to use this on your site please ask permission first.
Total Time to make - 15 minutes

I am basically just wondering what you all think :)
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I think that looks awesome. I especially like the way her hair looks and the color scheme. It looks so nice, don?t think you could add a cherry blossom or some cherry blossom petals in there somewhere, do you (just to go along with all that [COLOR=pink]pinkness[/COLOR])? ^^
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I have no idea why, but that never crossed my mind. Ill give it a try, the only reason I stopped there was because people clutter wallpapers a little to much somtimes and it takes away from the overall effect. ::runs off to modify the WP:: I will let you know how it looks or maybe post it if it comes out satisfactory.

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Those are some really clever ideas for a wallpaper, especially with the Far Eastern Text to correspond to desktop icons.

I might just be someone who likes flashy effects, but it does seem a little empty. I'm also not too fond of having white on my desktop, but I think it works well for this theme. I agree with Yami*Maho Keno that pink petals would fill the white area nicely. That's not to say it's bad, though, as it looks like something my sister would use as a background.

My favorite part is the eye. Within the pink and white gradient, it just shines strongly, with an entrancing sense of emotion or thought.

Expect this to replace my sister's current B&W Asuka background on her laptop...
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Its funny you should say that, This wallpaper was originally a request from a lady for her website. I do agree that it may be a little plain, but the concept went along with the white background. It is supposed to be as if you are in her soul, almost an association with heaven or the afterlife, I was kind of going with the light at the end of the tunnel effect. And since white is usually a color associated with purity I thought it would fit best instead of adding another undertone of pink, purple, or light blue.

Newho thank you for the comment, It is much appreciated.
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Well, now that I know why the wp is the way it is, I say it's perfect. I mean with the concept you were going for. At first, I thought it was just supposed to be something pink and pretty which is why I mentioned the cherry blossom idea.

Really, it's great whether you add something or not.
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o.0 I LOVE it! The color scheme is wonderful; the softness of the pinks totally complements the actual image, and your explanation for the white makes a lot of sense. It's absolutely gorgeous; I'm in love with its simple elegance ^_^ My only gripe is that your name in the bottom right-hand corner is a little too bold. Maybe chose a less harsh color (maybe the same rich purple of her eyes, perhaps?) to complement the softness of the rest of the wallpaper, Other than that, it's just wonderful ^_^

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Thank you Sakura ^^ Actually if you set it as a wp you see that with a startbar the name does not actually show on the bottom ^^. Its not really meant to be "part of the wallpaper" just a tag to keep people from stealing my work (bad past experiences with that). Neway thanks again it means alot coming from someone as talented as you.

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[quote][i] Leh: [/i] It's really, really good. Only suggestions that I have is maybe putting a pink or white drop shadow on the text to the left.[/quote]

Thank you for the comment and suggestion. I think you are right, but at the time I made this text myself from scratch so It did not even cross my mind. I will definitly be trying that out.

Thank You For The Suggestion.
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