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Heh, I had a really hard time deciding what to call this thread. Basically, I'd like to discuss shows which haven't yet been released outside Japan (Onegai Twins, for example, would fall into that category).

In the past couple of weeks, I've watched the beginning episodes of Full Metal Alchemist, Chrno Crusade, Maria-sama ga Miteru, Peace Maker Kurogane, and Shingetsutan Tsukihime. Full Metal Alchemist failed to capture my attention, and Maria-sama manages--in the course of a single episode--to simultaneously rip off Revolutionary Girl Utena [i]and[/i] be staggeringly boring. So I doubt I'll follow those shows any further.

However, I've really come to like the remaining three series. In my enthusiasm, I already created a separate thread solely for Peace Maker Kurogane, and I'll wait a bit to talk about Chrno Crusade, but here I'd like to share my thoughts regarding Shingetsutan Tsukihime.

Tsukihime is almost like a cross between Vampire Princess Miyu and Boogiepop Phantom, but without Miyu's lameness or Boogiepop's shifting timeline. It has beautiful music, acceptably decent animation, and an intriguing storyline. Better yet, its characters never go into SD-mode (something which usually annoys me beyond all belief). If you like serious anime and supernatural themes, I strongly recommend this show.

What new series are you most interested in?

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Mine of course is Naruto, but i created a seperate thread to act like a fan-boy in, so I will not start here. Could you expand on Shingetsutsan Tsukihime? You grabbed me attention with your expalanation and I was wondering if you could go into a little more detail on the basics of the show.
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[quote]Full Metal Alchemist failed to capture my attention,[/quote]

Oh my f00kin god are you kidding me XD? FMA captured my attention from the get go at first the soundtrack from the opening and closing wasn't something I liked but now i'm obssessed with it =O! I really found FMA to be a unique and more or less completly original anime =O. The subject of alchemy is rarely touched upon and instead of having some kid adore his father it's clear from the beggining that Edward hates him >_>''. The few fight scenes i've seen have also been well done, and the animation is pretty consant as well... >_>'' *wonders what you didn't like about it :rolleyes:* well I could take a shot at guessing >_>... The biggest problem that i've had so far with the season at the start was that it was jumping from present-past and back again. Around episode 6-7 I believe that stops and the main focus of the story begins to come into play, some of the episodes are also a little episodic in nature, not in what occurs (atleast at the start of the series) just in every 2-3, 3-4 episodes it's a new problem/person our heros meet. I only watched up to episode 10 before my brother deleted all my episodes but episode 10 so far has been one of the highlight of the series Alchemist vs. Alchemist is pretty "schwiggy" to say the least ^__^. The only other anime which i'm watching at the current time (But also have to redownload all the episodes because of my brother -_-) is Shinsengumi PeaceMaker Kurogane =O. Oh wait then I am finishing up Gundam SEED as well >_>.
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[color=darkblue]Well, the series that I'm interested in following are Onegai Twins, since I think Please! Teacher is one of the best romantic comedies I've seen, and .Hack//No Udewa Tsogare Densetsu, obviously, because I want to end the Project .Hack once and for all. I was also looking forward to seeing Kiddy Grade, but since it will come out to US this February-March, I guess I'll wait.[/color]
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[quote]Could you expand on Shingetsutsan Tsukihime? You grabbed me attention with your expalanation and I was wondering if you could go into a little more detail on the basics of the show.[/quote]

Of course. ^_^

The show's main character is a teenager named Tohno Shiki, who experienced a terrible accident when he was a child. Ever since the accident, he's been able to see strange lines criss-crossing over everything in view--people, animals, objects, etc. Soon afterwards, a woman gave him a pair of glasses which restored his sight to normal.

Fast forward to the present. While the series seems to focus on Shiki, it's really more about a vampire named Arcueid (they meet in a very unconventional manner, but I won't spoil the surprise for you). She's one of the most beautiful, compelling anime females I've ever encountered. Tsukihime's basic plotline is similar to Miyu's--Arcueid is an "executioner," whose task is to destroy rouge vampires and other supernatural beings.

If you're interested in seeing Shingetsutan Tsukihime, my advice is to watch at least three episodes before deciding how you feel about it. Also, bear in mind it contains a good deal of gore--not gouts of blood, as in Peace Maker Kurogane, but quite a few severed limbs. The overall atmosphere is very dark and occasionally creepy. It's not a slow-moving show, but I was [i]really[/i] confused after seeing its first episode. Only when I continued did I understand what was going on, and started to like the series.

[quote]I really found FMA to be a unique and more or less completly original anime[/quote]

Yeah, I'll give you that. FMA is different from any show I've ever heard of; I guess I was a little turned off by the way it switches so abruptly between serious scenes and crazy comedic sequences. Also, the fight sequences didn't really impress me, but the main character seemed really cool.

Do you happen to know when Gundam SEED is coming out in North America? I'm guessing that it'll become very popular almost immediately after being released.

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I've heard rumors of Gundam SEED hitting us this year in sometime during March or April they are only rumors at the moment but I can get back to you with more later =P. I'd have to agree with you though for the most part the few comedic scenes in FMA have been more or less pointless =\. The majority of them are making fun of Ed's height which may seem even more lame to you and I after watching PeaceMaker =O. As for the battles they've all been kind of short really and that's probably how most of them will play out but I kind of like them because they're a good blend between the unreal and real. They aren't like the fight scenes in Kenshin in that they aren't that "believable" but at the same time you don't have anyone with giant gold hair shooting giant energy blasts at someone else -_-. You might want to think about giving FMA a second chance sure i'm a little biased ^__^ but FMA definatly feels like it will pick up sometime soon, it's just one of those slow starting animes =O. On a side note there are some really freaky disturbing parts to FMA -_o. Such as the part with the transmuted fake bird thing, and in the meat factory with the crazy woman cross-dresser serial killer O_o. Oh yes also the part where the chimera gets blown inside out by that wacked dude... but i better not say anymore because i'd hate to give anything away. (Good thing incoherent babble ususally does not make sense =)!)

Anyway as for SEED i'd definatly expect it around April mainly because that's when many of the SEED model kits and other assorted merchandise will be released (that includes Gundam SEED video games). *edit* well this one news post I read from Bandai is as follows:

"Second- and third-quarter offerings will include the critically acclaimed Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex and episodes of the Wolf?s Rain TV series, as well as Gundam SEED, which will spearhead a relaunch of the Gundam franchise. The titles will be strategically timed to coincide with the summer anime convention season, which often draws up to 16,000 consumers."

Oh well take it as you will, but I do concur SEED will be a big hit in the U.S. just like Gundam Wing was, it's really a nice refreshing combo between the U.C. and Wing universes =).
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[b]Peace Maker Kurogane[/b] and [b]Naruto[/b] were already mentioned so I don't think I'll elaborate any more on them, though I highly recommend both as well ^^

A really great anime that hasn't been licensed yet would have to be [b]The GetBackers[/b]! I haven't seen a lot of talk about it, but it's really interesting. The whole series revolves around Midou Ban and Amano Ginji, two best friends who make up a retrieval group whose goal is to retrieve precious items to those who've lost them. It's quite interesting to see these two interact, especially since Ban is more a stoic, indifferent character whereas Ginji is a happy-go-lucky, naive kind of guy. They both also have quite interesting "powers." As the series progresses, you see that they both have quite disturbing pasts, especially Ginji in concerns with a place called Mugenjou. There are tons of great characters, though nearing the end of the series, there are a few filler episodes that were merely there for comedic purproses. It's still great entertainment. ^^;;

Another series that I enjoyed immensely would have to be [b]Scrapped Princess[/b]. The story follows a young girl named Pacifica who was thrown away at birth because a prophecy had fortold her power to destory the world when she reaches the age of sixteen. She travels away from assassins with her two foster siblings, Shannon and Raquel, and they battle against their enemies in order to keep Pacifica alive, despite the threat of the prophecy.

[b]Kimi ga Nozomu Eien[/b] is much different from the aforementioned as it deals with a love triangle between best friends, and it's more of a romantic-type of anime. It's actually quite depressing after the first 2 episodes and although I haven't finished the series yet, it hasn't gotten any happier (I'm currently on the 9th episode). I'm not sure if I like it or not yet, but if you'd like a real tearjerker, I guess this one is for you ^^;;

For Sailor Moon fans, you may want to check the Live Action version. It's like Sailor Moon done Power Ranger style LOL. The fighting scenes aren't the best, but it's actually...amusing.

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Oy!!!! I loved Get Backers Mido Ban is so pimp =O!! I really enjoyed the entire series and although the comedy is sometimes sparatic and random I still enjoyed that aspect of the anime as well ^_^. The many fight scenes throughout the anime are also very entertaining and no matter how many times I saw Ban's Evil Eye technique it amazingly never got old, maybe it's because the technique was always used differently but all I know is that I loved it. Dr. Jackal is also an amazing character if you ask me he's right up there with Mido Ban in terms of a battle tactician. I was kind of dissapointed with the ending of Get Backers though =\. It was kinda open ended really...
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[b]Reservoir Chronicles[/b] is a manga that I am [i]really[/i] looking foward to. To put it in very simple terms, it's an AU/Crossover of various [b]CLAMP[/b] characters, mostly revolving around the characters of [b]Cardcaptor Sakura[/b]. It's set in the Land of Clow, where Touya is the king, Sakura's the princess, Yuki is the Palace Magician, And Syaroan [sp?] is supposedly this archaeologist who is working to find a treasure of Clow of something...*shrugs* Something bad happens to Sakura and Syaroan has to go on a quest with two other guys to save her. I looked at the art, and it looks beautiful.

A couple of boys at my school are currently obsessed with [b]Naruto[/b], and I guess I would check it out if I could. [b]DN Angel[/b] has two manga volumes out in the U.S., but no anime yet. I've seen about three episodes of the anime, and it looks pretty good. Nice music, great art, and the makers decided to mix in CG buildings in with the whole thing. Plot's a tiny bit complicated, heh. The main character is Daisuke, who has a huge crush on Risa, and on his 14th birthday [I think it's 14], he finds out he can transform into his counterpart called Dark. Risa falls in love with Dark, but Dark falls in love with Riku, Risa's twin sister. So...everytime Daisuke sees Risa, he turns into Dark, and everytime Dark sees Riku, he turns into Daisuke. Then you can mix up a scary genious boy named Satoshi, who [i]also[/i] has a counterpart called Krad. If you look closely, Krad is Dark spelled backwards, but I won't say anything else. ^_~. Of course, Satoshi gets some feelings for Daisuke. :p

The anime version of [b]Gravitation[/b] has yet to come out...which I want. Very, [i]very[/i] badly.
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I've seen several of these and to be honest, none really caught my attention. Maybe I need to spend more time with them, but I don't know.

Bobobobobobo or whatever it was called is quite fun though. I enjoyed that. Nothing I've seen otherwise even has compared to my enjoyment of Hale Nochi Guu, which is too bad. Yes, that's not really recent, but I still watch it heh.
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[size=1][color=chocolate]I have just found a series (I made a seperate thread about it), called [b]]Angelic Layer.[/b]

I found it during random searches in OnDemand for Comcast, and found Angelic Layer in the Drama section. I pressed to watch it, and suddenly came up with music, and I loved it. I kept watching it because of the beginning theme, and while watching the theme, I thought I would want to get more interested in this anime. So I did, and I'm glad.

Angelic Layer is a series about a girl named Misaki who starts playing this game, Angelic Layer. It involves using dolls and battling with them, putting them on a certain arena to fight. It's very interesting actually, and I find the man named Icchan the stupidest guy in anime history. O.o[/size][/color]
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There are alot of series that are new to me. All I know is the only two series I look forward into watching are "Someday Dreamer" and the other one that has these little children (girls I believe) wearing angel wings and haloes. The title starts with Haibanna or something. I think that 's how it's spelled. I only saw two episodes. I can't explain the plot, but the show is really cool and the art is terrific. I definitly look forward into seeing these series. :)
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by maladjusted [/i]
A couple of boys at my school are currently obsessed with [b]Naruto[/b], and I guess I would check it out if I could. [b]DN Angel[/b] has two manga volumes out in the U.S., but no anime yet. I've seen about three episodes of the anime, and it looks pretty good. Nice music, great art, and the makers decided to mix in CG buildings in with the whole thing. Plot's a tiny bit complicated, heh. The main character is Daisuke, who has a huge crush on Risa, and on his 14th birthday [I think it's 14], he finds out he can transform into his counterpart called Dark. Risa falls in love with Dark, but Dark falls in love with Riku, Risa's twin sister. So...everytime Daisuke sees Risa, he turns into Dark, and everytime Dark sees Riku, he turns into Daisuke. Then you can mix up a scary genious boy named Satoshi, who [i]also[/i] has a counterpart called Krad. If you look closely, Krad is Dark spelled backwards, but I won't say anything else. ^_~. Of course, Satoshi gets some feelings for Daisuke. :p

Actually, the DNAngel anime got licensed in the US in July 2003, so I think the DVDs should be out soon, but don't take my word for it. All I know is that it got licenced right when the anime started to get really really good LOL. Sigh. The animation is wonderful, and really appealling, and the seiyuu are great!!! A must see when the DVDs come out in the US. The series is definitely one I'd watch over and over. Sob. So cute.

And H. Zero, Dr. Jackal is my FAVORITE character from GB...He's so sadistic and charming, and I love how he teases Ginji whenever they meet. LOL. As for the ending, I keep hoping that they left it open for a reason...like having another season later or maybe an OVA. LOL. Just a tiny wish though LOL.

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[FONT=arail][COLOR=royalblue]haruno_sakura where do u get the epsiodes from? I finished that series about a week ago. I get my bit torent downloads from animnsuki.sandwich.net. Its a pretty good source for new anime. Right now im watchin this anime call Gunslinger Girls. Basically its about young who are physically injured, greatly, an are given robotic implants by a government agency. Then they are trained as assasins. So far its pretty good. An if you liked Onegai Teacher Ani_freak then try to check out Green Green. Its halairous.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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Dagger you and i pretty much enjoy the same types of anime so i would like to recommend the anime "X" to you if you haven't seen it yet.

I currently have up to the 4th DVD and its amazing, the story line is great and the character development is perfect. The 1st DVD comes with a short backround on every main character in the series...(sorta like RahZephon, but they only have a character bio for the first DVD). This isn't a mech type anime but i still love it so far. From what ive heard it only gets better so if you haven't seen this anime yet, i strongly recommend it.

As for ones that haven't been released outside Japan yet, i would have to say Gungrave as a choice. I have only seen a couple of the episodes and its sorta like Cowboy Bebop, and it should be coming out pretty soon to America. Looks like a keeper as well.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SpikeSpiegel [/i]
[B][FONT=arail][COLOR=royalblue]haruno_sakura where do u get the epsiodes from? I finished that series about a week ago. I get my bit torent downloads from animnsuki.sandwich.net. Its a pretty good source for new anime. Right now im watchin this anime call Gunslinger Girls. Basically its about young who are physically injured, greatly, an are given robotic implants by a government agency. Then they are trained as assasins. So far its pretty good. An if you liked Onegai Teacher Ani_freak then try to check out Green Green. Its halairous.[/FONT][/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE]

I actually get some of my anime from animesuki.com, though I also visit websites that fansub groups make for themselves, and I also have a few friends who do encodings and get all their stuff from irc channels who then give them to me. I'm pretty lucky ^^;; And if stuff is licensed and available on DVD, I'll usually rent them or something ^^;;

As for [b]Green Green[/b], o.0 that stuff is a little to ecchi for me LOL. It is quite hilarious though and the premises for the story are really interesting. Basically, a couple who couldn't be together in a past life are reincarnated. The guy (totally forgot his name) goes to an all boys boarding school and they're planning on integrating females into the school, so they have a beta group come over. One of the girls happens to be his lover from the past and she remembers him immediately while he doesn't remember her, and a whole bunch of stuff happens to them. It's incredibly funny, but I stopped watching after about 9 episodes because I couldn't take all that sexual humor stuff haha. If you do like shows like that, this one is definitely for you LOL.

If you like Green Green, then [b]Maburaho[/b] is also in the same type of genre I feel. It revolves around a boy who goes to a magic school and has the strongest magical power, though he can only use that power 8 times (or is it 6? I can't remember the exact number) in his entire life. Because it is said that when he has a child that child will exceed his power, there are a bunch of girls trying to hook up with him because they want powerful babies LOL. Yeah, I didn't stay with this series v. long either because it's not my kind of humor LOL.

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[quote]And H. Zero, Dr. Jackal is my FAVORITE character from GB...He's so sadistic and charming, and I love how he teases Ginji whenever they meet. LOL. As for the ending, I keep hoping that they left it open for a reason...like having another season later or maybe an OVA. LOL. Just a tiny wish though LOL.[/quote]

That'd be cool =O. An OVA would be a good idea actually maybe explore Dr. Jackal's path ^_^, or they could do a OVA about Ginji's past when he was leader of the Volts! I can see it now it could be the next Tsukiohen x___X. *Sighs* oh well =P...

As for downloading anime bittorent and AnimeSuki are really the way to go , although Direct Connect also works pretty well.

Ah Gungrave! I was going to start downloading this anime but I read somewhere it's already been licensed in the U.S -_o... Why it may look familiar to some people is that the character designs are done by Yasuhiro Nightow the same man who did the character designs in Trigun. I also believe that Yosuke Kuroda did the scripts for both Trigun and Gungrave as well =O. Really while I haven't seen the series and do own the game, the series really seems like a cross between a hellsing and trigun more than a Cowboy Bebop. Well then again =o... It's actually a kind of triple cross between the three series ^_^.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hittokiri Zero [/i]
[B]Ah Gungrave! I was going to start downloading this anime but I read somewhere it's already been licensed in the U.S -_o... Why it may look familiar to some people is that the character designs are done by Yasuhiro Nightow the same man who did the character designs in Trigun. I also believe that Yosuke Kuroda did the scripts for both Trigun and Gungrave as well =O. Really while I haven't seen the series and do own the game, the series really seems like a cross between a hellsing and trigun more than a Cowboy Bebop. Well then again =o... It's actually a kind of triple cross between the three series ^_^. [/B][/QUOTE]

Actually your exactly right its more like Trigun and Hellsing. More like hellsing i think though.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by haruno_sakura [/i]
Another series that I enjoyed immensely would have to be [b]Scrapped Princess[/b]. The story follows a young girl named Pacifica who was thrown away at birth because a prophecy had fortold her power to destory the world when she reaches the age of sixteen. She travels away from assassins with her two foster siblings, Shannon and Raquel, and they battle against their enemies in order to keep Pacifica alive, despite the threat of the prophecy.[/QUOTE]

I cannot stress enough that Scrapped Princess is an anime worth watching. Complete with an ending that makes sense, an awesome type of magic, emotional depth, *and* good animation, this is the best anime I've ever watched, by far.

Of course now that I've talked it up it's not going to look so impressive. Try to go into it without any expectations anyway. ... Good luck with that.

Sorry I don't really have anything new to add at the moment.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by pbfrontmanvdp [/i]
[B]Dagger you and i pretty much enjoy the same types of anime so i would like to recommend the anime "X" to you if you haven't seen it yet.

I currently have up to the 4th DVD and its amazing, the story line is great and the character development is perfect. The 1st DVD comes with a short backround on every main character in the series...(sorta like RahZephon, but they only have a character bio for the first DVD). This isn't a mech type anime but i still love it so far. From what ive heard it only gets better so if you haven't seen this anime yet, i strongly recommend it.[/B][/QUOTE]

It's interesting that you mentioned X, because my list of anime to collect currently looks something like this:

[strike]Fruits Basket[/strike]

I've heard quite a few good things about X (in addition to reading many positive reviews), and it's especially encouraging to hear that you like it (since, as you mentioned, we seem to have similar taste in anime). I definitely plan on buying its first DVD as soon as I scrape together enough money to do so.

Has anyone seen the RahXephon OVA? As a big fan of the corresponding TV series, I'm currently in the process of acquiring it through Bittorrent.

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  • 1 month later...
[quote name='Dagger IX1']What new series are you most interested in?[/quote]
Here are most of the winter series available fansubbed:

[b]Gokusen[/b] - adapted from josei (women's) manga
[b]Maria-sama ga Miteru[/b] - adapted from women's novel series
[b]Diamond Dust Drops[/b] - adapted from shounen game
[b]Futari wa Pretty Cure[/b] - original mahou shoujo
[b]Jubei-chan 2: Siberia Yagyuu no Gyakushuu[/b] - new series for old title

I started a thread for [b]Gokusen[/b]: I think it is the best new show this winter.

saw some, gave up on:
[b]Mezzo DSA[/b] - Shounen action [b]licensed[/b]
[b]Cosmopolitan Prayers[/b] - Shounen action (short)
[b]Daphne in the Brilliant Blue[/b] - Shounen action
[b]Comic Party Revolution[/b] - Shounen game-based
[b]Yumeria[/b] - Shounen action
[b]Mousou Dairinin[/b] (Paranoia Agent) - mystery/weird/? [b]licensed[/b]

Most of the stuff I gave up on is loaded with fanservice - I am not against fanservice, but I'd like a little story with it, thanks. Comic Party Revolution is an OAV based on a game; there is a licensed TV series which I liked but the OAV seems pointless. Mousou Dairinin is just too violent and [i]creepy[/i].

Here are some other series I am watching that are still being broadcast or fansubbed:
[b]Mujin Wakusei Survive[/b] (Uninhabited Planet Survive)
[b]Futatsu no Supikka[/b] (Twin Spica) - SF series
[b]PLANETES[/b] - SF series
[b]Sakigake! Cromartie High[/b] - short-episode comedy
[b]Konjiki no Gasshu Bell!![/b] - shounen fighting series
[b]Sailor Moon Live Action[/b] - mahou shoujo classic in a new format
[b]Kousetsu Hyaku Monogatori[/b] - horror/gothic
[b]Rumic Theater Season 2: Mermaid's Forest[/b] - horror/gothic
[b]Ghost in the Shell: Stand-Alone Complex[/b] - Shounen SF/action [b]licensed[/b]
[b]R.O.D The TV[/b] Shounen action [b]licensed[/b]
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[quote name='densuke][b]Maria-sama ga Miteru[/b'] - adapted from women's novel series[/quote]

I've got a challenge for you, densuke--tell me why Maria-sama is so staggeringly popular. I downloaded the first episode shortly after it was first released, fully expecting to love the show. Its hints of shoujo-ai, gorgeous character designs and high production values provoked my curiousity, but everything else (storyline, characters, etc.) basically bored me to tears.

Maria-sama struck me as being unbearably melodramatic and incredibly slow-moving. Meaningful dialogue is all very well; however, the characters' conversations were needlessly repetitive. This could easily come down to a matter of taste, yet I have trouble seeing what people like about the series. And while I rarely refuse to continue watching fansubbed shows, Maria-sama ga Miteru was a real trial to sit through.

Convince me to give it another shot, and I'll be quite impressed.

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  • 1 month later...
[quote name='Stephanie Ayler']There are alot of series that are new to me. All I know is the only two series I look forward into watching are "Someday Dreamer" and the other one that has these little children (girls I believe) wearing angel wings and haloes. The title starts with Haibanna or something. I think that 's how it's spelled. I only saw two episodes. I can't explain the plot, but the show is really cool and the art is terrific. I definitly look forward into seeing these series. :)[/quote]

Somedays dreamers isnt the best anime but I still checked it out. ITs pretty good for a shoujo, but being a guy shoujo isnt the most interesting to me.Ill still finish the series. As for HAIBANE RENMEI you just named my personal favorite series. Haibane is a masterpiece as far as anime goes. I have the whole series. One thing though, do NOT confuse HR as a cute litle show. The meanings and tragedies behind it are very deep , religious, and philosophical.

ID also like to mention that I totally love Maburaho.
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Guest gendou ikari
I would have to say... Peace Maker Kurogane. The setting for the show is quite a common setting for most samurai anime's, the Edo Period, Just before the fall of the Tokugawa Shogunate. It follows the story of Tetsunoske Ichimura a boy who joined the Shinsengumi to take out the men who killed his parents He is often seen and treated as if he was younger than his age. The main character is is actually a historical figure, hes also a nobody, a person people don't give a lot of attentionto.

Wow...I spent a while explaining the main character.... Oh well! That give's you an idea of how deep the character backgrounds are,and how good of a series PMK is(Peace Maker Kurogane),I like it almost as much as Evangelion,yet it isn't on my list of top 5 anime and manga(need to see all the episodes before I determine weather or not to replace my second favorite with it)

Also I would have to say that Full Metal Alchemist is a great anime that has yet to reach america's shores.(I believe Hitokiri Zero can tell you more about it :D )All I know is that it is about a Young Alchemist named Edward Elric , who sacrificed his arm and leg to save his younger brothers soul, yet at the same time, imprison it within an iron cage.He is on a quest to find the philosephers stone, their is also a host of other characters such as Roy,and Riza.

I don't think ZZ gundam ever made it to america( did it?).So ZZ is pretty much a good one, though I do not think that Dagger is really into the whole Gundam series.
hmmmmmm.... That's all I know of... Oh well! Dzey jenn.

[QUOTE=Dagger IX1]It's interesting that you mentioned X, because my list of anime to collect currently looks something like this:

[strike]Fruits Basket[/strike]

I've heard quite a few good things about X (in addition to reading many positive reviews), and it's especially encouraging to hear that you like it (since, as you mentioned, we seem to have similar taste in anime). I definitely plan on buying its first DVD as soon as I scrape together enough money to do so.

Has anyone seen the RahXephon OVA? As a big fan of the corresponding TV series, I'm currently in the process of acquiring it through Bittorrent.


I think that they have the Rahxephon OVA at sun coast, but I'm probaly mistaken (besides the service there just...SUCKS). I do have the OVA but I got it off of a website...It's pretty good. Exept for the fact that when everyone see's it, they say something along the line of, "Evangelion wannabe." Iv'e seen Evangelion,and Rahxephon ain't no Eva! I sort of expected that you would like Rahxephon, since you like Boogiepop Phantom, Rahxephon certaintly isn't any LESS suspensful.

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