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Megaman X

Kayin Cloud

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It's my first try. :sweat: Wish me luck.

"X, It's way too quiet."
"You're right Zero, but it's peaceful now. That's all I've wanted to achieve since I almost lost you in battle."
"X, Zero, Alia needs us back at Headquarters! It's urgent!"
"Okay, Axl. Well, X, I guess those recruits are necessary after all."
"Let's hope that's not the case Zero."
"Attention all Maverick Hunters new Maverick activity is appearing all over the world. Spread out and neutralize the enemy."
"I hope those recruits of yours are ready, Zero."
"Trust me, Signas. They're more than ready..."

In the year 21XX all on Earth seems to have calmed down after the Red Alert incident (in Megaman X7) Megaman X has trained Axl, a runaway Red Alert(Irregular) Hunter, to become a Full Fledged Maverick Hunter and Zero has been recruiting new Maverick Hunters in case Sigma decides to return again. Recently, Maverick activity has arisen, only proving that Sigma is still alive. X, Axl, Zero, and five others have set out to neutralize the new Mavericks - William Wildfire, Blizzard Dolphin, Terrance Thunder, Solid Snake, Twin Shadows(2characters), Falcora Typhoon, Ryu Rose, and Cancer.

1. There may be up to 18 characters in this RPG: Sigma and the nine listed Mavericks(will list Mavericks' abilites and imgs), X, Zero, Axl, and there will be 5 available custom characters.
2. No being all powerful
3. Once you die you're dead (Mavericks other than Sigma will make second appearance even after Neutralized. Sigma will have two forms-must be described in Appearance)
4. 2 Maverick hunters work together in each area - 2 to an area(Mavericks have twice as much energy as 1 Hunter).
5. Cannot move to next area until all Hunters complete their chosen area and communication may be held between teams in different areas.

I'll require these things from you:
Status: Maverick Hunter
Weapon(s): (max of 2, describe unless Buster/Pistol/Sabre)
Abilites: (able to hover, cure, air dash, double jump, copy Reploids, etc. max. 2)
Appearance: (Very detailed or I'll take a picture)
Personality: (somewhat detailed)

I will list abilities of Mavericks since they are my own:
*- Abilities gained from Mavericks w/ Buster/Pistol/Long Range Weapon
^- Abilities gained from Mavericks w/ Melee Weapon

Name: William Wildfire
Gender: Male
Status: Maverick
Abilities: Flame Slash, Inferno Punch, ^Ryuenkyaku, *Flame Shield, *Wildfire
Weaknesses: Hydro Burst, Hydroaga
Appearance: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v365/Kayin_Cloud/Megaman%20X/WilliamWildfire.jpg[/IMG]
Area: Volcano Core

Name: Blizzard Dolphin
Gender: Male
Status: Maverick
Abilities: Transform, Freeze Ram, Ice Stab, Ice Blast, ^Hyoretuuga, * Ice Wave, *Blizzard
Weaknesses: Flame Shield, Ryuenkyaku
Appearance: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v365/Kayin_Cloud/Megaman%20X/BlizzardDolphin.jpg[/IMG]
Area: Arctic Base

Name: Terrance Thunder
Gender: Male
Status: Maverick
Abilities: Flying Slam, Ground Shock, Thunder Slash, ^Raijinsuzan, *Thunder Spark, *Thunder Storm
Weaknesses: Ice Wave, Hyoretuuga
Appearance: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v365/Kayin_Cloud/Megaman%20X/TerranceThunder.jpg[/IMG]
Area: Electric Plant

Name: Solid Snake
Gender: Male
Status: Maverick
Abilities: ?Snake?, Metal Fang, Constrict, ^Rakukozen, *Metal Venom, *Steel Skin
Weaknesses: Thunder Spark, Raijinsuzan
Appearance: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v365/Kayin_Cloud/Megaman%20X/SolidSnake.jpg[/IMG]
Area: Military Base

Name: Twin Shadows(Rocky and Clyde)
Gender: Male
Status: Mavericks
Abilities: Twin Strike, Shadow Slash, Teleport, ^Shadow Punch, *Shadow Grip
Weaknesses: Metal Venom, Rakukozen
Appearance: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v365/Kayin_Cloud/Megaman%20X/TwinShadowsRockyClyde.jpg[/IMG]
Area: Space Station

Name: Falcora Typhoon
Gender: Female
Status: Maverick
Abilities: Whirlwind, Wing Blade, Seismic Throw, ^Aeorojin, *Tornado Hold, *Triple Cyclone
Weaknesses: Shadow Grip, Shadow Punch
Appearance: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v365/Kayin_Cloud/Megaman%20X/Falcora.jpg[/IMG]
Area: Sky Fortress

Name: Ryu Rose
Gender: Male
Status: Maverick
Abilities: Rose Whip, Vine Slam, Leaf Hurricane, ^Gaiuizan, *Leaf Cutter, *Thorn Rush
Weaknesses: Tornado Hold, Aeorojin
Appearance: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v365/Kayin_Cloud/Megaman%20X/RyuRose.jpg[/IMG]
Area: Rainforest

Name: Cancer
Gender: Male
Status: Maverick
Abilities: Hydro Shield, Aqua Punch, ^ Hydroaga, * Hydro Burst, *Tidal Wave
Weaknesses: Cutter Leaf, Gaiuizan
Appearance: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v365/Kayin_Cloud/Megaman%20X/Cancer.jpg[/IMG]
Area: Sunken Warship

I will explain the abilities of the Mavericks before we start.

Here's mine:
Name: Kayin
Gender: Male
Status: Maverick Hunter
Weapon(s): K-Buster, K-Sabre
Abilites: air dash, double jump
Appearance: [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v365/Kayin_Cloud/Megaman%20X/Kayin.jpg[/IMG]
Personality: Kayin is always looking for ways to improve and always asking for advice from X and Zero, he is very loyal to friends and allies, and he is always determined to see his assignment through.
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  • 6 months later...
Name: Irregular X (Ix)

Gender: Male

Status: Maverick Hunter

Weapon: Buster

Abilites: Same as X

Appearance: my signature

Personality: Sincere and wanting to help people and destroy evil

History: A pod opens..... A similar looking reploid sits up looking around....
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