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Megaman RPG..


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Okay, time to start the RPG.


[I]Flash walks into the Training room of the lab, and sees Warlock, shooting his Hyper Buster at a training droid... the blast of energy quickly destroys the droid, and it is replaced with another...[/I]

Flash: "Good power, but you're too slow! Gotta do it like this..."

[I]Flash draws his Sabre, and switches it on... A huge blade of yellow energy appears, and Flash runs over to a group of training droids... He takes the first one out with a horizontal slash, then he jumps up, bringing the blade of the sabre through another droid... The Final Droid is destroyed when Flash shoots a giant Lazer from his Flash-Buster down into his head... as the smoke clears, Flash tosses the nearly-destroyed head of one of the Droids to Warlock... Warlock, still in the mindset of training, fires a blast at the head, blowing it into smithereens...[/I]

Flash: "Wow, good reaction. You're getting good, little brother."
Warlock: "I do my best..."

[I]A siren near the door goes off, and Warlock and Flash quickly exit the training room... They run down a corridoor, and enter a room with a lot of Monitors and Lights... They jump into seats, on either side of another Robot... named Z...[/I]

Flash: "What's up?"
Z: "Intruders."
Warlock: "Anything big?"
Z: "Not really. Just some Jet Bombs. You can handle it, right?"
Flash: "Come on, we always handle it. Think i'm gonna fall to a few little Jet Bombs?"

[I]Flash jumps out of his chair, and runs to the main gate, followed by Warlock..[/I]
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[I]Warlock runs down a narrow corridot, Flash in the lead. Though suddenly, movement catches his eye to the left, inside a ruined lab.[/I]

Warlock: "Something doesn't feel right..."

Flash: "What do you mean?"

Warlock: "I thought I saw something in the lab to the side. I'm going to check it out."

Flash: "Hurry up, or you'll miss the Jet Bombs."

[I]Warlock rushes into the lab, and takes a good look around...[/I]

Warlock: "Nothing! But I swear I saw something..."

[I]Warlock runs back into the corridor and back towards the main gate. A pair of eyes watches him leave...[/I]
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Is it to late to join? If its just ignore me.... If not:

Name: Protoman II
Age: 26(mentally) Robot body 3 years old
Height: 6?3?
Weight: 194
Weapons: Proto buster rifle and Duracraft beam saber
Special attacks: Protozoan-Blast and Maxtor Eliminator ( Sword attack )
Bio/Info: Build to kill and prefers to travels alone.
Appearance: Yall know how Protoman looks like right? But I have a black scarf and the grey parts are black and I don?t have a visor. If you don?t know what he looks like it?s a pic below

(If you didnt figure it out im evil)
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by KUNIVA [/i]
[B]Is it to late to join? If its just ignore me.... If not:

Name: Protoman II
Age: 26(mentally) Robot body 3 years old
Height: 6?3?
Weight: 194
Weapons: Proto buster rifle and Duracraft beam saber
Special attacks: Protozoan-Blast and Maxtor Eliminator ( Sword attack )
Bio/Info: Build to kill and prefers to travels alone.
Appearance: Yall know how Protoman looks like right? But I have a black scarf and the grey parts are black and I don?t have a visor. If you don?t know what he looks like it?s a pic below

(If you didnt figure it out im evil) [/B][/QUOTE]

No, it isn't too late. Well, atleast I don't [I]think[/I] it's too late...
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Zero:Hmph.*walks out of lab* They did'nt even know i was there.Oh well.*Runs up to warlock and Flash*

Warlock:Who are you?

Zero:If you must know i am Zero.

Flash:So you are MegamanX's partner?

Zero:No,i was developed from his body.

Warlock:So what do we do?

Flash:I guess he could stay...


Zero:Jet Bombs.They're looking for me again.


Zero:I escaped from the lab.


Zero:They were going to scrap my body because they said i was a failed project.

Flash:Hmmmmm...You should stay.

Zero:I will.
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Treble is inside his cave testing out his moves.

Treble:Twisted Ice!!!

Treble:Frozed the whole cave eh time to melt the ice back to its normal self Flaming Sword eh guess thats enough testing for me.

Treble:Hmmm seems like something is going on out there better go check it out....
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In a dark underground lab, explosions can be heard in the training room....

Dr Gast: very good sephiroth, you are becoming more powerful by the day!

Sephiroth: I live to serve you, Dr Gast

Dr Gast: That's what I programmed you for, I can't let you become like what you were before

Sephiroth: I don't recall anything from my past

Dr Gast: It's better that you don't, now to continue with your training, lets see if you have mastered your double saber

Dr Gast presses a button and a whole hoard of robots charge at Sephiroth, as Sephiroth swings his double saber around like the devil, they are easily defeated....

Dr Gast: Excellent! I doub't that there is anyone out there that can match your power!

Sephiroth: What is your next command, Dr Gast?

Dr Gast: we will begin step 1 in my ultimate plan for world domination, and you will help me fulfill it, Sephiroth!

To Be Continued....
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Zero-ULTRA BUSTER!*A huge blast of energy destroys the Jet bombs in one Blast*



Zero-That was to easy.

Flash-It was?

Zero-Where is the training room?

Warlock-That way.

Zero-Thanks.*runs to the training room and starts to practice*

Warlock-He's strong.


Zero-CANNON BLAST!*A small blast comes from his cannon*


Zero-Just watch.

A huge huge blast destroys the droids and leaves a huge hole in the wall.]

Warlock/Flash-:eek: :eek: :eek:

Zero-*blows smoke from cannon*
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Meanwhile Treble looking from far away at his cave.

Treble::eek: Whoa!Big blast!I could even see it from far away!!!That person must be powerful whoever did that big blast.

Treble:Hmm well better mind my own business back to training for me in my little cave Treble Buster!!!!

Treble trained for hours and hours man I always get tired after training whew am i tired.

Sits back and relax....


Treble::eek: What was that?!!!

Treble:Hmmmm seems like trouble gotta go check it out!

To be Continue
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Warlock: Impressive blast, but I can do better.

[I]Warlock pushes a button on the wall, and more training dorid appear. Warlock glows white, and a massive beam issuses from his blaster. The droids are obliterated on the spot, and so are several walls behind them.[/I]

Zero: :eek: :eek:!!! I didn't suspect such power from you!

Warlock: Well my brother here could also fire a blast that powerful. You see, we're state of the art robots.

Zero: Fine then, why don't you and me verse each other.

Warlock: You're on.

[I]Zero fires a blast at Warlock, which Warlock just dodges. Warlock's weapon changes, from his Hyper Buster, to his Wave Cannon. He aims it at Zero, and fires, the space in front of Warlock's starts to heat up, and begins to look wavy. The blast reached Zero, and at first it looked as though nothing had happened to him. Zero aimed his blaster at Warlock, but then stopped, paraysled. Warlock's Wave Cannon turned back into a Hyper Buster, and he blasted Zero. Zero lay still for a minute, then got back up. [/I]

Zero: You...beat me!

Warlock: You had used to much power already.

Zero: But why couldn't I move or see when you shot at me?

Warlock: Becuase of a very nice weapon my master installed on me. It a paralyser type gun, and it's very effictive.

Flash: You guys both need to rest.

[I]Warlock, FLash and Zero walked out of the training room...[/I]
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[I]Flash walks into his room... He whistles, and a robotic wolf runs over to him... his name, is Neo... (Ha ha, how hilarious)[/I]

Flash: "Hello, Neo. Seems like we've got a problem on our hands."
Neo: "Indeed. There is a certain unrest in the air; can you feel it?"
Flash: "Yes. Something is out there... something evil.."

[I]Flash and Neo walk out of the room, and into a secret corridoor... only Flash and Neo know about it...[/I]

Neo: "So we're going?"
Flash: "Yup."

[I]They reach a room with a teleporter... Flash and Neo step onto it, then are teleported out of the Lab, to a faraway land....[/I]
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[I]Warlock stands in the middle of a courtyard, right outside the main labs. Warlock looks up at the roof over his head, and waits. A small door slids open next to the roof, and mini jets fly out. Warlock runs around shooting them down, while dodgeing their small laser blasts. He takes them all down within ten seconds. He starts towards a door, when a one last jet comes out form behind a tree. Warlock senses it, and shoots behind him. Warlock looks around, and sees the blast hit.[/I]

Warlock: "I'm getting better."

[I]Warlock enters his room, and sits down by a computer. Warlock's own dog, Morpheus, runns over to him. (Get it?)[/I]

Warlock: "I wonder where Flash has got to..."

[I]Warlock accesses the lab's secruity camera's, and searches for Flash...[/I]

Warlock: "No where. I wonder where he's got off to..."
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------Meanwhile in a forest far, far away Protoman II hears a sound coming from the shrub behind him?.

------?Huh what was that?? Said protoman. The shrub shook again. This time Protoman charged up his Proto-buster rifle on his arm, jumped up into the sky and shot the bush to find out that there was nothing there. Protoman thought to his self ?where did it go to? But I could?ve sworn that it was right h?? Protoman sees something fast in the corner of his eye moving fast and tries to fire at it. He misses and tries to chase it down then later he realizes that its to fast and turns around and heads back to his camping ground. On his way back Protoman hears the same noise again. This time the noise comes from directly in front of him. Protoman does a quick lock-on and fires his second most powerful weapon the protozoan-Blast. The blast almost destroyed the robot but didn?t because he didn?t have enough time to charge up the attack. As Protoman walks towards the smoking robotic dog he switches on his beam saber and makes short work of whats left of the dog. After Protoman turns off his saber and puts it into2 the slot in his back he hears a voice coming from the side of him. ?Hey that was my best friend you just sliced and diced pal. ? Says the reploid. ?So? replies Protoman. Protoman looks at the replooid then what use to be a dog and he realized that it was pink. ?Your best friend was a pink dog?? ?Yeah, you got a problem with that?? ?Well actually I do?? [b]*BANG*[/b]. The reploids head was blown clean of his shoulders leaving sparks shooting out of his neck. Protoman blows the smoke from his buster rifle turns around and heads back to his camping grounds?
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Zero sits in a room listening to a beeping sound.

Zero-What is that?Hmmmm...could it be...*looks at cannon*Oh SH!T!

Warlock-Hey what's up?

Zero-My cannon has a tracking device on it.

Warlock-What the!Get it out of here!

Zero-Blast it.

Warlock-This might hurt.*destroys device*


A hord of jet bombs fly in and attack.

Zero-*uses regular buster shots*

Warlock-*uses buster rifle and finishes off last three*
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Sephiroth: what do you wish for me to do, doctor?

Dr Gast: I am working on a machine which can send out special waves towards the rest of the planet, it can brainwash people

Sephiroth: I see....

Dr Gast: but, for it to work, I need you to collect these special crystals I need for the machine to operate

Sephiroth: understood....

Dr Gast: now, there are 8 special crystals spread throughout the world called "Zyaku crystals", I need you to find them, I have added a radar in your programming which will enable you to find them, now go....

Sephiroth: yes Doctor....

[Sephiroth goes out of the secret lab and starts concentrating]

Sephiroth: the first crystal is....somewhere in the Tenneth 07 section

[Sephiroth makes his way there]

to be continued....
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Treble:Hmmmm seems like nothing in the world are intresting these days......

Treble:Im even talking to myself weird me......

Treble:I know!I'll explore the world to see if anything intresting are happening....

Meanwhile Treble walked past a Lab while Sephiroth and Geno were talking cool people talking intresting I should not over hear them chat........

Treble:I'll just mind my own business and continue to explore the World........

Sephiroth walks out the lab*

Treble:What the balony?

*Treble hides behind bushes to see what Sephiroth was doing..............hmm he's going some where I should follow could get intresting Treble follows Sephiroth and hides at the same time........................
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[After walking for a while, Sephiroth suddenly Stops]

Sephiroth: *thinks to himself* hmmm, it would appear that someone is following me, Doctor, can you hear my thoughts?

Dr Gast: yes, I do, eliminate whoever is following you, they may know something about our plan

Sephiroth: understood....

[Sephiroth points his mega buster at a nearby bush]

Sephiroth: whoever you are, come out and fight me....

to be continued....
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