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The donnas rock!!!!!!!!


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Hey does anyone else like the donnas?They're one of my fav bands.I recently got their album "Get Skintight".It rocks.I haven't listened to anything else since I got it.
Skintight probably my fav song on the album.

:D "Skintight baby alright"
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Dude the Donnas suck big time. I mean who wants to listen bout a bunch of girls singing boy troubles and getting wasted at parties. Wow. Their just a bunch of wannabes and doing stupid Bubblegum Rock. I mean have their fan base is just a bunch of dirty old perverts. :rolleyes:
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I love the Donnas. I have theri CD but I never listen to it.

The thing abouy the Donnas is they're not necessarily about making perfect music and structure that appeals to their audience, they're not about image, they're not about amazing lyrics, they're just about partying and having fun while you're young.

All that stuff is great, of course,but when the party's hoppin and the Donnas coe on, you gotta just have fun, dance sing along, shout, it's a crazy time
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I don't really care about their music as it's really just fluff, in my opinion. Not that they're bad at what they do, but it really offers nothing for me in any sense.

I really cannot stand their attitude though. The way they talk about themselves and other bands, you'd think they were the most hardcore band in existance (not the genre).
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  • 3 weeks later...
[color=darkviolet]I heard about them through my husband who'll listen to anything that sounds strange.

I wasn't all that impressed with teh songs. But I guess their idea is they don't feel the need to conform. Which is probably why you don't hear them on the radio.

I don't have their CD with me right now, it's either in Iraq, or I ate it. I have this CD from Hot Topic called Boys Lie with a bunch of Punk Rock Girl bands. I got that in 2001. Has anyone heard of Judy and the Loadies?

As for whining about getting drunk and boyfriends. Hun, what do you think Kid Rock is gonna do in a few years?[/color]
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