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Ranma 1/2


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[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Well, in the oddest of all places, I find a couple of Ranma 1/2 manga sitting in the corner of my school's Japanese room, packed in with all the other books. Now, I'm not exactly adept at reading Japanese, seeing as it is only my second year taking it. So, I have to ask, what exactly is Ranma 1/2 about? Obviously, these manga are in 100% Japanese, so I have a lot of trouble reading them. So could someone maybe please give me a small rundown on the series? It'd be great. I'm just slightly confuzzeled at the moment, tis all!
Cinnamon ^^[/COLOR]
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Ooh, Ranma! How lucky you are to find it in Japanese! (cool!) Ranma 1/2 is about a boy (Ranma Saotome) and his dad (Genma Saotome--I think) who are martial arts training in China. His father cannot read Chinese, however, and when he comes across the warnings and information on a particular training area, he doesn't know that it is a large assortment of cursed hot springs. They train, and of course, fall into the hot springs: Ranma falls into the Cursed Spring of Drowned Girl, and his father falls into Cursed Spring of Drowned Panda. This means that whenever they are wettened by cold water, they will turn into whatever drowned thing they fell into the spring of. That's why Ranma turns into a red-haired girl, and his dad turns into a sign-weilding panda bear.
They go to the Tendo house, because Genma is friends with the head of the Tendo household, and has promised that his son will marry Akane Tendo, the guy's daughter. Akane is the long-haired, grumpy one, who is not at all happy about the arrangement.
Of course, there is always Ranma's . . . problem. Any splash of cold water and . . . hilarity ensues.

I love Ranma. But Ryoga's my favorite. :)
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[color=darkblue]That's pretty much the basics of the entire series. As it goes on, various other people come along and challenge Ranma for different reasons (Ryoga for knocking him into the Spring of Drowned Pig, the Chinese Amazon Shampoo for defeating her while in girl-form, as per Amazon law, Mousse for "trying to steal Shampoo away", etc.). Pretty much, it's a comedy/action manga that tells how Ranma & Akane will inevitably learn to get along with one another and be happy together.[/color]
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Guest LuvInuyasha
Ranma rocks, in my own opinion. Why don't you just go to a public libary and check them out in english? I mean, most of the libraries by were I live are full of manga, especially Ranma 1/2. One other thing that happens to poor Ranma is that, (later in the series) his mom comes and his dad had said that if Ranma wasn't totally following the ways of manhood while training with him that they would all kill themselves! Now Ranma's 1/2 girl, and his mom comes to visit, I like that part... :D
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Hah...thankies guys! Now it makes much more sense!!! Yes...Now I get it. WOOT!!! I sit in the room at lunchtime, trying to read it...all my friends think I'm crazy...;) Oh well. At least it's my half form room. :D
You've made my day!
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