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Favourite Anime Short


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[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]My favourite anime short, thus far, is She and Her Cat. I can't remember the name of the director at the moment, but I do love this little short oh-so-very-much. Within four minutes and forty-four seconds, it makes you love the little kitty (and his owner, too).
The story, while told in a cryptic fashion, is obvious and practical. It's practical, every day stuff, but from the point of view of an affectionate cat.

Being a cat person, myself, I appreciated this little work boundlessly.

What's your favourite anime short?[/FONT][/COLOR]
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*smiles* She and Her Cat was created by Makoto Shinkai. He animated, directed and produced the short without any outside assistance, making it one of anime's few genuinely independent films. If his name rings any bells, it's because he also made the popular and critically acclaimed OVA Voices of a Distant Star, which happens to be among my favorite anime of all time.

I watched She and Her Cat because it's included on my VoaD DVD. The DVD comes with two different versions of the short: one clocks in at three minutes, the other at five. I've only seen the latter, so I'd love to know whether the first cut can compare. It isn't dubbed (unlike Voices of a Distant Star), but the Japanese acting more than makes up for that.

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[color=hotpink][size=1]You raise a good question because I personally don't think I've seen a lot of anime shorts, other than the Animatrix, and if I have, I don't remember them. Maybe someone will post something in here that may jog my memory.

Out of the ones that WERE in the Animatrix, I'd have to say that I enjoyed the one with the "Haunted House" the most. It was interesting enough to keep you watching and the children's experiences were fun. I also enjoyed "Program" and "A Detective's Story."[/color][/size]
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Guest Midnight Rush
Yes Queen Asuka, the haunted house was pretty cool. It was kinda surreal though, maybe I'm not saying it right, but when they threw the stuff and it came right back, that was awesome. I wonder what happened to the kids after the shut the house down at the end... back to their normal lives maybe?

As far as I know, the Animatrix is the only anime shorts I've seen, interesting topic though.
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[font=Georgia][color=blue]Anime shorts, huh? I thought Sasuke's shorts were pretty cool... [/color][/font][font=Georgia][color=#0000ff]Yes, comedy is not my forte. =/[/color][/font]

[font=Georgia][color=#0000ff]Anyway, I'm just curious, what were the contenders for the top spot of your favorite anime short? I can't say I know of any beyond the ones that were mentioned in this thread, so I'm wondering if there's any reference point, or is this thread just a "which is better: She and Her Cat or Animatrix" thread?[/color][/font]
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[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]Come now, Naruto's shorts are superior to all others. They even have those little lighting-wishbone-thingies on them. : D

To tell you the truth, I have seen maybe four actual shorts at most, and I can only remember two of them. However, I never stated that I had a wide range of knowledge concearning said medium.
It just so happens that I like She and Her Cat the best out of what I can remember.

I don't know why I haven't seen the Animatrix, but I know I never inteded this thread to really have much to do with it, specifically. Funny how things go that way, isn't it?

Miyazaki's 'On Your Mark' was very cool, although rather weird. I quite enjoyed it, though I think I need to see it again to refresh my memory. I don't even remember how the song went...>_>[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[quote name='AzureWolf']...I'm wondering if there's any reference point, or is this thread just a "which is better: She and Her Cat or Animatrix" thread?[/quote]
It seems that what is under discussion is only short [i]features[/i] and not short [i]series[/i]. It's hard to think of many anime which run under 20 minutes for the whole thing. Tezuka made some short features but they are hard to come by.

I guess another nominee in short feature would have to be the "On Your Mark" MV by Chage & Aska/Studio Ghibli. It was a big deal when it came out and was certainly well done. Or "CLAMP in Wonderland" which I liked a lot.

My top pick(s) would have to be the DAICON III and IV features by "the artists currently known as GAINAX." They are crude and just use old ELO tracks for music, but show real spirit and surehandedly encapsulate the wonders of anime. They even brought GAINAX into being, which is a hell of a claim to make!
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[font=Arial][color=darkred]Could you count The Animatrix as anime shorts because if they are then detective story is my favourite. It was directed by Shinichiro Watanabe who also made Cowboy Bebop. I particuarly like the animation style and the use of Alice in Wonderland analogies. The setting is good to as it is set in the 1930's which is a period of 20th Century history which particuarly appeals to me.[/color][/font]
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[quote name='Chii Ayumi']My favorites are : Chrno Crusade, Fruits Basket, Tales of Eternia, Ruroumi Kenshin[/quote]

Those are anime shorts?

These are anime series... I think you've posted in the wrong thread.

As for Anime Shorts, I've racked my brain thinking of what I've seen, but like most can only come up with the Animatrix.

You see, I'm not sure if suggesting a 15 minute OVA for the game Wind ~ A Breath of Heart counts as an Anime Short.

It's the only episode and it's available with the game. It's tremendously funny ~ though most of the jokes some points in the story can only be understood from playing the game.

From racking my mind for 3 days, these are the only results I can come up with.

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[quote name='Chii Ayumi']My favorites are : Chrno Crusade, Fruits Basket, Tales of Eternia, Ruroumi Kenshin[/quote]

[color=hotpink][size=1]I'm sorry, but this post is spam and will be deleted. Not only is it off-topic, but it is very short and nondescriptive. Please read our rules about post quality as soon as possible. Thank you! *QA*[/color][/size]
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Well I have to go all old school on y'all and say my favorite anime shorts are the ones from the Robot Carnival collection.

I remember watching Robot Carnival when it used to be shown on the Sci Fi Channel on Saturday mornings, and I loved it.

If you don't know, Robot Carnival was a collection of different shorts made in the late 80's, and all centered around robots in some way.
Each short differed in style, ranging from action, comedy, drama, and horror.

Hmm...I wonder if its been released on DVD yet. :therock:
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