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Salvation Revealed (Anti-Christian theme)


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[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]First, a disclaimer. Like it says in the title, this is a very anti-[B][I][U]God [/U] [/I] [/B] piece, written when I was particularly angry at the state of the world, and why 'God' let it be this way. Enjoy.
[I]PART 1: The Plea[/I]
Stab me, whip me, kill me now
Release me from the despair of life
Grant me sweet release
Send me to heaven
So that I may be happy ever after
By God's side

[I]PART 2: The Reasoning[/I]
By God's side I will ask
Why do my prayers fall on deaf ears?
Why does he ignore my pleas to save the world?
So in the interest of salvation
Kill me
So I might address these matters with him face to face

[I]PART 3:The Realization[/I]
I was killed by a wayward driver
With relish I awaited my inevitable fate
But I was wrong
God is an illusion of the human psyche
My death was in vain
Disillusioned and alone I lay in my grave
A rosary draped ironically around my neck
And thus I slip into the eternal sleep of death
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[size=1][color=slategray]I'm not sure why this piece has to be spceifically anit-Christian, seen as if there "is no God" in this piece, aren't other religions equally "vain"? -_-[/color][/size][size=1][color=#708090]Other than that, I just found it weak in delivery, it didn't draw any emotion out of me, perhaps because you get no idea of why the character feels this way, where does this angst come from? Why is God to blame for the state of the world, why not the Devil? [/color][/size]

[size=1][color=#708090]Even for a piece that is written to solely vent anger at the world, it's pretty average.[/color][/size]
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[size=1][color=#800000]I liked this poem a lot, actually.[/color][/size]

[size=1][color=#800000]*turns to Shinji* And I think some people find it's easier to be angry with God, since they think of him as [i]passive[/i], whereas they see the Devil as [i]active[/i] in his evil deeds ? Just a thought. [/color][/size]
[size=1][color=#800000]*goes back to the poem*[/color][/size]

[size=1][color=#800000]The first thing that struck me, was how you've divided the poem into "sections". [/color][/size]
[size=1][color=#800000]I know you said it was three different approaches, but I read it as a progression of thought. How the person goes from begging for some kind of divine response, to questioning why he can't hear it and then giving up.[/color][/size]

[size=1][color=#800000]I didn't read this with any particular emotion in mind, but rather as someone's wish to have this process over with. It's balanced, I guess (in my eyes). No over-the-top-drama, but simply stating that it went from this to that. Sometimes an explanation can be desired, but it's quite possible to read something and take it for what it is.[/color][/size]

[color=#800000][size=1][b]Sidenote[/b]: maybe it's because everyone is talking about "[i]The Passion[/i]", but I think that the first stanza can be read as Jesus prayer/wish to go back to the heavens. [b]/End sidenote.[/b][/size][/color]
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For the first thing, I find how this poem is labeled pretty offensive. People tend to get away with dissing Christians a lot easier than they do with making fun of other religions. Tell me, if this poem was labled "Anti-Semitic," how many people do you think would jump all over your back? Please, it doesn't have to be "anti-" anything- it's just atheistic.

Secondly, you write that we believe God is passive. You misunderstand- I believe God is very active in our lives. And the devil himself isn't really very active- all he can do is tempt.
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[size=1][quote name='Megumi']Secondly, you write that we believe God is passive. You misunderstand- I believe God is very active in our lives. And the devil himself isn't really very active- all he can do is tempt.[/quote][/size]
[size=1][color=#800000]I'm guessing you're referring to me here ? If you are, I would like to refer you to the part of my reply where I said "[i][b][color=black]some people[/color][/b][/i]". If what I stated had been [b]my[/b] opinion, I would have said "[i][b]I[/b][/i] believe that", as opposed to "[color=black][i][b]some people[/b][/i][/color]". I was merely trying to look at it from another point of view.[/color][/size]

[size=1][color=#800000]I hope that cleared things up, and if it didn't... then I'm all to happy to further explain myself in a PM. My intention in replying to this poem was [b]not[/b] to further diss people's beliefs, and if that's how it came across then I apologise.[/color][/size]
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The title of the thread captured me, but I felt it lacked the themes I was looking for.

There is a reason why its easier to jump on Christians than it is Jews. I think it has something to do with the era of the Crusades and the hundreds of years of occupation by force, murder, violence, and destruction from Christian crusaders. The inquisition ring a bell? And thats just a piece of the cake.

You know, being St. Patrick day, its a little known document that St. Patrick was another patron of Christian oppression, slaughtering Druids in G*d's name. Yet we still manage to keep a day commemorating his 'valor'.

Sure, Jews had there moment of tyranny, but collectively, Christian tyranny was far more destructive, merely because of the slaughter coupled with the amount of time in which it existed freely. It was only recently that the tyranny has been nubbed out, and its evident that the mindset of oppression still exists within the media, society, and specifically Mr. Bush. A prime example.

Personally I hate Christ a lot more than I hate G*d, which is why I'd be more apt to being anti-Christian than anti-Jew.
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[size=1][color=#800000]I'm guessing you're referring to me here ? If you are, I would like to refer you to the part of my reply where I said "[i][b][color=black]some people[/color][/b][/i]". If what I stated had been [b]my[/b] opinion, I would have said "[i][b]I[/b][/i] believe that", as opposed to "[color=black][i][b]some people[/b][/i][/color]". I was merely trying to look at it from another point of view.[/color][/size]

[size=1][color=#800000]I hope that cleared things up, and if it didn't... then I'm all to happy to further explain myself in a PM. My intention in replying to this poem was [b]not[/b] to further diss people's beliefs, and if that's how it came across then I apologise.[/color][/size][/QUOTE]

I'm sorry, I misunderstood that part.

[quote name='Winter]']There is a reason why its easier to jump on Christians than it is Jews. I think it has something to do with the era of the Crusades and the hundreds of years of occupation by force, murder, violence, and destruction from Christian crusaders. The inquisition ring a bell? And thats just a piece of the cake.[/quote]

Near every religion and every people have history of bloodshed behind them. You can't hold all Christians accountable for the evil some people did in the name of Christ. You must remember that Christ taught us NOT to kill. They acted against their own beliefs.

The Jewish people have just as bloody a history, only it was a longer time ago.

By your reasoning, since you're saying Christians don't deserve as much respect because past Christians did some bad stuff, I guess there's no need to respect Germans. And hey, look at all the bad some Muslim people are doing right now. Guess they're free game too.

Why do people keep bringing these things up? Christians have killed in the name of Christ. Muslims have killed in the name of Allah. Jews have killed in the name of Elohim. Does that mean any of them are right? Are any of them particularly worse than the others? Murder is murder, and against every one of those religions. The world is full of hypocrites, yes, but should true followers have to suffer because of them?
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[QUOTE]Near every religion and every people have history of bloodshed behind them. You can't hold all Christians accountable for the evil some people did in the name of Christ. You must remember that Christ taught us NOT to kill. They acted against their own beliefs.

The Jewish people have just as bloody a history, only it was a longer time ago.

By your reasoning, since you're saying Christians don't deserve as much respect because past Christians did some bad stuff, I guess there's no need to respect Germans. And hey, look at all the bad some Muslim people are doing right now. Guess they're free game too.

Why do people keep bringing these things up? Christians have killed in the name of Christ. Muslims have killed in the name of Allah. Jews have killed in the name of Elohim. Does that mean any of them are right? Are any of them particularly worse than the others? Murder is murder, and against every one of those religions. The world is full of hypocrites, yes, but should true followers have to suffer because of them?[/QUOTE]

[FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo]Err... how the hell did you misconstrue it so badly? It has that as a thread title because if I were to right down every religion it may offend in the title it'd be too long. Yes, it may offend Jews, but since the majority of people are Christian I wrote that instead.

And, to clear things up, this isn't really aimed at any religion, the title just suggests that because I felt it may offend some people of the Christian persuausion. It is aimed at God. Mayhap I should've written anti-religion but it is too late now. You should stop being so paranoid. [/COLOR] [/SIZE] [/FONT]
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[QUOTE=Megumi]I'm sorry, I misunderstood that part.

Near every religion and every people have history of bloodshed behind them. You can't hold all Christians accountable for the evil some people did in the name of Christ. You must remember that Christ taught us NOT to kill. They acted against their own beliefs.

The Jewish people have just as bloody a history, only it was a longer time ago.

By your reasoning, since you're saying Christians don't deserve as much respect because past Christians did some bad stuff, I guess there's no need to respect Germans. And hey, look at all the bad some Muslim people are doing right now. Guess they're free game too.

Why do people keep bringing these things up? Christians have killed in the name of Christ. Muslims have killed in the name of Allah. Jews have killed in the name of Elohim. Does that mean any of them are right? Are any of them particularly worse than the others? Murder is murder, and against every one of those religions. The world is full of hypocrites, yes, but should true followers have to suffer because of them?[/QUOTE]

You like making assumptions.

First, I am against most faiths. Why did I target Christianity? Because [B]the title of the thread referred to it.[/B]

If it makes you feel better to know, *and since you are so eager to make assumptions, I'll flat out tell you my beliefs* I am against most faiths. I understand other faiths have killed in the name of their beliefs; I didnt say they didnt now did I?

I am against Jewish faith, Christian faith, Muslim faith, Hindu faith, Paganistic faiths. Why? Because they personify beliefs that hold little truthful evidence, or tangible realities.

Why should I believe in an all powerful being dictating my life? Why should I believe that a man was born to preach this word? Consider the evidence that we can say safely many who wrote the bible and heard the word of a supreme being may have easily been psychotic, and had delusions and episodes.

Consider in the Pagan faiths that most deities were created for either A)Entertaining stories, or B) explaining natural occurences in the world that science now has answers to.

Consider in Christianity, specifically, that the English monarchy originated because a man believed he was ordained by G*d to rule the country. Due to ignorance, this was believed. Due to ignorance, it was believed that demons working with Satan caused illness. Due to ignorance, people feared other cultures and beliefs, and sought to destroy them.

Why do I hate the Christian G*d? Think about this. He loves humans more than anything. Before humans, it was Angels he loved the most. Angels became second to humans. G*d pushed them down for favor of humans. Whats to say that G*d wont grow tired of us, and create a new blessed being? If the bibles were still being written, I'm sure someone with delusions of granduer would create that story. What would happen to humans? G*d would push us down to the second best spot, Angels being third, and the new beings number one.

G*d is very tempermental, and insecure. Its actually stated that he is a jealous G*d. For a supreme being, you'd think he'd be able to transend such darker emotions that humans share, wouldnt you? I will not surrender myself to an idea thought up by humanity, to make it easier for monarchy structures to oppress, control, and enslave their citizens in a world of ignorance, dominance, and tyranny. I will also not surrender my faith in a being that may easily cast me aside for his latest, newer being he may create.

But of course, thats just me. ;)
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