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Kiba's Hood, Dawg!

Dan Rugh

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So I realized I haven't posted anything in this forum in a long time and I had a funny idea, so I put those two things together and created what you see below. Alot of people may not get it unless they are familiar with Naruto.

Anyway, here it is:


I had to basically recolor the whole picture because it was so incredibly pixely.

Edit: If no one gets it, I'll explain the humor later.
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SQUEE! lol Dan you silly person you. He does look good with the hood off but still....I like my Kibster with the hood on. But this is really funny and only you would do this lol. It's niiiiiiiiice. The picture is like "Oh look at me...please help me keep my hood off pwease" lol *gives you 99 cents* I'm for this now.
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[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]^_^

Like it has been said: perfect picture. Akamaru looks like he is about to cry or something. Do dogs cry? Ah well...

I don't get this mass obsession people have with Kiba not wearing his hood. I think he looks much better with it...

Very cool.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[quote]Like it has been said: perfect picture. [/quote]

I wanted it to look like he and Akamaru were looking back at "the hood." Akamaru is snarling at it while Kiba is thinking sadly about his tragic past in "the hood." lol

[quote]Akamaru looks like he is about to cry or something. Do dogs cry? Ah well...

I don't get this mass obsession people have with Kiba not wearing his hood. I think he looks much better with it...[/quote]

I think the only time dogs can cry is when they have an infection in their eyes and they get that nasty dripping mucous... Crying? Sure, why not.

But anyway, people have an obsession with hoodless Kiba because he doesn't look like a caveman. Also, when he's got the hood on, he looks maybe five years older and is always mean looking. Hoodless Kiba is much improved and I hope he never puts it on again.

Edit: The attachment explains it all.
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[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]No fair! You used a crappy picture of Kiba's hood!

I like the "UGH." "No UGH." concept, though. It's to-the-point. : D

Yeah, that's what I thought about dog tears, as well. My cat gets drippy eyes sometimes, too. Poor kitty...*pets kitty*

I like Kiba's hood because it makes him look very grunge. The fur is a very cool touch.^^


Kiba & Akamaru PWN you, biatch!

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