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(This be the second time I wrote this damn thread)

Pronounced Lood-vick, it's actually a child's play from the Holocaust where children in one of the concentration camps performed it for adults. I wish to redo it into a play, movie script, book, something! But first, here are the two plotlines: the play's story, and my version.

Ludvik is a vile carpenter who hates the Birds of Cheb because of their song. He builds boxes and cages and stashes the birds away in them. The smallest bird of the village known as Peppysack (or something) stops Ludvik and saves the birds who eventually run Ludvik out of town. Pretty simple stuff.

[b]:::My Version[/b]
Mine isn't kiddy stuff. The birds have been replaced by humans whom live in the town of Cheb. Ludvik, still being a carpenter in my story, lives in a small house outside of Cheb. He's actually a good man in mine, but his only company are crows and other evil birds like Ravens (I threw the birds in because I wanted to still include birds somehow and they give off the more devious environment). Anyways, he's so lonely that he's driven mad and becomes drunk with hate. He despises the villagers of Cheb and secretly kidnaps them one by one and locks them in cages down in barracks underground that he built (still keeping partially some of the original idea).

People are wondering where these villagers are disappearing to and it's becoming rather conspirious. The main character in the play was a small girl bird called Peppysack or whatever. In mine, it's a dude named Pip. I'm working on what role he plays so he gets involved with stopping Ludvik. Possible ideas for him are:

[*]He's a doctor and is finding clues (doesn't work well)
[*]He's a detective of the middle ages
[*]He's just too damn curious XD

Another thing is, I've been working on settings and styles of this story. I want medieval gothic theme. Something Tim Burton's [u]Sleepy Hollow[/u] mixed with the new upcoming [u]Van Helsing[/u] film. My town I want all crooked and mishapen. Cheb should be as eerie as it is. This isn't a scary story or a tale of some lunatic like in [u]Willard[/u] (though Ludvik goes mad with hate and loneliness). I want it to be a tale of man solving mystery of strange disappearances and soon enough in the story, deaths. There will be use of swords as the main weapons, but crossbows are mentioned vaguely too.

My ideas are small, but I want opinion. I haven't written it yet, but what do you people want? Movie script, book, or what? And please do give feedback on my ideas and plotline, especially Pip's role. Thanks in advance :D

"It's suddenly cold in Cheb." -Quote from Pip even if the story hasn't been written.
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[font=Arial][size=1][color=darkslateblue]It sounds cool. ^_^[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]I think, it should be somewhat like a book. It give the story more depth and detail. It'd make it more interesting.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]Pip's role: I think he should be just too damn curious! XD Either that or a detective. *hears Mission Impossible music play in the background* o.0[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Arial][size=1][color=#483d8b]Well, it sounds like a great story. I'll be sure to read it once you start writing it.[/color][/size][/font]
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[size=1] Well, as we all know, any dood in a movie, story, ect. whos name is Pip or Pippy or Pippin will make the movie, story, w/e 10 times better :toothy:

I think this story sound really interesting. The idea is pretty cool and I like how you changed the story, but kept the plot sort of that same, that is quite cheeky Mr. DW. I like the Raven Idea too, depressed and lonely people always remind me of Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven" poem.

Ideas for the hunky Pip: I'm going with the Damn too curious mood as well, but I think you make him be detectivish too... like, he is really good at solving mysteries and stuff, but he's too curious to even notice that... or... yeah... *has confussed herself again*

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Yeah, I'm thinking of finally just going with the detective idea, but he's going into something he shouldn't be. He's way over his head, you could say. I was thinking of people who could play the part, but for some reason, Johnny Depp matches Pip. But God, that's hardly original. He's used for everything nowadays. :P
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[size=1]You should make Pip have some kind of English/Scottish accent (Where does this take place). You said middle ages, so they would have to have some sort of accent...

Johnny Depp as Pip.... Nah, I can't see Depp as a detective who is in over his head (well maybe...but it's slim) I guess it really depends, but I see Pip as a kids name, how old is this Pip ganna be? 20, 30, 80? Give me information! *shakes*[/size]
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Well, he's obviously not a kid =/ He's 20 something and I'm not exactly choosing actors and actresses so no worries. And since this is most likely not earth Middle Ages, there is no reason for him to have an accent. In fact, I guess you're not really suppose to know where it takes place except Cheb.
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Wait, on your first post it said middle ages... or does Pip just act like he lives in the middle ages when they really don't? Ooo, that would be interesting, lol. Pip can be sort of a nutt bag, thinking that he lives in the middle ages when really he doesn't. Although he is crazy, he is really good at finding lost things... that reminds me of the show "Monk" only he has an obbsesive compulsive disorter thing...

When I say "kid" I mean like around the age of 20, dunno why, but 20 years of age is still kiddish to me (who knows why). So, how much have you have you thought through with this? Like, who will be the supporting characters (if any at all)? Does Pip have a lacky? What makes Pip really want to go after the Ludvik guy? Did he kidnap someone he knows really well? God, I'm so curious! *shakes DW*
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First off, in my post above, I said "it's not like earth Middle Ages" equaling it's middle ages, just not taking place on Earth. You misunderstood what I said.

Nextly, I'm thinking through this a lot and it will most likely first be a script, then be a movie I make on my computer for Rm2k (a game-making program I use). Pip doesn't really have anybody he cares about in Cheb since he's relatively new. He's assigned to the job of finding out where all the kidnapped people are going and that's why he's on the job. Meh :)
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[font=Verdana][size=1]*cough* Well, actually, Depp played a detective who was in over his head in the movie [u]From Hell[/u]l; the one about Jack the Ripper.[/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=1]Now, personally, I think this idea could be fantastic. I'll tell you how I imagined it being 'carried out' when you described it.[/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=1]Movie. Set in France, in the Middle Ages (speaking english, though). Either grungy and grimy, or remarkably well kept. Throughout the movie, there are all these bird symbolisms -- hidden, but there, just to bring more meaning into it. I saw Pip as a drunkard/alcoholic with no credibility. Now, with this, you could use it so that people suspected him, or you could use it so that no one would believe him. Several plot twists, of course, to keep the viewer thinking. You could start the first scene with a child's game or something, to give it that innocent, creepy sort of feel. [/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=1]Of course, you need to be careful if you do write script. It needs to be believeable and non-cliched.[/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=1]But, oh gosh, the idea sounds fantastic! You've got my mind racing now and I keep seeing scenes, so you better write this! Hee. Well done. I think this is a brilliant idea.[/size][/font]
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^_^ Thank you, ma'am. I even have some music in my head that would be cool for the movie (by the band "Live" because they are awesome and some of their music sort of matches the scene). The drunk idea may be good for later on in the story when he gets frustrated. He'll start drinking and do something crazy, making people suspect him of the murder (one will eventually happen).

I'm not sure I follow with the child's game. Perhaps you could explain more? ^_^;
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[font=Verdana][size=1]Well, I'm not altogether sure, but perhaps something like hide and seek, and then the little child couldn't find anyone [Cause she's little and doesn't know where to look.]. Then perhaps you could develop it and the child's looking again -- although there are a lot less children to look for [Unless all the children go missing?] -- and instead of finding a child s/he finds the body. *blinks* Wow. Morbid, really. But I suppose it could work. Or instead you could cut out the latter idea and just have them playing hide and seek, then one child not being found at all -- and that's the first kidnap, or something. *shrug*[/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=1]I'm not altogether sure on the game idea -- by that point I was just throwing out ideas, heh.[/size][/font]
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Hm, well, possibly if it didn't run in with other ideas I had including the first kidnap. The idea about finding a body is too sudden since no deaths emerge until Ludvik finds he's being hunted. But nifty idea anyway ^_^ Besides, I don't want this to be creepy. Just really odd or cool.
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[font=Verdana][size=1]Hee. That's cool. Like I said, I was just throwing out ideas, lol. I'm still extremely interested in it, though, so you had better develop it. I think this would be really odd/cool [or even codd, heh.] so please continue.[/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=1]Have you decided what sort of medium you want to use yet?[/size][/font]
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If by medium you mean what kind of dark setting I'm plotting on a more foggy area with crooked houses and such in it to give it a semi-creepy or eerie setting, if you will. Remember, it's not scary, just uncanny so no monsters and shiz XD The fog'll be nice and gloomy like London is supposedly :P
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