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Numb, Theives Trail [this may get a little bloody ^^]


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Mitzo Sakin, a young 16 year old fox demon, sniffed around the busy street. She had her coat slung over her shoulder and was looking for some nice money to.....borrow. She was waiting for the night. To find the Thieves trail to hopefully find her brother that left her over three years ago. Mitzo snapped back to the present and slipped a guys wallet out of his jacket pocket without him noticing and went off to pick some more pockets. She found plenty of rich suckers and snuck off into a small alley to count her pay check so far. She sat down in the alley and pulled the peoples money out of her coat. She counted up a good hundred dollars and went off to find some lunch. She walked into a bar and sat down, taking off her black tinted sunglasses and laying her coat on the bar. She ordered her meal and looked over to a plate of crackers that were out. She pulled it up to her and put her hand in the pocket of her jacket pulling out...........a mouse. She set the furry white fluff ball on the table and it went over to munch on the crackers. Mitzo munched on her meal as well. "Ya know." She said to the small mouse. "I wonder how Slyfer is doing. Mitzo thought of her brother. Then snapping back to the present, yet again, she payed the clerk and scooped up her mouse and jacket and walked out. she put on her jacket, walking down the busy road, and slipped the mouse back into her pocket. She went back to getting her pay, picking pockets. She Noticed a tall lanky man and came up behind him. He had long red hair in a loose pony tail, and a verry interesting pocket watch hanging off of his belt loop. She sneaked around and snapped the pocket watch off, unfortunetly she pulled a bit harder then needed and he felt it. "Gah!" Mitzo ran about a foot before her felt a hand clasp on her fox like furry ear and was picked up about a foot from the ground by her ear!! "OW OW OW! Let me go let me go let me go!!!" She said as she tried to pry the mans hand off of her ear. "Well, where do you think your going, little lady?" The red headed man asked. Mitzo just hung there and looked at him. "YOUR HURTING MY EAR!"

OCC: Mwahahaha! My ear :( lol...^^ Erin? my ear back please?
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Shotoken watched from a nearby rooftop, jumping down silently and walking up.
"Somebody care to explain why this beautiful woman is being held by her ear?"
He smirked slightly, already knowing the entire thing, and punched the man in the gut, causing him to let go of mitzo's ear.
"So, you alright?"
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Perhaps if Kitcho had payed more attention, he would have noticed the fox demon, and the attempted theft, but he was intent on his 'mission'. He crouched behind an ally wall, waiting. A few moments later, a raven, normal as any other bird, flew up and perched on his shoulder.

"Little Security... easy." The raven said in a strange dialect, a little hard to understand, but it made sense.

"Good job Poe... maybe we can get something decent tonight." Kitcho left the alleyway and walked non-chalantly into a small store. There were little valuables everywhere, and almost nobody watching them. Too easy.

Without a second thought, Kitcho grabbed a few items that looked liek they'd be worth soemthing, and hid them in his clothes. After pretending to look around ofr a while, he strolled out, thouroghly pleased with himself.

Poe, the raven, squawked once in alarm, but it wasn't enough warning. Kitcho was grabbed from behind, the shop owner glaring at him. Very nervous, Kitcho waved and said, "Uhh... hi." Poe started pecking furiously at Kitcho's captor, to no avail.

"A little help here! Anyone!"
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[color=darkolivegreen][b][font=tahoma]OOC: *rolls eyes* Thanks alot yalborap. You just ruined me and Arunue's plans...


Otto held his stomach in pain and glared at the man who, without warning or a good reason, had just punched him in the gut. He brought himself upright and yelled, "Hey you! That "beautiful woman" as you so untruthfully put it, just stole my watch! I'm sorry if I felt like taking it back!"

In a quick movement, ignoring his own pain, he reclaimed his beautiful picket watch. He looked at it lovingly and cooed, "Poor watch, did that mean old fox girl hurt you?" He rubbed it affectionately and then put it inside his pocket. Then he whistled over his shoulder to a small white ermine who came running. It hopped on his shoulder and hissed at the girl and the young man.

"So, what do you say, Malcolm? I think I deserve some revenge." he smiled. The little ermine nodded and almost smiled itself. Otto slid the stainless steel pole out of its sheath.

"Well, let's get started."[/b][/color][/font]
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Shotoken released a few straps holding his broadsword in place, as it fell to the ground and broke through ever so slightly. He grabbed the blade, swinging it a bit low to the ground in the process.
"So she took your damn pocket watch. People take things of a lot more value every day without it ever being cared about. Now, let's see just how good you are."
Shotoken allowed himself to smirk ever so slightly as he prepared to fight.

OOC: One must learn that a storyline will never stay the same for very long when more than one person is in control.
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OOC: one must also learn the rules of chaos...

IC: Havin no alternative, Kitcho kicked the angry store owner in a rather sensative spot, and ran when he was released. He could hear the man yelling curses at him, but he did not follow, afraid to leave his shop un-attended.

He looked back to see what the man was doing, and didn't see the rapidly approaching fight-scene. When he turned his head back to face front, he narrowly avoided colliding with a man holding a metal staff, and spun backwards, losing his balance. In the discord, he nearly fell on top of a girl, the lieks of witch he had never seen.

Getting up, embarressed, Kitcho looked at the girl he had fallen over. He was surprised a moment, before he realized she was a demon. "Heh heh..." he said nervously, "Sorry 'bout that..." but the demon girl was watching the two men intently, both of them talking a fighting stance.
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Mitzo sighed in disqust. "Men. Stupid men." She said as she turned around and walked away. "Fighting over nothing." Mitzo looked back over at them and tryed to restrain herself from lauging. she was trying to be serious but she couldnt hold it and burst into laughter and the 2' 11'' fox sat on the ground trying to catch her breath. "You people. You men were always so humorus!" Otto and Shotoken just looked at her. "What is she laughing about?" Otto asked re-sheathing his wepon. "Thats just disturbing." He said as Sakin was now on her back laughing. Shotoken Was shaking his head. Otto looked to his Ermine, Malcom, as if he would know why she was humored. Sakin stoped lauging and jumped back to her feet, putting her mouse on her shoulder.
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A strange bird flew by and landed on shotoken's shoulder, and began speaking.

bird: "Well, there's a legendary trail near here with HUGE amounts of riches and gold! It's protected somehow, and I couldn't get near it, but it was amazing!"

shotoken: "At least we know we're finally in the right place. Now if only I could find out my own history..."
Shotoken dropped the blade and walked over to mitzo.
"Hey, you alright?"
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Kitcho just stood there. God, nobody ever noticed him anymore. Sometimes he felt liek strangling those stuck-up, high-and-mighty, well-to-do people. He had nearly run into all three of them, and they acted like he had never been there.

Oooh, that ticked him off. By nature he was relatively passive, but thye made him so angry sometimes... "Fine ya jerks, go boil your heads or something!" Kitcho realized this was a pretty lame insult, but he was pissed.

All three just stared after him, wondering who this boy with the raven was.
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Mitzo just stared at him. Then she looked at the bird. "you didnt mean the Theives Trail did you? The one leading to the Fountain of Riches? Thats not where you people are going is it?" They all gave her a look that clearly ment "yes" and she laughed slightly. "heh heh. um......this is kind of out of the blue but........heh....wanna team up together? when we get there we can go at each others throats but im so small i dunno if i would servive the jorney there!" Mitzo was using her Fox-like charm and perswasion. She would probably do good if she had a body gaurd or two to sacrifice.
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Shotoken smiled slightly, pretty much unaffected by said charm and persuasion.
"I'm not sure about these idiots behind me, but I wouldn't mind having you along for my little journey. it'd be nice to be around somebody who doesn't consider dog ears abnormal."
Shotoken's dog ears wiggled slightly, announcing their presence.
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Mitzo gigled slightly then looked over to Otto and Kitcho. [i]Ive got him. Now what about these two.[/i] She thought herself as she walked over deside Kitcho and clung to his arm. "Will you help protect me to?" She said looking up at him. "Your a nice strong human man." she said trying to charm him. She looked over at otto and scowled. "Oh otto.....your hair is on fire...oh wait...im sorry...its just your hair color is so orange!" She looked back over to Kitcho and smiled, still clinging to his arm "so how about it?"
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"Er..." Kitcho blushed visibly, and faltered a little. Even if she was a demon, a girl is a girl. Shotoken sighed and looked very slightly annoyed.

"Well, I uhh..." Kitcho scratched his head with his free hand. Mitzo restrained her laughter, not wanting to blow the illusion. Poe shifted on Kitcho's shoulder and stared Mitzo straight in the face.

"Fox... cunning. Crafty fox." Poe croaked in his incomplete raven dialect.

"Poe, shhh!" Kitcho shushed the raven hurriedly, blushing even more. "Um... sure..." he said, turning back to Mitzo, having no idea what he was getting into.
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Mitzo scowled at the bird and then she slowly walked over to Otto. "And you. Mitso jumped up and grabbed onto his pony tail, pulling it hard. Otto began running around and yelling. "Gett the hell off my hair *****!!" he yelledtrying to shake the foxx off of the back of his head. Mitzo let go and landed on the ground. "chehe." she gigled. "Now. we should get going huh? the trail is iluminated at night and the sun is starting to set" Mitzo smiled and clung back to Kitchos arm. She figured he was most efected by the sweet cunning fox.
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[color=darkolivegreen][b][font=tahoma]OOC: Jeez, I leave for just 5 hours...lol...By the way, I feel abused...


"Hey, wait a minute! First you steal my family pocket watch and then you pull my hair! I think I'm in need of an apology!" Otto yelled, waving his arms a bit. Suddenly, he felt a blade pressed up against his neck. Shotoken grabbed his arm as he pressed the dagger close to the red-head's throat. He said, "I think that the lady is in need of the apology. There was need to treat her so brashly."

Otto stared at the blade nervousley.

"A'ight...A'ight...I'll help the little lady..." He agreed hesitantly. As Shotoken moved the dagger away from his throat, he turned his head and coughed, hiding the word "freak" in the cough. He followed the three in front of him, sulking and slumped, muttering things to himself. [i]Besides,[/i] he thought, [i]Their talking about the Theive's Trail. I've been looking for it for a while now. This is my chance.[/i][/b][/font][/color]
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[FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=SeaGreen]OCC: hahaha! ^^ i feel so smart and cunning like the little fox i am...

IC:Mitzo grinned to herself. [i]i dont like men thinking im a weak little girl. but this is different. i get three personal body gaurds that i can sacrifice to the beasts that are sure to be on the trail. This is the perfect plan. I wonder if my brother Slyfer is alright.[/i]

"Well..." Mitzo started to say. "The trail isnt able to be travled untill night fall....so maybe we should get some sleep before then? to make sure we have enough energy?" Shotoken nodded. "Your a smart young lady." He said winking. Mitzo shook her had and started walking down the now clear road. "Wow....these roads cleared fast. I guess towns people dont like being out right before sunset. I need to get out of the mountains more. But anywho, I have a nice place where we can rest untill night fall." Mitzo led them to a small hut on the edge of town, oposite the mountains, nearing a desert. She opeded the door and motioned them inside. It had a main room and three rooms. Mitzo turned to them. "We only have three rooms, ill just rest out here, you can pick a room and go lie down for the few hours we have until its dark enough." Mitzo watched them all go into a room and she herself sat in the far corner. She took out the mouse and sent it scurrying across the floor. The mouse came back with a crumb in its mouth and mitzo fell asleep with the mouse munching on its crumb on her shoulder.
She woke up a few hours later to Shotokens hand on her shoulder. "Its nightfall." he said.

OCC: I have a new signature font.
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS]A girl with black hair and green eyes watched this scene from the wall across the room, then smiled and returned to her room to await the comng of night.

As the sun sank behind the desert, she stepped over to the fox-child and poked her shoulder. "Did I hear you saying something about Numb? Leading an expedition?" She bared her teeth in a semi-friendly grin. "Name's Nariko, and I'm in the same boat as you are. How about letting me and Kaze-sama join you on this quest?"

"Kaze-sama?" The girl looked a little confused, but shrugged. "Sure! The more, the merrier!"

"Good." Nari turned toward the stairs and whistled sharply. "KAZE!"

"Nyao." A black cat with bright green eyes and an enormously toothy leer hopped to her shoulder.

"May I suggest we go?"[/FONT]
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[color=darkolivegreen][b][font=tahoma]Otto yawned as he stepped into the hallway. When he saw this newcomer, he stopped in mid-yawn and his eyes widened.

"Holy crap!" He whispered. He shook his head to make sure he wasn't dreaming and then whispered again, "Holy crap."

The girl turned around and said, "Oh, hi! The name's Nariko. I assume you're with Mitzo."

In a daze, Otto said, "Yea...I'm with shorty...Name's...um...Otto...Otto Kall." He gave her a smile. She looked at him like he was quite insane and turned back to talk to Mitzo. Otto finally shook himself out of his daze and walked over to talk to Nariko in a more sane manner.[/color][/font][/b]
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[FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkRed]A boy watches from the shadows a couple yard away. "This should be entertaining" he whispers to his falcon. "This Group seems to be going to Numb, I think I'll follow them see if anythings happens. What do you think Darc?" He says to the falcon as he continues to watch the group.

He turns and starts to climb up an old building with great speed. He pauses about half way up looks down, then back up at the sky to see Darc flying in circles. "Sorry we all dont have wings" he muffles under his breath. As he starts to resume his climb he loses his footing and starts to fall. He prepares him self for the landing in air. Landing feet first he rolls forward getting back on he feet yelling as he does. He starts to dust himself off and realizes he attracted the attension of the adventurers.

He is at a loss for words. When a tall man with a pony tail shouts "Who are you?!" The boy remain silent as he thinks "Smooth move Khaos, so much for your plans. Oh well, What now though." The tall man askes his questions again with a more angry tone "Who are you?!" Khaos finally replies "I'm Khaos Kage." A short fox demon then askes him "Well what do you want? Let me guess you wanna come with us to The Theives Trail." Khaos nods his head with out saying a word. "I guess you can come as long as you hold your own" remarks the fox demon. She starts to introduce the adventures " Well Im Mitzo, The tall man with red hair is Otto, the guy with the raven is Kitcho,the kid with the dog ears is Shotoken and the girl with the cat is Nariko." Khaos is silent for a moment then replies " You guys can call me Kay, And might i suggest we get going".....[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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Kitcho slumped half-asleep out of the room, Poe fluttering around his head, trying to wake him up entirely. Kitcho hadn't gotten decent sleep for a while now, and the brief nap had been very much welcome. Looking around, he noticed the two newcomers.

Poe looked nervous, even for a raven, and croaked in Kitcho's ear, "Falcon. Big, hungry." Looking around, Kitcho saw what Poe was talking about. A falcon rested on one of the newcomer's shoulder, witch ment Poe was gonna have to watch his back.

"Uhhh... hi." Kitcho said a little sleepily.
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[COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Book Antiqua]OCC: GREAT! we have all people that we need to post! now Anyu is going to post a bit later once we get into it a bit....lol....mm-hm....

IC:Mitzo opened the door and watched the last bit of sun light dip behind the mountains that were once her home. "Aye. Maybe we should go." Mitzo behan to walk out towrds the desert and wondered if they were at the right enterance. After a few seconds they all came up to a patch of desert that was filled with bright glowing fireflys. "I guess we need to look for the enterance now, huh?" asked Kitcho. Mitzo nodded and after a few moments they found an enterance, a straight path where there were no fire flys. Then otto asked, apperantly out of his daze for a moment, "Why is there a trail illuminated my fireflies? It just always kept me wondering." Mitzo looked at him. "Stupid fire head. These fireflys travle to this part of the desert i think only once every three-hundred years. But they will not land on, or fly near for that matter, an area of ground that evil has set foot on. And the trail was travled and the fountain was made by the beast gaurding it." Otto wasn't listening. He was too busy wearing his eyes out on Nariko. Then Shotoken spoke up. "There is another enterance over there." He pointed only a few feet away, where there was another enterance through the fireflies. "Is this like one of the tricks in here....one of the trap like things?" Kitcho asked, his facon moving over to his other shoulder to get further away from Kay's falcon. Mitzo nodded then dug into her coat pocket. She pulled out her mouse and put him in the middle of the two enterances. "Oh great, were laying our lives with a mouse." Otto moaned, out of his daze again. The mouse went over to the enterance which they had first spotted and squeked. Mitzo scooped up the mouse and put it back in her pocket. They all went down the trail. Otto walked up to mitzo. "Hey, why dont you let your mouse back out? I'm sure malcom and it would have fun playing together!" Otto laughed manicly. Mitzo looked at him like he was insane, then she drew one of her katana and with a swift motion she was sittin on his shoulder with her legs crossed and holding her sword to his throat. [I'm so short :(] "Um......you a bit heavy." He said. Mitzo jumped down and continued to walk. Then she muttered something about being to tall.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2][FONT=Century Gothic]Kay watched as Mitzo walked away from Otto who was running his hand around his neck with a smug expression in his eyes. Darc squaked alittle bit as if saying "Keep your eye on him." He took a mental note of it but after awhile get his head of it to see Kitcho's raven look back and then back foward. "I'm guessing your raven is afraid of my falcon?" Kay asked. "uhhh ya" Kitcho answered. With alittle bit of a laugh in his tone he says " Theres little to fear for your raven, he only likes to eat snakes and..." He glances over at Mitzo and a grin grows as he says " And the occasional ermine." Otto looks at Kay and angrily say" Your lying, I'd like to see your little falcon try!" Otto then glances at Darc and notices the falcon is unnaturally large. Mitzo has been trying to contain her laughter but can't, she happily laughes " I guess you and Malcom have your own worries." Kay shrugs and calmly replies "Need a demonstration?" The color in Otto's face is bright red as he Says "no".
Kay looks at Mitzo and gives her a wink, then looking over at Kitcho says "See theres nothing to worry about, at least for you". Shotoken sharply says "we are wasting time we should go". The group starts walking toward the path Mitzo's mouse chose....

OCC: That was fun :D .[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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Nari smiled at the group and stroked her cat's head. "You know, Kaze, that red-haired guy is a cutie... but what's with the odd looks he gives me?"


"You may be right." She stepped over to Otto and held out a hand. "So why are you with these guys? What are you searching for in Numb?"

"I...I...I...I'm just with Mitzo, and maybe I can make some money from the gold we're going to get. What about you?"

"Eh, Kaze and I were looking for some adventure, and he thinks we found a bit of fun." She gave Otto a grin that nearly caused him to fall over. "C'mon, let's go! We'll have the time of our lives." She took his hand and half-pulled him to move further toward Mitzo's mouse, hissing something to Kaze, who looked a bit disappointed.
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[color=darkolivegreen][b][font=tahoma]Otto grinned with happiness when Nariko grabbed his hand.

[i]So what if she talks to cats? This is awesome![/i] He thought to himself. He looked over his shoulder to see Shotoken with a look of pure "what-the-hell?" plastered on his sorry ninja face. Otto just raised an eyebrown and turned back to face Nariko.

"So, missy, where do you come from? I'm from Tuanura, a big city out to the east. Big city, and a big family."[/color][/b][/font]
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