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More appropriate, dark banner..


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[color=indigo][i][size=1]No questions asked people..I want a dark banner. I'm not feeling my happy self right at the moment, and sadly probably won't be for a while now. So it is up to you all to help me seek some comfort with artwork. What do I mean about "dark"? Well...dark, of course. Something gothic, depressive, emotional. I'll let this be an open medium subject. Meaning, I'm not giving you all like a certain anime or subject. It's my style to have everyone submit their banners, and you all know what I say...I'll take the best of the best....and of course, my most famous saying..have at it.

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all i know about the character i used is that hes from an anime called X. here is a matching banner and avi the banner says let me die for i deserve not to live and the avi says live and let die what she shant forgive. i made a banner lik this one before but it looked kinda crappy so i re-did it and here it is. hope you like it.
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You had requested something dark? Unsettling is one thing I'm good at.


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[color=indigo][i][size=1]Oo..whoa, PT. That was more scary than dark. But interesting.

Kyo, I like the avatar, the wording I mean. So if you could put the wording from the avi into the banner and leave the avatar as the X character, that would be good.

Any more takers?[/color][/size][/i]
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[font=Arial][size=1][color=darkslateblue]I figured I'd try. It took me an hour or so just to find an interesting picture to use...but I hope you enjoy it.[/color][/size][/font]
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[color=indigo][i][size=1]Oh, I like. Thank you, Kyo. Now could you send me an avi of just the character? Just send it via PM. Thank you once again.

As for the rest of you artists, you will have your chance for me to use your works. Trust me, you can ask anyone who knows me here, I change my banners/avatars [b]alot[/b]...right Syk3? lol

So once again, thank you Kyo. The banner is awesome.[/color][/i][/size]
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[QUOTE=Kyokokeiji]oh is syk talking about my banner? isnt the limit 500x150 ? oh well if im over i can ersize it

anyway here is the avatar![/QUOTE][color=#30415d]The limit on OtakuBoards for banners is 500 x 100 pixels. :)[/color]
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