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~Kid Horizon~ [enjoy!]


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[COLOR=Blue][I]A Monday morning at Horizon Elementary...[/I]

Aaron stepped off the bus, bleary-eyed but with his nose in a book anyway, as usual. Mondays are the worst of the week... no one knows why, but they are. Everything seems to be going pretty good today though...

Spoke too soon. The local bully is at it again... of course, every school needs a bully. Aaron didn't notice as he walked straight into Tom... the bully. He looked up and figured he was a trouble now. Tom just looked down and seemed about to start a fight... and Tom was in fifth grade, witch was bad new for Aaron.

No other option... Aaron got an Atomic Fire-ball out of it's rapper in his pocket and threw the hot candy at Tom's feet. The AFB exploded on impact (about major fire-cracker size) and Aaron made a run for the school doors. The office was right next to the entrance, so Tom wouldn't dare start a fight there.

Safe... Aaron tried to brush the encounter aside and walked on to his class.[/COLOR]

OOC: go for it guys... and anyone who wants to be in another person's class can go ahead. The story should progress faster that way.
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Casey wandered into her classroom. Just as she thought, nothing was different than on friday. same old teacher, same warm-up, same cap that Aaron wore every day. He was reading again, just like always. She liked that even with his A.D.D., he could still stick with the same book until it was finished, wich usually didn't take very long. She always asked him what she should read, because the books he read [I]always[/I] seemed to be good. Casey smiled and went over to ask what the object of his obsession was this time.
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[b][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=teal]Tina sighed as she left the bus. Her backpack was heavy today with some art supplies. She looked around to make sure Tom wasn't around. She took her soccer ball out from her backpack just in case he came, and walked to the door. Soon she got to her classroom. Aaron, Casey, and some other kids were already there. She put her ball away and took out a piece of paper and started drawing for a little while. There was still ten minutes untill class started so she decided to go outside for a little bit.[/color][/size][/font][/b]
[b][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#008080][/color][/size][/font][/b]
[b][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#008080]She stretched out on the grass. She closed her eyes for a second, until she heard loud footsteps coming her way. "Hey there Mexican. Nice ball!" Said TOm as he picked up Tina's soccer ball. Tina got up and glared at him. "I'm not Mexican Tom! And that's my ball!" She said sternly. "Oh is it? I'm sorry for not clarfying this! Its mine now!" He said, towering over her. Tina pulled back, but then noticed he was wearing sandals that day. She grinned and pulled out a super sharp light blue pencil and thrust it at his toes. Direct hit. She grabbed the fallen soccer ball and her colored pencil and made a run for it. Just as she entered the classroom, the bell rang. She sat in her seat and sighed. [i]I hate Mondays...[/i] She thought as the teacher came into the room.[/color][/size][/font][/b]
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OOC: w00t! Two posts! lol...

IC: Aaron was still engrossed in his book, but something nagged at the back of his brain. [I]helloooo[/I].

"Hey Aaron, you in there?" He looked up startled. Casey stood in front of his desk, looking slightly annoyed.

"Sorry..." he said putting the book down.

"Don't be... what-cha reading now?" Casey asked, sitting down in an empty seat in front of Aaron's desk.

Aaron looked down at the book on his desk and said, "The Fall." It was the sequel to a book he had been shoving his nose into last week. Casey seemed saisfied with this and looked down at the cover. Seemed interesting enough.

"Cassidy, please sit in your own seat!" The teacher's voice came from the door. Everyone was instantly quiet and Casey hurried to her own seat. Aaron looked over from his own seat towards Casey. He got that weird feeling in the pit of his chest again... he wished at the same time that it would go away and stay there forever. Such strange things happening to him lately.
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[FONT=Arial][SIZE=2][COLOR=Orange]Dezerea slipped past the bully, and into the school. He soon spotted her, though, and she cursed under her breath. Tom towered over her. "If it isn't the little fairy girl." She sighed, and rolled her eyes. "Tom, I am not a fairy." TOm mimicked her. " 'Tom, I'm not a fairy.' Midget, then." Dez could feel a flush creeping up her cheeks. "I am not a midget!"

SHe started walking away when he grabbed the lunch bag hanging off her shoulder. "Hey!" He grabbed it from her, and was about to open it when she brought out her blue ruler, and brought down the side at his hand. He dropped the bag, howling in pain. "Its just a bruise. You'll get over it." SHe picked up her stuff, and went into her classroom. She stashed her stuff in her desk, and slung her bag over her chair.

SHe was seated right in front of Aaron, and turned around. "Hi!" She said. They new each other since second grade, when Dezerea had first moved there. "ANother book? Oh! Thats the sequil, isn't it?" Aaron nodded, without looking up. Dezerea turned back, and brushed her pink-red hair out of her eyes. She got out her notebook, and startedon DOL.

OOC: DOL is Dailor ORal Language. ^^ I had it way back in second garde, too.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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Casey sat down to start the D.O.L. She looked up at hte board and scrunched up her nose. Today they were doing verbs and adverbs, wich she could never distinguish from each other. She sighed and wrote down number one and felt a sharp pain on the back of her head. Oh, no not again. Kevin had just pulled the scrunchie that held her long french braid together out of her hair. As she turned around to tell him to give it back, the teacher said in an irritated tone, "Cassidy Spring, see me after class."
If Mrs. T. ever said that, it usually wasn't going to be good.
As she turned back around, she happened to glance at Aaron, who seemed to be staring at her. She tried to make it seem like she hadn't noticed, but a warmness in her cheeks told her she was blushing. How flattering.
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Natsu stepped up the stairs being late for class.......again.As she opend the door the principal was there."What a pleasn't suprise Natsu ! " exclaimes teh principal."Um......my dog ranaway and i had to chase it through the.........city ! yea thats right i had to chase i through the city !".Unfortunaly the principal didn't belive it.Natsu walked out of the office with a pink slip wich she slided into her pocket.

"I wonder were Aaron is.."she fliped her short blue hair and headed into the gym were they were doing volleyball this week.Natsu is tha captain of teh schools volleyball team.When it was time for a break she wanderd the halls for Aaron.She saw a girl blushin then Aaron staring at Casey.She stood in the hallway watching the both of them."A.........girl liking Aaron..........but.........."
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Casey saw Natsu and waved. She ran over and exclaimed, "Natsu, how did I know you would be late again? Get your snack and book out for silent reading time."
Natsu just glared at her.
"What did I do? Why are you mad at me? Please talk to me! I didn't mean to do.... whatever I did!" Casey, being kind of emotional, started getting tears in her eyes. Oh great. Now Aaron would see her crying and think she was a baby. She was about to run and get her book to hide behind until the tears stopped, but just then someone put their hand on her shoulder. expecting to see Aaron, she wiped her eyes and turned around. She was not expecting to have to look up to see who was behind her.
"are you okay?" Jimmy C. asked. She blushed and nodded. "Yes, I'm fine."
She liked Jimmy C. more than she liked anyone else. She was glad people thought she liked Aaron, who she only liked as a friend, so no one would suspect who she really liked. Natsu had seen everything that had just happened, but even if Natsu was mad at her, she wouldn't tell anyone.

Casey wondered why Natsu suddenly was nice to her again after that.
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OOC: well, I guess this is officially revived ^^

IC: Aaron, as usual, was almost oblivious to it all, drawing random lines that eventualy formed something along the lines of... God only knows what. ((lol, sounds like me)) Unfortunately, this was on the edge of his DOL paper. Again, his mind snapped suddenly, and he began working silently on the DOL.

It seemed that Deserae, sitting in front of him, was just finishing. Meanwhile, the teacher just noticed that Casey had gotten up and quickly made sure she was sitting again, doing the same for Jimmy and Natsu. Aaron eventualy finished and looked up from his DOL/doodle paper.

OOC: alright, not very exciting at the moment, but we might be able to get it going again...
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[FONT=Arial][SIZE=2][COLOR=Orange]Dezerea hummed as she slipped ehr finished morning assignment into her binder. It was a new one her sister had gotten her, and was black. She had silver gel pen doodles all over it, and her name. She got out her book, Mercedes Lackey, Magcs Promise. She loved the Valdimar series, and Vanyel was awsome.

SHe read it with awsome speed, and set it down to get out her snack. She had gotten a chocolate chip granola bar, and some chips. SHe munched on them as her eyes whirred across the pages. She was still humming.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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OOC:Change my name to Nikki

Nikki sat in back of Aaron,she was considerd the wiz kid.She wonderd why Casey blushed everytime Jimmy C talked to her.When the bell rang she got up and went next to Casey and walked out,like they always do."So you like Jimmy?"

Casey blushed "Maybe....".Nikki started luaghing and everyone looked at her.They enterd the cafeteria.Nikki ate a sandwich and oresos,with Coke.The usual.Casey and Nikki talked whil the boys made corny jokes.Nikki put a straw in the Coke and sipped it.
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"You won't tell anyone, will you?" asked Casey.
"No! of course not. Just as long as you don't start liking Aaron," Nikki replied.
"Oooo, looks like someone got jealous earlier!"
Nikki blushed.
Casey decided to change the subject by talking about how creepy she thought Brad was.
".......What a creep! He looks like he should be at least 40! His hair is gray, his eybrows are gone, and he's taller than even Jimmy C! He might be able to trick someone into giving him a driver's license!"
The crowd of people at their table grew as girls came to join the gossip-fest.
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"Like oh my gosh Jimmy C is looking at me !" squealed Casey.
"Calm down,you act like its the happiest day of your life yo-AARON LOOKING MY WAY!"
Everyone started saying boys were looking there way.Aaron started for Nikki.Aaron said " Hey Nikki,next is gym wanna walk with me there?"The girls motined Nikki to go."Um..Ok"

Nikki walked with Aaron to the gym were some other students were already doing warmups.She looked at the ropes."Oh great"
Aaron was already half way up the rope and Nikki started to climb the other one.She feel onto the mat and started saying " Ow,ow,ow,ow,ow"
The kids huddled over her.And "OH MY GOSH"
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Aaron wasn't entirely sure why he had asked Nikki to walk with him... then again, he had been very confused lately. She was... he couldn't think of a word... cute. "Hey Aaron! Come down already!" The gym teacher called up to him.

Aaron suddenly realized he was at the top, and began slidng down slowly. He saw Nikki there, and felt a little, well, guilty. He would have to get his head straight, or someone was going to notice he was off track more than usual.

He walked over to Nikki and they both walked off the mat below the ropes so the next two people could start to climb. They sat down and both blushed a little.
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Nikki sat there next to Aaron."So.........."
"Whos the girl that likes you now?"She started to pushes a ball back in forth."Casey?"
She was kind of curious in her voice."Ever sisnce we got into this grade you cated all friendly toward other girls"
"You never hung out with me anymore"

Shelooked down and Aaron said " There is a girl,but i don't think she likes me"
"Oh thats too bad"
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[FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Aaron put his face in his palms and sunk a little. "See?" he said, too quiet for Nikki to hear.

"What did you say?" She said, very slightly annoyed.

"Nothing..." Aaron said, picking his face back up and moving out of the way of the next climbers. At this point, he assumed his life would be going down hill for a long time. Even if he did tell 'someone' he liked her, all she would do is...

Aaron didn't want to think about that.[/COLOR][/FONT]
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Nikki sat there and didn't move a bit."There you go Nikki you blew it.........i hope your proud of yourself"

Nikki walked out of the gym and out the school to a yard and under a tree wich was on a hill.She sat under it and saw a small hole."Hey.......the friend hole"she put her hand in it and drew a couple of pics of other kids and comes to Nikki and Aaron.

She took a deep breath and took the picture and walked back into the classroom.It was empty she placed the pic of Aaron in a frame.She sat there looking at it.
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[FONT=System][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Aaron walked slowly back to class, at the back of the line. Nothing ever went right... when he was little, they thought it was a phase, when he was a little older, they thought he was just a 'challenged' kid. Now they blamed it on ADD.

Aaron wasn't one to question a doctor's opinion, so he silently cursed ADD.

Aaron heard footsteps behind him and turned to see Nikki catchign up with the line, trying to hide something behind her back. Aaron was naturally curious, but decided it would be better to forget it.[/COLOR][/FONT]
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Nikki saw Aaron.She walked up to him and said "Aaron we need to talk,school is almost over well talk under the friend tree"

After a few minutes the bell rang.She ran over to the friend tree and Aaron was already there."Aaron,we both have something to say,and what a nice place to say it at,the frist place we met"Nikki seemed serious,that wasn't normal.

Aaron sat down next to her.Nikki pulled out to apples and tossed one to Aaron."Ill let you go first........and i think i know what your going to say"she bit into the apple chewing slowly.
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Aaron looked down a little, thuroughly embarressed. Maybe... just maybe things wouldn't turn out so bad.

"I... " he started, not sure how to say this, "I... kinda like you... Nikki..." he looked back up at her face, hoping he wasn't sounding as stupid to her as he was to himself. He rubbed the back of his neck and waited... hoping for the best.
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"Thats what.......i was going to tell you....."She kinda smiled.She knocked the apple out of Aarons hand.She luaghed as Aaron chased her.The whole liking thing turned out alright.Wich made them both happy once more.

"Hey,Aaron wanna come over my house ? "She asked "I got a new video game,its really cool,you actually get speak to other players!"
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Suddenly, everything seemed alright to Aaron, and he agreed to go. He supposed things might turn out alright for him after all. "Alright, come on!" Nikki motioned for Aaron to follow her.

They arrived at her house a little while later, and they both dropped their back-packs near the door. "C'mon, over here!"

OOC: man, these posts are getting short... let's try and get them a little longer.
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Nikki ran up the stairs and put on what looked like a mic.She told Aaron to sit and grab a controller."It takes a minute to load,while your at it read the manual"and threw the manual at him.

Aaron scanned the manual just in time is was at the team selection screen."Ok now you have to choose a team and itll luanch us to the online world".They smashed the buttons widly as they played for hours.It was time for bed,today was Monday.Nikki led Aaron up to the guest room."You'll sleep here....like always,heres your toothbrush"she gave him his toothbrush and trotted up to her room.

OOC:Ok,will do
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