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Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


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[i]Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind[/i] is perhaps one of the best movies I have seen in a while (granted, I do not get out much). For those who may not have heard of it yet, it stars Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet, with other co-stars Elijah Wood and Kirsten Dunst. Hearingthat Jim Carrey is in the film is misleading to think that this movie is strictly comedy, it is more drama than anything. It is, however, one of Carrey's best performances I have seen him do.

Carrey, our usual "funny-man," is now slapped into a role that is supposed to be dull and very reserved. On the other hand, his opposite, Winslet, is the compulsive and assertive characters, marked by her changing hair color and overall style. Both pull off their performances very well, surprising for this kind of 180-degree turn in their character stereotypes.

The plotline is rather original (as far as I know). To sum up the basic plotline, Carrey tries to get over Winslet breaking up with him by going to a medical center that has the unique practice of actually erasing people's specific memories. From that one sentence, the story seems rather weak, and almost trite, but I assure you, there is a lot more to it than that. The conflict occurs when Carrey realizes he does not want to forget Winslet's character, and begins to try and resist the operation which he cannot wake up from. So, a lot of the movie takes places in Carrey's head.

The cinematography is under par, although it only seems to add to the movie at times ampifying how confusing everything is for the characters (as well as the audience. For about the first third of the movie, the audience is more or less left wondering what the hell is going on. There are a lot of bizarre instances, and intentionally left out scenes that leave no explanation to what they are currently seeing, but as it rolls on it progressively begins to make more and more sense as all the loose ends tie together. All the special effects used in the movie are well-done, especially being able to tell that this movie was on a tight budget.

After it was all said and done, I was left very satisfied. That could be, perhaps, because a lot of the ideas put forth and things said in the movie struck home with me, so I felt I could very much get in touch with what was going on. In any case, I do reccomend people go see this, I would gladly go see it again and again.[/size]
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[quote name='PiroMunkie][size=1']The cinematography is under par . . . All the special effects used in the movie are well-done, especially being able to tell that this movie was on a tight budget.[/size][/quote]

Actually, I think the cinematography is intended to look plain; if nothing else, it lends the film a more realistic atmosphere. As you mentioned, Eternal Sunshine's special effects are suitably impressive, so I find it hard to believe that it was adversely affected by a lack of adequate funds. Artistic choice may play into the equation... the slick, "glossy" cinematography seen in recent action flicks would not have suited this movie's characters or story.

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[quote name='Dagger IX1']Actually, I think the cinematography is intended to look plain ... the slick, "glossy" cinematography seen in recent action flicks would not have suited this movie's characters or story.[/quote][size=1]That is what I was trying to get at. An average person may view it as "low quality," so I went from the view "it may seem that way, [i]but[/i] ..."

As for the funding situation, I am simply going of the basis that I have never even heard of any of the companies listed in the credits, and I was left wondering if the movie was an independent film or not. While I can say that it obviously is not something out of "Joe's" back yard, it hardly seems comparable to the average movie today in terms of what kind of money it would have took to make it. It's all relative, as they say.[/size]
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*nods* Yes, that makes sense.

I was totally blown away by the acting in this film. Jim Carrey, Kirsten Dunst and Kate Winslet are not the kind of people who I would have expected to [i]become[/i] their characters so completely. In fact, after watching it I had a hard time understanding why Carrey's fame stems mainly from stupid, crass and occasionally funny films. Despite its poignancy and serious themes, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind made me laugh far more often than, say, Ace Ventura. Perhaps it's just hard for him to avoid being typecast.

I'll admit I'm not very good at predicting plot twists, but the part when [spoiler]Dunst's character discovers that her memory had already been erased[/spoiler] really shocked me. The scenes related to that revelation stuck with me long after I exited the theater.

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[color=blue][size=1]Sorry if I'm interrupting you two, but I, also, wanted to comment on this movie.

At first, I wanted to see this film only for the fact that Jim Carrey was in it. I had seen the commercials and had been told by others that it was a very serious film. I doubted this soley(sp?) based on my experience with other Carrey movies. Since all my other friends had either seen it and didn't really want to see it again (though I don't know why), or hadn't seen it and didn't want to, I was taken by my dad.

It was very... awkward going with my dad. Most of the time, especially during the parts in Joel's mind, he was confused. He didn't understand some *cough* most *cough* of the movie, which really disappointed me. I, on the other hand, actually understood what was going on, even when things weren't fully explained yet. I think what was most confusing was the way the movie jumped from the characters' present and the characters' past.

And yes Dagger, I, too, was surprised during that particular twist.

All in all, a great movie. A step up for Jim (who rarely escapes his character stereotype), and a film that most people (those over 10) can enjoy.[/color][/size]
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i just saw this movie today with a bunch of friends and i loved it, one of the best movies i've seen in a long long time. it seems like most everything being made by Focus Features these days turns out to be an excellent flick (i.e. Lost in Translation, 21 Grams, Eterernal Sunshine, etc) anywho, i highly reccomend this show to anyone and everyone. :D
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[quote name='Dagger IX1]I'll admit I'm not very good at predicting plot twists, but the part when [spoiler]Dunst's character discovers that her memory had already been erased[/spoiler'] really shocked me. The scenes related to that revelation stuck with me long after I exited the theater.[/quote][size=1]I cannot say that twist "shocked" me at all, but it was a definite plus to the story. As soon as they started laying down hints about that certain event, I pretty much put enough pieces together. It was not something I nailed on her character from the start, though, so I found that very admirable.

I also agree about the improved humor exhibited in the film, namely by Carrey. While I shall not say that his movies like Ace Ventura are not funny, the humor used in Eternal Sunshine was more subtle and almost subjective to the audience. For example, at the beginning of the movie he said [spoiler]"Sand is over-rated. It's just a bunch of little rocks,"[/spoiler] (not really a spoiler, but whatever) that nearly made me laugh out loud, lol.

When looking back on Carrey's other films that I have seen, I have always enjoyed his less comical ones, such as [i]The Cable Guy[/i]. His character was still comic relief, but it was hardly a comparison to Ace. His character was simply darker in that film.

But, definitely, overall, this is a step up for those actors/actresses like Winslet and Dunst who never had much to show for themselves.[/size]
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