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Guest ScirosDarkblade

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Guest ScirosDarkblade
Yes this is meant to be the dumbest thread on the planet.

Well, not everyone is a Republican, Democrat, Christian, English-speaker, etc. etc. blah blah blah. But EVERYONE loves ninjas. Everyone and their grandma loves ninjas. But everybody has different tastes, and I'm sure that this extends to ninjas.

So, then, who do you think is the COOLEST ninja? Now, pretend ninjas like "ninjis" from Super Mario Bros 2 don't count. I want the real deal. And I want to know WHY he is so cool.

Well, my favorite ninja is Snake Eyes. Yes, I think Ryu Hayabusa is killer and the TNMTs are sweet too, as is Joe Armstrong from the American Ninjas films, but Snake Eyes is just the paragon. Not only is he a martial-arts master, but he can handle a gun better than anyone else out there. He never says a word, but you know that secretly he wants to kill you and everyone you've ever met. There was this comic where Scarlett was killed and Snake Eyes was so pissed he just went into the Cobra HQ and killed everybody. That's right, he killed everybody. He is so badass. Plus he has the coolest name ever; Solid Snake [i]wishes[/i] he had a name that cool.

Not to mention that Snake Eyes can have the coolest game made about him. It would be Goldeneye mixed with Ninja Gaiden. Oh man that just makes me drool thinking about it.

In writing your reply, don't forget all the ninjas out there to choose from. Besides the ones I've already mentioned, there's:
3 Ninjas, Surf Ninjas, the ninja from Revenge of the Ninja or Enter the Ninja or Ninja III: The Domination (some of the worst films ever), the Mortal Kombat ninjas, Jago from Killer Instinct, that loser Shinobi, the Tenchu bastard, Hayate from DOA3 (really Ein), Ayane from DOA/Ninja Gaiden (yes girls can be ninjas too), the ninja from The Last Samurai who was trying to press Algren's head onto a sword on the ground (what an asshole!), the I-Ninja! ninja, and plenty of others.
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Ryu Hayabusa was quite the badass in the early Ninja Gaiden games. His father too. I still love that opening duel scene in the original NES game.

I hated Surf Ninjas. It was better than Three Ninjas though. What an awful series that was. Horrible movies always seem to give birth to sequels. Meanwhile, I'm still waiting for another addition to the Evil Dead series. Meh.

This is a lot harder than I expected. There's so many cool Japanese fighters, warriors and whatever else that I love... but none are really ninja.

I'm going to have to go with Goemon. He's that guy with spiky blue hair and a red suit from the Mystical Ninja games.

Why? I don't know. I've always loved the Goemon games, particularly the really weird N64 version. He seems almost like the anti-Ninja. He doesn't wear clothes I usually figure ninjas wear, he is kind of short, he's pudgy and he gets in really stupid situations. I've never seem him try to be stealthy either

Second place would probably be Ryu lol. He's a more traditional example.
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Anyways, My favorite is Taki from Soul Calibur. Taki, because she has the usual "If I tell you, I'll have to kill you" look that all ninjas should have. It's not very often you see such skilled or...errr...robust (I think that's the word I'm looking for...) ninjas in fighting games. I've been playing as her 2nd to most of the time in Soul Calibur because of her mad speed and cause of her funny unusual weapon [Spoiler]Tabacoo Pipes.[/Spoiler] Though I use Misturugi more but...anyways...yeah...Taki, my favorite ninja...next to the god of ninjas, Shinobi!
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Hands-down, Ninja Fu Hiya from Kung Fu Chaos, which is a fantastic game.

He's along the same lines as Goemon, only more violent. I think he's one of the more badass ninjas I've seen. He gives no mercy and slices enemy foot soldiers to pieces, even though he's a cartoon. Yep, that's right. Ninja Turtles have got nothing on him, because they're bound by Splinter's guidance, wisdom, and honor. Ninja Fu Hiya, on the other hand, is a take-no-prisoners kind of ninja, the kind of ninja who is willing to kill other actors so he can take the lead role for himself. Ninja Fu Hiya is the Bruce Lee of videogames, the Ryu Hayabusa of cartoons.

Plus, he dresses up in a pink bunny suit! How's that for a sense of humor?
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Rikimaru from Tenchu (he was in all of them). He uses a sword, but his parter, Ayame (also very cool) uses throw knives. I also think Rikimaru is cool because he wears a mask and relies on his speed. strengh, and silence to finish the assassination job. Although I think the game is very hard, when you play it, it's like you are the ninja. It gets your adrenaline pumping. When you play Rikimaru, you do more missions and have to fight close range, unless you use your ninja stars, but you only get a limited amount of them. But still, Rikimaru is the God of all ninjas. You control the quickest, stealthiest, deadlliest ninja around when you play Tenchu.
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Assuming we can choose from anime and manga as well as video games, I'd pick Haku (Naruto). When one can intimidate enemies while wielding acupuncture needles as weapons, it's generally agreed that one is quite 'cool'. And wielding said acupuncture needles with precision enough to send one's mentor/lover/soulmate/sugar daddy (whatever Zabuza is) into a state deathlike enough to fool other ninjas without causing him permanent damage is certainly remarkable, especially when one can do that and still get up early the next morning to charm the enemy (and a great deal of the readers, I'd wager) into some serious questioning of their sexuality. Yes, though he eventually died a dramatic and utterly pointless death for the sake of his eyebrowless koibito, Haku is still my favourite (and therefore the coolest) ninja, by far.
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Guest Kouji_Minomoto
My favourite ninja is Kakashi from Naruto. Apart from being a great fighter he has some cool techniques, such as: Fanged Vengence were loads of dogs come from out of the ground and attack the opponent and of course, the sharingan (Mirror-wheel eye), which allows him to reflect and mimic enemy Ninjitsu. They're just the tecniques I can remember. He's an elite ninja, so he was assigned to train Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura. He's funny too and I think it's realy funny that his favourite books are the Make-Out Paradise series.
So Kakashi gets my vote for the coolest Ninja!
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my all time fave ninja without a doubt is Kakashi from naruto. he packs in comedy and skill into one package. plus his techniques are awesome. imagine, if you will, taking a book out of your pocket, whipping the snot of some loudmouth ninja in training, while still reading said book. Then battling a "Demon" and almost killing him with an eye that can reflect and mimic his magic. coool!

I also like Ryu from ninja gaiden. but i also like the guy from shinobi (what was his name?). the three ninjas were cool somewhat. i like Kage from virtua fighter. his moves are awesome and he is on a mission. he wont hesistate to kill anyone else eitha.

well there is my list for ninjas.

matrix walker. out.
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[size=1]I don't watch much anime. I don't watch many movies. I've played video games for probably twelve hours of my life, tops.

So...I don't have many things to choose from in my choice as coolest ninja.

But I would have to say that my [b]Little Plastic Ninjas?[/b] are very cool. Perhaps even [i]exceedingly[/i] cool.

They're small. They're sneaky. They have awesome little plastic weapons. They come in a variety of colors! Best of all, they're cheap--25¢ each! Check your local grocery stores!

Orange Crouching Ninja #1 is shown actual size. [/size]
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Guest ScirosDarkblade
Rock on!!! I have 22 of those lil' guys in a ziploc bag somewhere. They're awesome; I remember bringing them to school for a physics presentation (it was on kinematics; I brought miniature catapults and ballistas and shot balls at the ninjas while making trajectory calculations). Though none of mine are translucent; they're solid color.

But I must say that those are some of the coolest ninjas. Definitely.
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Guest gendou ikari
I think that the coolest ninja, is ninja (a.k.a Grey Fox) . From Metal Gear Solid.
But if its medieval ninjas you want,then heres a few of my favorite ninjas,Ryu Hayabusa(Ninja Gaiden),Master Kakashi(Naruto), and of course, my personal favorite ninja,Zabuza(Naruto). So...Thats about it for the ninjas , eh? :D
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