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Sakura Con.....you going?


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My friend told me about this con. The Sukura con is in the seattle area at the airport.

They are going to have a wide range of guests. Fred Gallagher, the artist of MegaTokyo, the creators of Penny Arcade, several voice actors of popular anime, Japanese singer, Hiro, a few anime artists, and Hiroki Kikuta, the composer for many Final Fantasy games are some of the guests coming to this con.

It is on April 23 to April 25, and it is going to be a lot of fun. So, is anyone going to the con? If you are, are you going to cosplay?
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I will be going to Sakura-con! I went last year for the first time and had fun. It would have been more fun but many of the panelist from Japan canceled because of the SARS stuff going on. Bummer.

Sakura-con is held at the Hilton and Marriot near SeaTac Airport. They have put a attendance cap this year of 4500 so if you are thinking of going and haven't registered yet, get there early since pre-registration is already closed. More information can be found at[URL=http://www.sakuracon.org/index.php] the Sakura-con website.[/URL]

As for cosplaying for the con, I am dressing as Mitsuko from Kikaider. I have always thought the best cosplayers are ones that look most like the characters to begin with. I have the same haircut at Mitsuko and I am Japanese...I am pretty much her! LOL

If anyone else is going, I'll see you there!! :D
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[color=sienna]Oh man, I would love to go there. I heard it was very good con. I have never been to one, never, since I am from Puerto Rico, I guess that the cost will be high. And then again, I'm planning on going to Otakon 2004, so it should be interesting.

About cosplaying, it all depends. Right now, I feel like cosplaying, I'll see when the time comes ~_^. But it'd sure be a lot of fun![/color]
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Nah, I'm poor and I live in Toronto so the best I can do is a Toronto Convention ^^

I'll be going to AnimeNorth though. And I'll be cosplaying there. :) If anyone else is going, I'll see you there.


post script. Maybe one day... I'd like to go to a biggggg convention.
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[font=Georgia][color=blue]I can understand video game things happening out west, but why are all the big anime conventions over there as well? It's such a bummer. I hear that Tycho and Gabe from PA will be attending the convention yet again, so that'd probably be the highlight of the convention if I went.[/color][/font]
[font=Georgia][color=#0000ff]To those of you who are going: what are you looking forward to the most? Is there a particular reason you are going, or just want to enjoy the convention in it's entirety? There's got to be one thing that outweighs all the other events for you.[/color][/font]
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[quote name='AzureWolf']To those of you who are going: what are you looking forward to the most? Is there a particular reason you are going, or just want to enjoy the convention in it's entirety? There's got to be one thing that outweighs all the other events for you.[/quote]

What I am looking forward to the most is being surrounded by other anime fans who understand the fandom. In my hometown there isn't a big anime fandom. I am sure everyone here understands that most people just don't get it. They think anime is just "cartoons for kids" and that is it. I love going to cons since I get to around others with the same love and appreciation of the art form. I also love being able to meet people I have met online and finally get to put a face to the screen name! The people I guess would have to be my number one reason. The panels and everything else is just the cherry on top!

[quote name='AzureWolf']I can understand video game things happening out west, but why are all the big anime conventions over there as well? [/quote]

I can answer part of this one. The cost. One company, Harmony Gold (they made Robotech back in the 80's), only does California based anime/comic cons because that is where the company is based from. They don't have to spend the money on airfare, hotels and the like. Many of the employees can drive home every night after Anime Expo instead of getting hotel rooms. This includes many of the voice actors aswell. Voice actress Rebecca Forestadt (Metropolis, Robotech and A.D. Police to name a few) lives in California and just drives to AX for that day. In a business sense it is much more cost effective to stay close to your base of operation.

In addition, flying in panelist from Japan is more cost effective on the West coast. This is something I am making an assumtion on since my dad works for Japan Airline's flight training operation based in Washington state. It is just cheaper to fly from the West Coast to Japan than anywhere else in the country which is why they chose to base the training facility here in Washington state.

I am going to Anime Expo again in Anaheim, California again this year. I can't wait! Anime Expo is 4th of July weekend is definately an excellent con to go to. I highly recommend it to everyone. If you OD on anime you can go across the street from the convention and go to Disneyland! :p

If anyone is going to AX, I'll see you there!
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