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astrological signs


What do star signs determine?  

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  1. 1. What do star signs determine?

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I am currently obsessed with my star sign, wich some observant people may have noticed, because I went on a web site that talks about star signs, and the description totally fits me. Therefore, I now believe that the time of year someone is born does affect their personality. Another reason I believe this is because I have a friend who is also a taurus and we are so much alike it's not even funny.

I need other people's input. Do you think that astrological signs really can tell our personality and future? Why or why not? Does yours describe you?
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I've noticed. You have your sign's description in a bright red color, and in a big font no less.

I don't belive what my horoscopes say, or what the description of cancer says. When it says that I am good at nuturing people...well, that description fits a vast majority of the earth's population. They don't necessarily have to be a cancer.

Another thing. I feel that horoscopes are not true, and a waste of money and time. Sure, I admit to reading my horoscope a couple a times. I tell you what. Every single horoscope for cancer I read was false. I don't think that stars can predict your future. They can't exactly say when you are going to get a boyfriend, they can't tell you when you are going to die or how. They are just words on paper that psychics write down.

Sorry if I have offended you. I just know this from experience, and this is what I believe.
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Short Summary
Pisceans are extremely psychic and can amaze people with their uncanny ability to predict things. They are usually gifted in anything creative from designing to music. They are also very clever when they want to be. They have the most stunning eyes and that's the first thing that attracts the opposite sex. They are probably the first ones to start a rumour and could find it a bit tough to keep a secret. They are everyone's friend so can be a touch easily led because fish have no backbones. In other words they can't say 'no'. Pisceans like quiet places and beautiful surroundings and probably wouldn't thank you for giving them a surprise party.

Long Summary
This idealistic, dreamy, kind and impractical sign needs a lot of understanding. They have a fractured personality that has so many sides and so many moods that they probably don't even understand themselves. Nobody is more kind, thoughtful and caring but they have a tendency to drift away from people and responsibilities. When the going gets rough, they get going!

Being creative, clever and resourceful, these people can achieve a great deal and really reach the top but few of them do. Some Pisceans have a self-destruct button which they press before reaching their goal. Others do achieve success and the motivating force behind this essentially spiritual and mystical sign is often money. Many Pisceans feel insecure, most suffer some experience of poverty at some time in their early lives and they grow into adulthood determined that they will never feel that kind of uncertainty again.

Pisceans are at home in any kind of creative or caring career. Many can be found in teaching, nursing and the arts. Some find life hard and are often unhappy; many have to make tremendous sacrifices on behalf of others. This may be a pattern that repeats itself from childhood, where the message is that the Piscean's needs always come last.

These people can be stubborn, awkward, selfish and quite nasty when a friendship or relationship goes sour. This is because, despite their basically kind and gentle personality, there is a side which needs to be in charge of any relationship. Pisceans make extremely faithful partners as long as the romance doesn't evaporate and their partners treat them well. Problems occur if they are mistreated or rejected, if they become bored or restless of if their alcohol intake climbs over the danger level. The Piscean lover is a sexual fantasist, so in this sphere of life, anything can happen.

Ruling planet is: Neptune

THats my sign. I am very... creative in music,a nd I am stubborn. It says a lot about me, though I think I am a Libra/Pices cross, because some of Libra description is also good on me. ABout the surprise party: Never give me one, you may give me a heart attack. (I scare easily).
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Guest Midnight Rush
Err... well... sorry to burst your bubble but star signs/horoscopes have about 0% basis in fact. I read 1 horoscope for Leo (which is me) and it said: this month you will have financial boon" or somesuch nonsense. Guess what? 3 stocks of my 10 stock portfolio lost over 80% value and I was over 1000 dollars in the hole (or grandpa was cause he bought most of them ^_^ )! What a load of crap that horoscope was.... I completely second Japan_86's thoughts down to the dam letter.
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I do not believe that your star sign will tell people what their personalities are like or what your future will be. I think if you look at all the descriptions of what traits a particular star sign has it is pretty broad and could apply to most people. I do like reading the horoscopes and seeing what matches up with people I know, but I don't make life decisions by it. I just use it as a form of entertainment.

Now on to the fun stuff!

I am a Capricorn (the goat) and here are some of the stats for Caps!

Practical and prudent
Ambitious and disciplined
Patient and careful
Humorous and reserved
Pessimistic and fatalistic
Miserly and grudging

Likes: Reliability, Professionalism, Knowing what you discuss, Firm Foundations, Purpose

Dislikes: Wild Schemes, Fantasies, Go-nowhere jobs, Ignominy, Ridicule

Ruling Planet: Saturn

Starstone: Black Onyx

I think I fit some of those stats, but not all. Like I stated at the begining of my post, many of the descriptions are so broad that they could fit anyone. For instance, under the dislikes is "Ridicule". Who LIKES to be ridiculed? I am pretty sure that one would be a dislike for many star signs! :rolleyes:

All and all, I see it as just a bit of entertainment and not much more than that. :)
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[size=1]Horoscopes are so incredibly general--aspects of them fit every person on the planet.

I believe I'm an Aries. What that's supposed to say about me...well, I haven't a clue. Nor do I really care. Again, like Panda said, they're very broad.

As for similarities between friends of the same sign--I'm honestly more like Miss Ginnylyn (Leo) than another friend who's an Aries. So I certainly don't see that evidenced in my life, either. In your case, I'd have to say that you're friends because you're very alike, regardless of star sign. ^_~

I'm going to leave this open for now, with a reminder that foreverinfinity is asking for opinions, not a copy-and-paste party. [/size]
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[quote name='Undefeated']Err... well... sorry to burst your bubble but star signs/horoscopes have about 0% basis in fact. I read 1 horoscope for Leo (which is me) and it said: this month you will have financial boon" or somesuch nonsense. Guess what? 3 stocks of my 10 stock portfolio lost over 80% value and I was over 1000 dollars in the hole (or grandpa was cause he bought most of them ^_^ )! What a load of crap that horoscope was.... I completely second Japan_86's thoughts down to the dam letter.[/quote]

He was talking about astrology, not horoscopes. I don't trust them, eather, but I do think the astrology part fits me pretty well. Pices(the fishes) are supposed to be creative, intuitive, and emapthitetic. I am all three. ^^ OUr down sides are stubborn, indecisive, and often hurte asily. My dad has the same birthdya as me, and he is a Pices. Im babbling...
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One thing I forgot to say @ the beginning, I don't believe in the horoscope stuff, But I really believe in the personality thing because all my friends, and I do mean [U]All[/U], have personalities that are almost parallel to what their star sign says they should be like. And to all of you who don't have the same opinions, I'm not offended. Why would I make this thread asking for opinions if I was looking for everyone to agree with me? That would be kind of...... yah.
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[font=Tahoma][size=2][color=sienna][size=2]I don't know, really. I like to look at my horoscope sometimes for amusement (it isn't right very much). For the signs, I've found that although descriptions are vague, they're usually true.[/size][/color][/size]

[size=2][color=#a0522d]So I guess I'm undecided. I don't really care that much. Horoscopes and signs are fun things to look at when I'm bored.[/color][/size][/font]
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[COLOR=DarkRed]Well, perhaps you'd like to enlighten the ignorant ones (such as myself) as to the difference between astrology and horoscopes. After all they're based on the stars and a persons' birthday. Then neatly placing people into little catergories for other people to judge whether or not they will get along.

Just because I'm scorpio to some magazines and libra to others does that mean I have a split personality?? Librans are supposedly balanced and peace loving yet scorpions are meant to be hot in more than one way. That really doesn't make sense at all.

I personally believe in psychology. Although I must admit it's very amusing to see some people fret over their signs. [/COLOR] :rolleyes:
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I find it pretty amazing to read my starsign in the newspaper every now and then, and find that it's telling me what I was pretty much expecting to happen. Every time I've read my starsign it's been damn close to the real thing. I just can't see how starsigns can be so close, but mean nothing.
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Astrology is a lot more complicated than just sun-signs, which is what people usually determine it by. However, if you actually read into astology, sun signs are how you project yourself to the world or something like that. In addition to sun signs, there are moon signs (inner self), Mercury signs (intelligence, how you learn, etc.), Venus signs, and a whole lot of other stuff. In addition, there's also people who are "on the cusp", which means they were born as the sign was changing. It also mean that they'll show traits of both signs.

Check out some books for more presice info, I'm just remembering this off the top of my head.

>Pisces Sun, Taurus Moon on the cusp of Gemini
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Horoscopes are not accurate at all. Basing your life on them would be a terrible thing to do, not to mention that you would end up living a very, weird, boring life. "You're going to meet some sexy special someone!" "Miss Leo, you'd better unlock your heart and give a big [I]roar[/I] for love!" Teen magazines; blah.

But astrology is just interesting. One shouldn't base their lives on this, either, or how they percieve others, but it can be useful. I use it to create characters in my stories; pick out a birthday and see what fits--then I can use astrology as a guidelines for fleshing out a character. It's fun, and it makes things easier.

And yes, DerelictDestiny; you're probably same as me. A Libra-Scorpio! We make for fun . . . . If you want to know specifically what you are, you need to get actually specific--go to a day-by-day analysis and see what day you're born on. Cusp people have a mixture of traits from both signs. So you're a super-special combination of Libra and Scorpio . . . stellar!

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[color=hotpink][size=1]I find astrology fun. It's not something that I believe in, but it is something that's very entertaining. I myself am I a Taurus and I find myself having some of the traits that are typical to Taureans. My mother also possesses these traits. Now, is this because she's also a Taurus or because I have just inherited lots of aspects of her personality?

One thing I do like about astrology is that Taurus/Pisces pairings are supposed to be wonderful. And well, I can most definiately vouch for that. ^_^[/color][/size]
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[QUOTE=oshi]Horoscopes are not accurate at all. Basing your life on them would be a terrible thing to do, not to mention that you would end up living a very, weird, boring life. "You're going to meet some sexy special someone!" "Miss Leo, you'd better unlock your heart and give a big [I]roar[/I] for love!" Teen magazines; blah.

But astrology is just interesting. One shouldn't base their lives on this, either, or how they percieve others, but it can be useful. I use it to create characters in my stories; pick out a birthday and see what fits--then I can use astrology as a guidelines for fleshing out a character. It's fun, and it makes things easier.

And yes, DerelictDestiny; you're probably same as me. A Libra-Scorpio! We make for fun . . . . If you want to know specifically what you are, you need to get actually specific--go to a day-by-day analysis and see what day you're born on. Cusp people have a mixture of traits from both signs. So you're a super-special combination of Libra and Scorpio . . . stellar!


Yeah. I don't trust magazines. There is a difference, DerelictDestiny, between horoscopes and astrology. Horoscopes are supposed to tell you whats gonna happen. Astrology just describes you and how others like you think... somethin like that.

Well, I'm a Pices-Aquarius, though I think I should have Libra somewhere... but I don't no where on my chart.

QA: I can't vouch for Taurus/Pices pairings. I met a pretty fine Aries, but I haven't ever really known a Taurus... Birthdays anyone? It will be easier for you to find out... gah, I'm babbling. ^^
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Star signs, well I'm a virgo, and i have to say, from what i read i find my self been very much like a virgo, I'm not a big fan of star signs, but i do like astrology, and i do believe, as long as you use validated sources, and don't trust just one magazine, but look around, and collabarate your results, and then you should get a good picture of your star sign, but remeber, not to let them to control you, they are fun though, and through this thread i think I'm gonna check mine more often :)
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[quote name='callmegoddess04'] Yeah. I don't trust magazines. There is a difference, DerelictDestiny, between horoscopes and astrology. Horoscopes are supposed to tell you whats gonna happen. Astrology just describes you and how others like you think... somethin like that. [/quote]

[COLOR=DarkRed]Thank you for answering my question. In that case. How charming, slotting people into different personality/mentality catergories based on their birthdays...

So therefore once you run into a new someone, learn their birthday you would've instantly developed a judgement of their character based on that...?

Still very charming. Reminds me of Tom Cruise who thinks astrology(?) is the way to go and psychology is nothing but psycho-babble. :laugh:

23 October 1987. I'm easily amused during the holidays :p . I'm curious to know what astrology has to say about me. It'd be nice to know a bit more about astrology.

Honestly though, I still believe psychology all the way. :smirk: [/COLOR]
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Guest Yume Oni
[SIZE=1]Personally, I think horoscopes tell a bit about people, but I don't rely on them.
For instance, they do fit certain peoples personalities, I'm a leo.
I'm very bold, I'm a leader type, I'm creative when I want to be.
But It says I wouldn't be good with Scorpios, I can't be friends with them. My best friend is a scorpio. He is awesome.
My horoscope tells me that, but for some people it isn't true.
For instance, my friend Allison is a Capricorn.
Capricorns aren't supposed to like jokes, are very serious, would make good workers.
My friend Allison is a total goof, she laughs at everything, and hates to work.
For some people, some things are true.
My friend Nikki is a cancer.
Shes caring, a wee bit psychic, makes a great friend, etc.
But she isn't shy.
She's way too bold to be a complete cancer.

So I think, some of the generalizations are true, but some aren't.
And personally, daily horoscopes LIE.[/SIZE]
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To be honest I dont' think that the time of year you were born has anything at all to do with your personality. I'm a libra but I display very few of its traits, and most people I know don't fit the description either. Of course I'm also a borderline scorpio (born on the last day of libra 10-22), so that could be it. They say that people on the line like that tend to be a bit muddled. Anyway I see now logical explanation as to why what stars I was born under should affect my personality. :wigout:
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Well, since your on the 23rd, your bordering Scorpio, but are in Libra. ^^ I'd be interested to find what Rhiannon's birthday is.

[quote]Librans are emotionally impulsive and just love being in love. In fact they can get quite depressed if they feel unwanted. They're also known as 'Lazy Libran' because they don't like to make decisions. They're just happy to go with the flow. They're fantastically beautiful. People will do anything for them. They're affectionate and sympathetic and intensely interested in people. They love entertaining and lots of good food, which means they're forever dieting. They're also the world's biggest spenders.[/quote]

Tell me if thats nothing like you. ^^ Hehhehe... Thats the short summary. I can put up the url...

[url=http://www.kellystarsigns.com/]Kelly's Star Signs[clicka!][/url]

Just put your cursor on the different things until you find one that your birthday falls between. They have short summaries and long summaries. ^^
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Okay right now I'm just staring open mouthed...seriously. Except for the moping about love thing...that's me. Wow, I swear to you though, I've never seen one before that described me. My birthday is October 22 by the way. I'm totally floored here.
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Of course not all of the generalizations are true. None are, about anything. Just because you're a girl doesn't mean you like pink, that sort of thing. The anomalies between what your astrological sign says you are and how you think you are can be explained by the complexity of the practice: to get a totally specific, on-the-nose description of yourself would mean to go way in-depth. You'd need to analyze your date of birth, year of birth, moment of birth, and the positions of all the planets at this time in order to do this. The deeper you dig, the further they go.

And psychology rocks. Try combining components of it with astrology; it'll give you thousands of different venues to try: why do I always have trouble making decision? Because I'm afraid that people won't like what I decide . . . and it's amplified by my Libraness. Why do I keep little things like what color my socks are as secrets? Because I don't like having my privacy invaded due to having nosy siblings . . . and I'm a secretive, possessive Scorpio. Why do I always daydream about my growing foot fetish? Because . . . well, you'll have to answer that one on your own, but I'd say it's because you're a Pisces. :)

It's fun to know things about other people. If you know about astrology, you can get a feel for the outlines of someone's personality as you get to know them. Do not, however, assume that simply because they are one sign, they will act a certain way. It's all just structured, old-fashioned fun. (Sort of.)
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I'm pastoral (meaning I generally find myself more concerned for others than myself), I'm an introvert (meaning I need time on my own every so often to survive and tend to think things through over a longer time and on my own), and I absolutely hate being pro-active about anything (but I find that I have to do it and have been getting better at it).

But that's nothing to do with my star sign.

My housemate Jude was born a few days before me (actually, two years and a few days. Quite a difference) and is the exact same star sign. However, our personalities are almost exact polar opposites. I have more of a carer-type personality, he has more of a pioneer type. I'm generally not all that self confident and tend to beat myself up- he's overly confident and tends to fall into pride. Both our strengths and weaknesses lie in exact opposite areas- and thus we absolutely drive each other up the wall.

If that's not proof enough that Astrology doesn't work as a blanket, univesal rule, then I don't know what is (Seeing as our two personalities can't possibly both be covered unless the guys who write this stuff write general statements where some of it can apply to everyone)
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Well, I wad doing some research, and this came up:

Apparently there are different personalities for the years, too. Myabe the reason you two are different is because your years are different. ^^ I was born 1991, as a goat, and my personalities are very close. Destiny's, though, are kinda... different. Rabbit(delicate), and Libra(non-delicate) if you see what I mean.

You know, I think they made this stuff because they knew we were gonna come up with this eventually. ::nods sagley:: j/k. I think they made it because a majority of people born on the same dates all acted alike, or something. But of course, people change.

I also think its like the superstition thing: It works if you believe in it.
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[font=Verdana][color=deepskyblue]I don't read or believe horoscopes, but what I've read about my star sign - Pisces - seems to apply to me. Eh... IDK.... All I know is if I read horoscopes, I wouldn't go about my day any differently just cuz it said that I'll have a bad day, or whatnot.[/color][/font]
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