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WWE: Judgement Day


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I'm expecting a Booker T vs Undertaker or Undertaker vs Mordekai

If you don't know Mordecai, you haven't watched SmackDown! Before the show was resumed, there was a commercial about him. About sinners and other stuff. I think it's another "Holy D-Von" bit.

Eddie will probably win. Because, well, Eddie got speed and decent strength against Layfield. Also, I think Bradshaw wouldn't keep up as a WWE champ, as he got FOX news on him and pretty much other things to take care of.
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I think there will be a Cena vs Depree (sp) for the us title . I also wouldent be suprised if the WWE threw in Rico and Hass in a tag team match. Eddie should stay as champion I say that because I fell the Bradshaw dose not deservie the title. Bradshaw is missing something that would give him credibility as a champion. Side note there should be a WWE thread for Smackdow and Raw.
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I've never ordered a SmackDown! brand pay per view and that's not going to change with Judgement Day. After paying fifty dollars for Wrestlemania XX, I simply don't feel like handing my money over to the WWE and cable company for nothing.

The main even push of John Bradshaw Layfield is the worse headlining program since Hardcore Holly's angle with Brock Lesnar (although, to be fair, Bradshaw isn't nearly as terrible as Holly). Pushing a mid carder out of the blue without really establishing him just doesn't cut the mustard. Especially when it's because he chased a bunch of Mexicans away from the border. What racist tripe.

If the situation were to be switched and Bradshaw was wrestling Undertaker whilst Booker T was wrestling Guerro, I would probably be inclined to at least consider ordering.

The other matches don't fare so well either. Why would I want to see The Undertaker squash Booker T? Or Dupree vs. Cena when I'm not completely convinced he can put on a quality singles match?

No thanks, I'll sit this one out.
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My friend who is a whiz at predicting matches for Wrestling has come up with the following match predictions.

Chavo Guerro vs Rey Mysterio for the Cruiserweight title.

Cena vs Dupree like how you guys have predicted.

Fatal four way tag match for the WWE tag team championship.

Undertaker vs Booker T.

Hopefully his predictions are correct and you think it is likely.
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[quote name='Daermon_Nashabe']Hopefully his predictions are correct and you think it is likely.[/quote]
The cruiserweight prediction isn't likely. WWE has been billing Nunzio as the number one contender for the cruiserweight title. Unless the match takes place on a regular broadcast of SmackDown! and a program between Rey and Chavo is rushed together, I don't see it happening.
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I agree with charles because i remember the last time they pushed bradshaw and it didnt work and giving him a lame new gimmick isnt going to work. And didnt it remind every one when bradshaw offered that kid 1000 dolars. God that reminded me of Ted Dibaise. Dude the writers need to get some new stories and stop try to revive old 80s gimmicks. :mad: And also i have to say beniot with the championship is good. Alyhought he only has 3 facial expressions he is one hell of a worker and one of the best alive to day. And aleast cripple H dont have that strap to appease his ego any more but i heard that he is going to shot a film.So maybe beniot's regien is just a caretaker regien. And also some one said about a wwe forum that is a fantastic idea :D :D :D
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[QUOTE=Charles] Or Dupree vs. Cena when I'm not completely convinced he can put on a quality singles match?

[COLOR=INDIGO]That will be the only worthwhile match on the Smackdown! Judgement Day card. Dupree has all the makings of becoming a great heal, people love to hate him and he is pretty good on the mic. I didn't think much of his wrestling skill until I saw him wrestle a dark match in Cleveland. He can take a mean bump and is pretty sound on the mat. He and Cena are pretty evenly matched in strength and in ring ability so the makings for a good match are there.

The rest of the card stinks, actually Smackdown! stinks, period. The only plus of watching Smackdown! is that Rico gets some air time. Judgement Day is not going to be worthwhile. Gurrero vs. Bradshaw, nah. Bradshaw was too likeable as a midcard face to turn into a first rate heel. If they wanted to turn him appropriatly, Smackdown! should have started a feud between himself and the Deadman, after all, Bradshaw was an Acolyte. He doesn't have the ability to shine in a match against Gurrerro. Also, neither of the contenders are good enough mic men to handle promoting a headlining match. Eddie is a phenomenal wrestler but he is very average on the mic.

Booker T vs. Taker is a joke. I really think that Booker T has been the most misused wrestler in the WWE. He was a five time heavyweight champ in the WCW and he hasn't even held one major since the brand merge. Booker is great on the mic, can play heel and face, and is an incredible athlete. Obviously it is a fantastic idea to put him in a squash match against Taker even though they have no reason to feud.

Anyway, there is no way I would purchase this event. Right now the WWE needs to quit dragging its feet and improve because the brand quality has gone straight down the toilet.[/color]
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In my personal opion i think judgement day will be *#?!. I mean eddie vs jbl no way this match is goin to be a harcore holly vs brock lesner borerothon. That match was terrible. Any way rene vs cena will be a killer match. Both of them have great athletic ablities and are both great workers. That match will be a classic. Booker T vs Taker could be good but knowing wwe they will proable have taker run down booker lwith out breaking a sweat. The wwe have wasted booker cause he is more than capable to hold the wwe championship. But since the match at wrestlemania were he thought triple h and was destroyed by him he has been taken as seriously as the liberal democrats since :rolleyes:. Eveything the wwe does to a dying smackdown it just put another nail it its coffin. The wwe needs to wake up and look at the other wrestling copanies such as the nwa, Ring of Honer and stuff happing in japan. That stuff is so good and alot more better than the wwe. The worst thing wwe ever did was creating the brands. If i was vince i would fire the writing staff. Abolish the brands, stop the rock making terrible films and bring more new blood. I also should bring back the hardcore title and put it on smackdown. But on secound thought smackdown is a family show so it would proable have to guys hit another guy with a chair. Harcore title matches was some of my fav and stand out in my mind. Thats better to get that out of my system :laugh:
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