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Samurai Warriors

G/S/B Master

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The hyped Samurai Warriors made from the company the brought you the Dynasty Series! It starts in Feudal Japan and Samurais battles it out to unify the country! Ok I'm going to cut to the chase...

Samurai Warriors is an expansion version of both DW3 and DW4. The expansion is castle traps, and sniping missions XD.

I'm going to get the game as quickly as I can grab it.

Don't you think that the characters of SW are copies of DW? I mean, Oda Nobunaga, the badass of SW, looks almost EXACTLY like Cao Cao. The difference is the capes. Oda looks like a vampire, Cao looks normal XD.

Oh yes, one more thing, YOU CANNOT ESCAPE FROM LU BU IN ANY KOEI GAMES!!!!!!!!!

[url]http://sengoku67.fc2web.com/w2/c/hidden_characters.html[/url] . This is a real screen shot of SW. Lu Bu is in this game is the final boss of Infinity Castle. Hopefully, he's under a different name XD.
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Im definatly getting this, I hear you can list up alot of edit characters on there too. Hopefully its far better than DW..


lol hes not even supposed to be alive in Samurai warriors or in Japan &
isn't it 600 yrs after DW??
Ive only beat him in a 1 on 1 duel, once...
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Guest gendou ikari
Yes, Lu Bu is definatley in a number of Koei games, and I found him to be extremely hard, I've beaten him...2 times? But I just wanted to know, does Samurai Wariors, feature a create an officer mode? I found that to be quite enjoyable. and will the swords be Katanas and tanto's, instead of chinese broadswords and daggers? I would appreciate it if you answered this post. Thank you for your time, comrades and Dzey Jenn.
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Heres the characters...

[URL=http://www.koei.com/SamuraiWarriors/character/character_pop01.htm]Sanada Yukimara[/URL]
[URL=http://www.koei.com/SamuraiWarriors/character/character_pop02.htm]Akechi Mitsuhide[/URL]
[URL=http://www.koei.com/SamuraiWarriors/character/character_pop03.htm]Maeda Keiji[/URL]
[URL=http://www.koei.com/SamuraiWarriors/character/character_pop04.htm]Hattori Hanzou[/URL]
[URL=http://www.koei.com/SamuraiWarriors/character/character_pop06.htm]Shingen Takeda[/URL]
[URL=http://www.koei.com/SamuraiWarriors/character/character_pop07.htm]Kenshin Uesugi[/URL]
[URL=http://www.koei.com/SamuraiWarriors/character/character_pop09.htm]Saika Magoichi[/URL]
[URL=http://www.koei.com/SamuraiWarriors/character/character_pop10.htm]Mori Ranmaru[/URL]
[URL=http://www.koei.com/SamuraiWarriors/character/character_pop12.htm]Date Masemune[/URL]
[URL=http://www.koei.com/SamuraiWarriors/character/character_pop13.htm]Ishikawa Goemon[/URL]
[URL=http://www.koei.com/SamuraiWarriors/character/character_pop15.htm]Oda Nobunaga[/URL]

Check out Oda's WICKED blade!

You can wield a katana, fling deadly shuriken, use kunai, kuzarigama (sickle and chain) and other lethal weapons. You can use CAW to make warriors.
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Guest gendou ikari
wait,wait ,wait is oba a secret character? I mean that sword is like... like...Evil, man! He's like a frickin vampire!
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I think Oda is a normal character. He's a leader of his own army.

Nobunaga certainly took on the traits of his model, Cao Cao. He has the attribute (balanced anyone?), the looks, and certainly the vast power of his army and his own self.

Samurai Warriors is coming in about 11 days! I'm so psyched!

Characters of my liking: Sanada Yukimara (the main character), Hattori Hanzou (the ninja), and of course, the genious great "Demon King", Oda Nobunaga.
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Guest gendou ikari
Could I create a robed warrior yknow... like kenshin... :laugh: If not can I make a shogunate ( armored samurai)
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[QUOTE=G/S/B Master]Heres the characters...

[URL=http://www.koei.com/SamuraiWarriors/character/character_pop01.htm]Sanada Yukimara[/URL]
[URL=http://www.koei.com/SamuraiWarriors/character/character_pop02.htm]Akechi Mitsuhide[/URL]
[URL=http://www.koei.com/SamuraiWarriors/character/character_pop03.htm]Maeda Keiji[/URL]
[URL=http://www.koei.com/SamuraiWarriors/character/character_pop04.htm]Hattori Hanzou[/URL]
[URL=http://www.koei.com/SamuraiWarriors/character/character_pop06.htm]Shingen Takeda[/URL]
[URL=http://www.koei.com/SamuraiWarriors/character/character_pop07.htm]Kenshin Uesugi[/URL]
[URL=http://www.koei.com/SamuraiWarriors/character/character_pop09.htm]Saika Magoichi[/URL]
[URL=http://www.koei.com/SamuraiWarriors/character/character_pop10.htm]Mori Ranmaru[/URL]
[URL=http://www.koei.com/SamuraiWarriors/character/character_pop12.htm]Date Masemune[/URL]
[URL=http://www.koei.com/SamuraiWarriors/character/character_pop13.htm]Ishikawa Goemon[/URL]
[URL=http://www.koei.com/SamuraiWarriors/character/character_pop15.htm]Oda Nobunaga[/URL]

Check out Oda's WICKED blade!

You can wield a katana, fling deadly shuriken, use kunai, kuzarigama (sickle and chain) and other lethal weapons. You can use CAW to make warriors.[/QUOTE]

[size=1]Wasn't Oda Nobunaga in Onimusha II? He looks strangely familiar..

The wierd thing about this game is, it's called [u]Samurai[/u] Warriors, and yet nobody has a Katana as their default weapon..[/size]
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Oda Nobunaga is actually the main villian in the Onimusha series, and quite possibly the most famous warlord in Japanese history.

There have been many versions of him in different games and I think even a few anime series.

As for the game, I saw an ad for it a couple of months ago and thought it was a neat idea, making a samurai version of DW.
I just hope they add a few inovations.
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  • 3 weeks later...
I've rented the gmae and I was a little dissappointed.

THe graphics was good. Same controls as DW, but it didn't tell the story as much as DW. Which is pretty confusing. It only tell out 2 [B]SHORT[/B] paragraph and battle it went. Koei did a really bad job with Samurai Warriors. The good thing is, the enemy's AI is better. THe bad thing is, it's too HARD for a n00b to play. Now, in field battles I can handle them, since it's easier to roam around. In castle sieges/battles however isanother story.

Castle Battles: This is the worst and I do mean worst thing Koei can make. Partly becase you are the only one FIGHTING in the castle, no officers in there except you and the enemy. Which is a bit one sided. The AI in here far suppasses any. They're sooooo smart at targetting you and attacking you! I had the whole army of Oda Nobunaga in one room that I had been seaching around for 30 seconds.

The other reason I hate the castle battle is because the traps are so repetitive. And they do SOOOO much damage to you. Sure, you can dodge those traps. But try dodging them every .10 SECONDS!!!!!! Traps are everywhere, and Oda's castle traps are the worst ones. Like he has his own version of the Spiked Pit traps. THe ground lowers when youstep on the trap square, then a blade swings at you that should've cutted you in half but no, it cuts your HP in half in Chaos Mode (the mode thats harder then Hard mode).

Though the good part is that 1 of the battles you don't have to win. And if you don't win, the game is a bit easier. It's usually in the 2nd and 3rd battle it branches out....

Koei should've taken their time with the game. It's so rushed into the battle. I enjoyed DW because it told the storyline. I dunno whats the setting that the game tells. Hell, I don't even know if it even took place in Japan! Also to make more movies for the player to know whats happening.

If you like games that has an "All Action, no talk" method. THis si the game for you. Otherwise, you might not like it.

BTW, Oda has to be unlocked by eating the game as 3 of his officers. Thats A LOT! Considering to beat a game, you'll take hours to do.
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[QUOTE=Lan][size=1]Wasn't Oda Nobunaga in Onimusha II? He looks strangely familiar..

The wierd thing about this game is, it's called [u]Samurai[/u] Warriors, and yet nobody has a Katana as their default weapon..[/size][/QUOTE]
*pops up out of no where with a raised finger*

Actually, the katana was just one of the weapon samurai used and for some it didn't symbolize anything other than samurai statues. Many samurai were skilled in the art of archery, or Kyudo, and the naginata (curved spear), or naginatado. They also were taught to use shuriken (yes, samurai used them too) and other weapons. Sooo...

And I do plan on buying this game. Dynasty Warriors is by far one of the funnest games I've ever played. Theres nothing more satisfying than taking out an entire army single handedly. Boy, now add blood and this game would be rated M for Blood, Gore, and Genocide! But its really looking cool and I look forward to playing as Hattori Hanzou and Date Masemune.[/color][/size]
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I bought the game a few days ago. I really like it so far, but then again, I never played any of the Dynasty Warriors games, so I don't have anything to compare it to.

My favorite character is Hattori Hanzo (also my favorite historical Japanese figure, and Samurai Shodown character lol). I really like the designs of the characters.

I will probably be busy playing it for quite awhile. There is so much stuff to unlock (getting the level 5 weapons will surely take me awhile).

It can be frustrating at times (such as the inside levels and some of the missions), but overall, I enjoy it.
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LOL, good luck for Hattori Hanzou. He's really tough to be as. SInce the lack of defense (and power of Himiko's Rune. OMG, the highest I got is 5 while other people's are 59!)

Keiji Maeda is my FAVORITE character in the game. He's the Lu Bu of Samurai Warriors. Well Lu Bu is in the game (since I beaten him so easily with Keiji :)). He's my favorite because he easily has the highest base attack and my Keiji is virtually invincible. THe onyl thing that can stop him is enemy arrows. Which I can easily parry or dodge.

Getting Sanada Yukimara's final weapon is SOOO EXTREMELY AGGRAVATING!!!!! Killing 1000 men in the first level is too hard to do. Heck, in Betrayal of Hounnouji, with Sanada, I only killed 533 soldiers and thats the place with the most soldiers in THE WHOLE GAME!!!!!

So I resorted to cheating (chating as in exploiting a glitch. No gamesharks or Action Replays). ANd I got Yukimara's final weapon. And it was worth it too ^_^.

If anyones going to beat the game with 2 players, the best team ability int he game is rally. Rally is important for both 1 and 2 players. As the effect is "INcrease the morale of the ally you're fighting with". If you and the 2nd player is fighting everywhere, the nearest general gets a morale boost and some, everyone's morale bar will be maxed and your opponent's will have an almost, if not, empty morale bar.

It's a very good ability to have.
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I actually find Hanzo to be a pretty easy character to play as. I already have him at Level 20 with maxed out stats (and his speed, jump, and agility are second only to Kunoichi). His other stats are average, but not horrible.

I also have Date Masamune, Uesugi Kenshin, and Saika Magoichi at Level 20 with maxed out stats.

I haven't gotten any of the Level 5 weapons though. I'm going to try and get Kenshin's and Hanzo's first though.

By the way, what is your favorite ending? I like Hattori Hanzo's movie ending (the "good" ending) and Saika Magoichi's movie ending.
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