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Silent Hill (2005)

Guest ScirosDarkblade

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Guest ScirosDarkblade
Holy moly! I just read that Christophe Gans is directing this! Now, I think this is based on the video game series, so that's a bad thing. But Gans is the guy who directed Brotherhood of the Wolf, so I am ever so excited about this! BotW is one of my favorite films, with its great visual directing, flawless scene transitions, a complex yet coherent plot, and extrememly memorable characters. Gans also makes sure that nothing happens in his films for no reason. Everything ties together. I'm very curious to see what Gans can make out of Silent Hill.
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[quote]this is based on the video game series, so that's a bad thing.[/quote]

What do you mean a bad thing?! The Silent Hill video games are a freakin legacy! Only to be carried on by the scariest, most warped minds of our century! Have you ever played them? I hope so...

Anyway, didn't know they were making a Silent Hill movie... must-see-for-evil-zombie-hordes.... heh heh.
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Guest ScirosDarkblade
While the Silent Hill games may be fun to play, they are by no means movie material. It takes a lot for a game to be "movie material" without forcing the screenwriter to come up with a completely original script and only loosely base it on the game's premise. There are VERY FEW games than can make the transition to the big screen without being heavily changed. That's why every time someone wants to make a movie based off a game, it's a bad thing. Because not only does it do nothing but restrict the screenwriter somewhat, but it also means that a game franchise could be completely dishonored.

If they made a Legend of Zelda film, it would have to be AWESOME because that's what people should expect of something that cool. But I'm sure it wouldn't be awesome, and all that would happen is we'd get a substandard fantasy flick that features Link.

There are no great movies based on games yet. Resident Evil, Tomb Raider, Mario Bros., Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter. House of the Dead (is that out yet?). These aren't exactly masterpieces. That's why I'm upset Gans is using his talent to bring a game to the big screen. But I'd rather have him do it than anyone else.
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Um...what do you mean Resident Evil wasn't a master piece? That movie was awsome and did you see the Licker? That scene was taken directly from the game.
It was taken from Resident Evil 2 not "Code Veronica" or any of the more recent games that's why it was different. Also, the scene with the tanks where the licker was held only had about 12 tanks in it so they had to use cardboard cut outs for the rest and it still looked amazing.

If you're wondering where I'm getting this info from I own the Resident Evil DVD and I listened to the director and actor/actress comentary.

I agree that [B]most[/B] movies based on games pretty much suck. You hit the nail on the head with Tomb Raider, Mortal Combat and House of the Dead but Resident Evil should [B]never[/B] be put in a catagory anywhere near those rejects.

Lets just hope that the Final Fantasy Advant Children movie lives up to the FF series...some how I doubt it will though...
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Guest ScirosDarkblade
Well, I was generalizing, and I still think that RE wasn't that great a film. Certainly if Christophe Gans directed it would've been [even] better. I'm sure of it. But whatever, it's just my opinion. In any case, I think that having a decent director make a movie based on a game (if it turns out well, and only then) might start a "video game movie" craze, kinda like what we have going with superhero films now that Bryan Singer has shown us what one can do with a comic book franchise. At this point most video game franchises are just bouncing around different film studios, and very little is getting done.
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[color=#707875]It seems to me that the biggest problem is actually capturing the essence of what the game is about, in terms of plot/atmosphere.

I mean, the Resident Evil was a pretty poor attempt to reproduce the games on screen, in my view. The movie was [i]okay [/i]-- and I'm being generous in saying even that. But it [i]could [/i]have been so much more, had the movie's creators really tried to do something true to the games.

In regard to Silent Hill...obviously, the sheer atmosphere alone would make a gorgeous (and potentially very frightening) movie. However, it's not going to work without a decent plot and script (as well as a director who understands the games and what makes 'em work).

Silent Hill does have one big advantage over other game franchises though; there's quite a lot of material to draw on, in terms of plot. And both the first and second games took a really unique spin on the Silent Hill concept, while still keeping things "in the family" in terms of style and execution.

So...like all video game-based movies, I'm cautious. Hopefully the creators will do the games justice and hopefully they'll consult heavily with the directors of the actual game series (which is really critical if one wants to do it properly).[/color]
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i agree that making flicks based off games is risky, but who doesn't? The same goes for comics as well.

I am curious to see what he can come up with sounds like he might do a good job.
It's not like basing movies off popular franchises will ever die out. Eventually directors will get better at it.

Don't forget Fatal Frame: Crimson Butterfly is going to be directed by Stephen Spielberg. Blood Rayne has also its rights bought.....though by the same director as house of the dead....

So in short, can't wait.
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