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Kimi ga Nozomu Eien


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I was really excited about watching Kimi ga Nozomu Eien, because most of the romantic anime I've seen (such as Gravitation and RahXephon) aren't just straightforward love stories. Although I enjoy those types of shows, I was interested in seeing something less complicated and more emotional. In retrospect, maybe I should have looked for a shoujo-y anime instead. :(

I thought the first three episodes were exciting and dramatic, with beautiful animation and a decently likeable cast. But as the series progressed, I found it increasingly difficult to watch. Previously sympathetic characters--most notably Mitsuki and Takayuki--became painfully weak-willed and annoying. For some reason, I had eventually had trouble identifying with anyone at all.

It didn't really help that the comedic scenes were more shrill and grating than entertaining. Halfway through the show, I realized that watching it had started to feel like a chore, and decided I would go spend some quality time with Hunter x Hunter instead.

If you've seen this, would you advise me to give it a second look? If not, what romantic dramas/comedies would you recommend instead (without going too far off-topic, of course ;))? So far no shounen romance anime have appealed to me very much, which makes me think that I'm either seeing all the wrong stuff or that I need to find some good shoujo.

Anyway, I'm sad that I'm having trouble recognizing the positive aspects of Kimi ga Nozomu Eien. The descriptions and reviews I've read make it sound fantastic. It'd be nice if I were totally misinterpreting the point of the series, but that seems unlikely (unless the viewer is [I]supposed[/I] to hate every single character). :/

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  • 5 months later...
[QUOTE=Dagger IX1]
I thought the first three episodes were exciting and dramatic, with beautiful animation and a decently likeable cast. But as the series progressed, I found it increasingly difficult to watch. Previously sympathetic characters--most notably Mitsuki and Takayuki--became painfully weak-willed and annoying. For some reason, I had eventually had trouble identifying with anyone at all. [/QUOTE]

I just finished the series, and i completely agree with that. i thought the first few episodes were stellar. but then the series just kinda starts to drag on, and you just start feeling sorry for everyone and it doesnt go anywhere. the ending was incredibly disappointing too.

i would say if you're looking for some other romantic/comedy type anime along the same lines as this one (but not as dull as Kimi ga Nozomu), i would highly recommend Ai Yori Aoshi. i thought that series was superb from beginning to end with excellent characters and the perfect mix of drama and comedy.
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[SIZE=-3]Well I've only seen at least 4 or 5 episodes of the series. But it looks pretty decent, but the characters seem extremely depressed at times for no reason at all. Considering I was trying to follow as much of the story as I could, I got lost [i]somewhere[/i] apparently.

I too would like to know if the series is worth finishing out, because lost as I am...I am really getting annoyed at scratching my head for a half hour. Heh, I don't have an OST for this show yet. I'm not too interested in getting it.

How long is the series anyways? I heard around like 20 episodes, give or take one.[/SIZE]
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the series is 14 episodes long. i would say if you've already watched the several episodes you might as well finish it, its not horrible but its not great either. several things are left unexplained and the ending just leaves you saying "why the hell did he do that?!" but all in all i'd say its worth watching if you have an interest in finding out what happens.
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  • 4 years later...
I like the story, i have watched from the first to the second season. I say that i like how it ends, maybe sad at first, but learned to accept it. It is a very nice show for me, and it made me realize a lot of things going on in our lives, and we can relate some moments, that happen the say, the decisions we may choose, the life we want to live.

I like it, even though i am not into these genre of anime
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I rather enjoyed it, although the angst was think at times and I felt like slapping several characters upside the head.

Since most of my stuff is action/scifi/fantasy/horror/etc, it made a nice change to something more down-to-earth and dramatic, and about as close to soap opera as I ever get.
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